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Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype. Problem: Proliferation of Narrowly-Focused Standards, Policies, Legislation, Registries, Portals, etc. Adoption Uneven Across Federal Government Departments & Agencies. Reaction TO vs. Setting Requirements FOR IT Standards.

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Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

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  1. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype Problem: • Proliferation of Narrowly-Focused Standards, Policies, Legislation, Registries, Portals, etc. • Adoption Uneven Across Federal Government Departments & Agencies. • Reaction TO vs. Setting Requirements FOR IT Standards. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  2. XML & XML-based StandardsOffer Solution, but No Panacea • XML Salvages Legacy Databases, Applications, Crosses Platforms, but … • XML Schema Standard is Complex. • Inconsistent Validation Remains. • Work-arounds for Toolsets cause Backward Compatibility Issues when Standards are Refined and Toolsets Improved. • Lack of Best Practices & Risks of Duplicate Terms in Vocabularies Possible. • Still, Improvement Continues. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  3. Needs Drive Rush for Domain-Specific Standards • Similar Concerns Breed Similar Standards. • Overlap & ‘Scope Creep’ Inevitable. • Specialization Standards Can be Separate from the Generalized Standards in the Same Domain, such as Optometry in Healthcare. • Key Terms can have many Standards, such as ‘Person.’ Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  4. Government Cross Department, Cross Agency Effort Small, Voluntary but Growing. • Presidential Management Agenda for ‘Citizen-Centric Government’ Emphasizes Importance of E-Government, Continues Second Decade of IT Efficiency Effort. • Transition Underway from ‘Early Adoption’ to ‘Leadership’ in Open Standards Adoption Post Y2K. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  5. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • Government Performance & Results Act-1993. • Requires Strategic Plan with Periodic Reviews. • Requires ‘Outcome-Related’ Goals & Objectives. • Government Paperwork Reduction Act-1995. • Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in OMB Reviews ALL Governmental Agency Information Collection. • Requires ONLY Information Collection ‘Necessary for Proper & Practical Utility for Agency.’ Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  6. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • Clinger-Cohen Act-1995. • Information Technology Management Reform Act Repeals 1949 Brooks Act Section 111-- GSA No Longer Responsible for Government-Wide Automated Data Processing Purchasing. • Requires Agencies to use Capital Planning & Investment Control Policies (GPIC). • Government Paperwork Elimination Act-1998. • Allows ‘Electronic Information Submission & Transmission’ in Government Agency Interactions. • Agencies Allowed Electronic Records Maintenance. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  7. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) • Clinger-Cohen-Based FEA Framework Formed-1999-CIO Council (CIOC), Program Management Office (FEAPMO)-2002 under OMB, Returning to CIOC. • Zachman-Based, Promotes Interoperabilty, Sharing Common Federal Processes, Information. • Aids Capital Planning & Investment Control Policies (CPIC). • Common Federal Reference Models Provided-2002 • Performance Reference Model (PRM) • Business Reference Model (BRM) • Service Component Reference Model (SRM) • Data Reference Model (DRM) • Technical Reference Model (TRM) Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  8. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • OMB Circular A-11 Part 7 - 2002 • Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets for Reaching Strategic Results-Based Goals at Lowest Life-Cycle Cost and Least Risk. • Section 300 Requires: • CPIC & FEA-Based Documentation of Business Case Justification for IT Investments. • Performance Measurements. • Using FEA Reference Models in Relation to Specific Lines of Business (Implied. Not Explicit). • Identifying Cross-Agency Resources to Share. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  9. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • OMB Identified Lines of Business-2004 • Lines of Business for CPIC & FEA-Based Reports • 2004-2005 • Financial Management. • Data & Statistics. • Human Resources. • Monetary Benefits. • Criminal Investigations. • Public Health Monitoring. • 2006 • Financial Management. • Human Resources Management. • Grants Management. • Federal Health Architecture. • Case Management. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  10. Interrelated Legislation, Policy Mandates Continue... • OMB Circular A-119 • Federal Participation in the Development & Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards & in Conformity Assessment Activities. • National Technology Transfer & Advancement Act-1995: • NIST Coordinates Conformity Assessment. • OMB Revised Circular “Directing Agencies to use Voluntary Consensus Standards in lieu of Government-Unique Standards Except Where Inconsistent with Law or Otherwise Impractical. • Purpose: Reduce to Minimum Government Reliance on Government-Unique Standards. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  11. Legislation & Policy Results: • Well-Intended, very Smart in some Specifics, Overly Specific in others. • Creates Confusion-What to do First? • Duplicated Provisions, Restated Objectives, Unstated Implications. • Specifies Process and Outcomes such as Sharing Resources among Agencies without Clear Priorities & Criteria. • Overall: Normal, Improving. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  12. A Start: XML Registry of Existing Standards & Specifications • Using Firstgov.gov: • Evaluate Methods to Automate or Assist in Populating an XML Registry of Governmentally-Used or -Related Documents, Standards. • Evaluate Making the Registry Selectively Available using ebXML Registry and eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) to Restrict Access by Identity Authentication and Role-Based Permissions. • Evaluate the Extent of the Task of Using a Prototype Process to Develop a Centralized and Federated XML Standards Registry to Support the IT Investment Tasks of Governmental Agencies. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  13. A Start: XML Registry of Existing Standards & Specifications • Using Firstgov.gov: • Method 1: WSRP Standard- Plumtree Web Crawler Portlet Makes Results Available by Web Browser in Humanmarkup.org Public Service Portal. • Method 2: Use OWL to Search site by Ontological Rules to identify and sort .xml and .xsd files by Relationships to Criteria Keywords or Phrases, such as Healthcare Services or Emergency Event Types. • Method 3: Use Strawman Search Standard(s) to Discover Requirements for an XML-Specific Search Standard from this Registry Use-Case to be used in a Prototype Government XML Standards Registry. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  14. A Start: XML Registry of Existing Standards & Specifications • Using Firstgov.gov: How many & which documents? • Are or Refer to XML? • Are or Refer to XSD? • Identify, Sort, Index. • XSDs that are Standards. • XSDs that are Agency- or Company-Specific. • Extract XSD Elements, Attributes, complexTypes, simpleTypes, etc. • Check for Duplicate Terms & Definitions-Compare and Contrast. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

  15. A Start: XML Registry of Existing Standards & Specifications • What does Our Search Tell Us? • Apply Ontological Categorization • Make Ontology of Lines of Business. • Make Ontology of Cabinet Departments and their constituent Agencies. • Search by Ontological Criteria for Terms. • Identify Similar or Identical Terms. • Identify Number of Occurrences of Terms. • Identify Departments & Agencies using Specific Terms. Plans for Derived XML Registry Prototype

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