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Special Education Preschool. Services. WAC 392-172-030.
Special Education Preschool Services
WAC 392-172-030 Student’s rights to special education programs. (1) Each school district or other public agency shall provide every special education student between the age of three and twenty-one years, a free appropriate public education program, including special education for students who have been suspended or expelled from school. The right to special education for eligible students commences on their third birthday with an individualized education program (IEP) in effect by that date. If an eligible student’s third birthday occurs during the summer, the student’s individualized education program team shall determine the date when services under the individualized education program will begin.
Areas of developmental delay….. • Cognitive development: Comprehending, remembering, and making sense out of one’s experience. Cognitive ability is the ability to think and is often thought of in terms of intelligence; • Communication development: The ability to effectively use or understand age-appropriate language, including vocabulary, grammar, and speech sounds; • Physical development: Fine and/or gross motor skills requiring precise, coordinated, use of small muscles and/or motor skills used for body control such as standing, walking, balance, and climbing; • Social or emotional development: The ability to develop and maintain functional interpersonal relationships and to exhibit age appropriate social and emotional behaviors; and • Adaptive development: The ability to develop and exhibit age appropriate self-help skills, including independent feeding, toileting, personal hygiene and dressing skills.
Qualifying… As used in this chapter, the term “developmentally delayed, three to six years” shall mean those children between three and six years of age who demonstrate a delay on a standardized norm referenced test, with a test-retest or split-half reliability of .80 that is at least: (a) Two standard deviations below the mean in one or more of the five developmental areas defined in WAC 392-172-116 or; (b) One and one-half standard deviations below the mean in two or more of the five developmental areas defined in WAC 392-172-116
Least Restrictive Environment Home Instruction Self-Contained ECEAP Slot Therapy Only
Sites……… West Side: Broadway ~ 2 Sessions Opportunity ~ 2 Sessions Summit ~ 1 Session East Side: Progress ~ 2 Sessions District Programs: Project AIM McDonald ~ 2 Sessions Hearing Program University Elem. Speech Only: Adams or Neighborhood School Home Instruction: In the student’s home
Staff • 5.25 FTE Teachers • 2.5 FTE SLP • 1.0 FTE OT • 1.0 FTE Psychologist • .75 FTE PT • 1 ½ days/week PTA • ½ day/week LPN • 7 EA’s • 1 ½ Interpreters • In class Model COTA Also, Psych Interns, Bus Assistants, Child Find Assessment Team, and Elementary Specialists.