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IUCN World Conservation Congress , Jeju , 6-15 September 2012. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE. IUCN – Center for Mediterranean Cooperation Workshop Towards Mediterranean resilience : An adaptative model of governance. 11 September 2012, 14:30 – 16: 30.
IUCN WorldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE IUCN – Center for Mediterranean CooperationWorkshop Towards Mediterranean resilience: Anadaptativemodel of governance 11 September 2012, 14:30 – 16: 30
Workshop Content14:30 – 16:30 • Introductionto the IUCN Mediterranean and North Africa Programme 2013-16 (15 mn) • Panel Round table (4 issuestobediscussed: opportunities and challanges, governanemodel, strategiestobedeveloped and cooperation and partnership): 45 mn • Discussion and audiencepoint of vue (50 mn) • Futuresteps and closing (10 mn)
IUCN WorldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE IUCN – Center for Mediterranean Cooperation Mediterranean & North AfricaProgrammes 2013-2016 Antonio TROYA IUCN Med Director Maher MAHJOUB IUCN North Africa Programme Coordinator
Barcelona Convention InspirationalSources SAP-BIO Medprogramme 2013-2016 ICZM ConventiononBiologicalDiversity AICHI Targets Protocol of collaborationSpanishMinistry of Environment and AndalusiaGovernment, AECID Otherdocuments: Draft IUCN Global Programme 2013-2016/ IUCN-MedIntersessional Programme 2009-2012/ MemberConsultationMeetings / IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 / quadriennal IUCN Pan-European and West Programmes
Med Programme 2013-16 4 PROGRAMME AREAS IUCN Vision Sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity conservation are promoted through cooperation and supported by shared values and culture IUCN Mission To influence, encourage and assist Mediterranean societies in achieving both the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, and sustainable development
Goodknowledge on biodiversity, its status and trendsisessential for action. OBJETIVES • Development of new Red Listprocesses for non-assessed data (ex: aquaticplants, butterflies, saproxylic beetles, coprophagous beetles and • anthozoans…) and reassessment of existinggroups(Eg: marine mammals) Increase and improve the knowledge MEANS Improve the protection of priorityareasthroughemergingmethodologies • Participation in processesstodevelopemergingmethodologies(KBA, Red List of Ecosystems, Green List of PA, Ecosystemservicesvaluation, IPAS) • Enhance the network of MPA • Contributionto the implementation of speciesactionplans(ex: nationalplants in NA, marine vegetationAction Plan) 1 Makeinfo and data widelyavailabletodecision-makers and assiststrategies • Development of a Mediterranean BiodiversityInformationPlatform
Governance and institutionalprocessesshouldbestrengthenedacross the Mediterranean 2 Strengtheningcapacities of managers toimplementinternationalagreements (CDB, MAP, UNFCCC…) auxniveauxnational et local OBJETIVES • Improveknowledge and understanding of the interaction of global policyprocesses and local levelactions MEANS Analysis of ProtectedAreasgovernance in North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean region Actions • PromoteIUCN’sgoodpractices for PA governance as standard in the Southern and Eastern parts of the region (ex: pilotprojects, KBA- fisheries and marine reserves) • Contributeto the adoption of anaction plan toimplement ICZM Protocol (ex: developtools and guides tofacilitate ICZM) Dialogue and exchangepromoted on bestpractices for governance • Creation of a think tank on the governance of the Mediterranean Sea
Nature-basedsolutionsto cope efficientlywithclimatechange, supportgreeneconomy and developement Climatechange • Promotethecreation of a workinggrouponclimatechange in theMediterranean, basedonscientific data. • Mainareas: Coastalecosystems • Promote the adoption of nature-based/ecosystemsolutionstoclimatechangeadaptation and mitigation in nationalpolicies • Developdemonstrationfieldprojects 3 Social and economicdevelopment. Foodsecurity • Improvetheknowledge of thesocioeconomicrelationshipsaffectingecosystems • Pilotproject: sustainable use of ressources(fisheries, pastures, oasis..) • CreateStandards: Sustainabletourism (local busisness - Impact of ProtectedAreas on local communities).
4 Indicators Actions CorporateDevelopment • relationshipswithexperts and organisations in thepublicdomainforthedevelopment of jointinitiatives Strengthen • IUCN presence in majorinternational and regional conventionstocontributetoitsenforcement and development • links withthekeydonorsinstitutions and private sector Promote the regional presence of IUCN • FortifyMediterranean and North AfricaForums • CollaborationwithUniversities / private sector and environementaljournalists
HOW • Informationresearch and update • Networking • Workingwithnationaladministrations and internationalConventions • Valuing local knowledge and expertsparticipation • Field work • Designand follow up of indicators • Training: national and regional events • Technicalassistance • Communication and awareness
IUCN worldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-16 A statutory Programme for IUCN Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia
IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 THREE PROGRAMME AREAS • Focus on: • Ecosystems and Protected Areas: • Strengthen national capacities in planning and managementof PA. • Support authorities to improve representativenessof national networks of PA • Assist to identify Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) inside and outside PA. • Develop criteria for the “Ecosystems Red List” • Species: • Training of experts for the development of Red List of species, and Species Conservation Strategies. • Assist to implement the Regional Conventions’ provisions at the national level: particular attention to the CBD Strategic Plan (Aichi target) and the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and UNESCO MaB programme.
IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 • Supporting governance • Building capacities of new civil society organizations in different fields: natural resources governance, community participation and financial viability. • Promoting the use of spatial planning tools for land use and natural resources management (application of the concept on pilot areas). • Valuing local Knowledge and evaluating ecosystem services • Valuing traditional knowledge and scientific researches in ecosystems conservation and restoration through pilot actions • Strengthening capacities in assessing the contribution of ecosystem services and biodiversity towards economic activities and human welfare. • Promoting the integration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in risk management.
Approach and modalities for the implementation of the Programmes • Involvement of IUCN members in the implementation of the programmes. • Promoting and encouraging adhesion of new IUCN Members to strengthen IUCN representation and diversify activities. • Coordination with IUCN Regional Offices in Europe and in West Asia when implementing similar thematic activities in Mediterranean countries. • Supporting the establishment of IUCN national committees in each country. • Providing technical and scientific information to Members and partners and its adaptation to region and country level specificities. • Assisting in setting proper conservation actions through pilot projects including new approaches and conservation models for further strategies to be developed and implemented. Coordination for the implementation • Steering Committee (Secretariat, Members and Commission experts) • Programme Team based at the IUCN-Med (NA Programme Coordinator & thematic programme managers).
DISCUSSION DU PANEL 1 Principaux défis et opportunités pour la conservation de la biodiversité et l’utilisation des ressources naturelles en Méditerranée, 2 • Les modèles de gouvernance actuels et les besoins pour des modèles plus adaptés sur la base des nouveaux contextes éco-socio-politiques dans les pays du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée, 3 • La stratégie à développer pour faire face à ces défis et promouvoir la gouvernance des ressources naturelles, • Comment appuyer la collaboration entre les gouvernements, ONGs, le secteur universitaire et les organisations régionales et internationales en Méditerranée et établir un partenariat efficace et durable. 4