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IUCN World Conservation Congress , Jeju , 6-15 September 2012. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE. IUCN – Center for Mediterranean Cooperation Workshop Towards Mediterranean resilience : An adaptative model of governance. 11 September 2012, 14:30 – 16:30.
IUCN WorldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE IUCN – Center for Mediterranean CooperationWorkshop Towards Mediterranean resilience: Anadaptativemodel of governance 11 September 2012, 14:30 – 16:30
Workshop Content14:30 – 16:30 • Introductionto the IUCN Mediterranean and North Africa Programme 2013-16 (15 mn) • Panel Round table (4 issuestobediscussed: opportunities and challanges, governanemodel, strategiestobedeveloped and cooperation and partnership): 45 mn • Miguel Aymerich: DDG Ministry of Agriculture, Alimentation and Environement (Spain) • Slaheddine Gannouni: Chef de ServiceMinistry of Environment (Tunisia) • Lynda Mansson: DG Fondation MAVA • Mohamed Ribi: Chef de Divisionau HCEFLCD (Morocco) • Discussion and audiencepoint of vue (50 mn) • Wrap up & futuresteps(10 mn)
IUCN WorldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE IUCN – Center for Mediterranean Cooperation Mediterranean & North AfricaProgrammes 2013-2016 Antonio TROYA IUCN Med Director Maher MAHJOUB IUCN North Africa Programme Coordinator
Barcelona Convention InspirationalSources SAP-BIO Medprogramme 2013-2016 ICZM ConventiononBiologicalDiversity AICHI Targets Protocol of collaborationSpanishMinistry of Environment and AndalusiaGovernment, AECID Otherdocuments: Draft IUCN Global Programme 2013-2016/ IUCN-MedIntersessional Programme 2009-2012/ MemberConsultationMeetings / IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 / quadriennal IUCN Pan-European and West Programmes
Med Programme 2013-16 IUCN Vision Sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity conservation are promoted through cooperation and supported by shared values and culture 3 3 PROGRAMME AREAS IUCN Mission To influence, encourage and assist Mediterranean societies in achieving both the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, and sustainable development 2 1
Programme Area 1: Valuing and conserving nature 1 Approach & means
Programme Area 1: Valuing and conserving nature (suite...) 1 Approach & means
Programme Area 2: Effective and equitable governance of nature’s use 2 Approach & means
Programme Area 3: Deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges: climate, food, development • Sub Area: Climate change 3 Approach & means
Programme Area 3: Deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges: climate, food, development • Sub Area: Social and Economic Development 3 Approach & means
Programme Area 3: Deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges: climate, food, development • Sub Area: Social and Economic Development 3 Approach & means
4 Indicators Actions IUCN MedCorporateDevelopment • relationshipswithexperts and organisations in thepublicdomainforthedevelopment of jointinitiatives Strengthen • IUCN presence in majorinternational and regional conventionstocontributetoitsenforcement and development • links withthekeydonorsinstitutions and private sector Promote the regional presence of IUCN • FortifyMediterranean and North AfricaForums • CollaborationwithUniversities / private sector and environementaljournalists
HOW • Informationresearch and update • Networking • Workingwithnationaladministrations and internationalConventions • Valuing local knowledge and expertsparticipation • Field work • Designand follow up of indicators • Training: national and regional events • Technicalassistance • Communication and awareness
IUCN worldConservationCongress, Jeju, 6-15 September 2012 IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-16 A statutory Programme for IUCN Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia
IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 THREE PROGRAMME AREAS • Focus on: • Ecosystems and Protected Areas: • Strengthen national capacities in planning and managementof PA. • Support authorities to improve representativenessof national networks of PA • Assist to identify Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) inside and outside PA. • Develop criteria for the “Ecosystems Red List” • Species: • Training of experts for the development of Red List of species, and Species Conservation Strategies. • Assist to implement the Regional Conventions’ provisions at the national level: particular attention to the CBD Strategic Plan (Aichi target) and the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and UNESCO MaB programme.
IUCN North Africa Programme 2013-2016 • Supporting governance • Building capacities of new civil society organizations in different fields: natural resources governance, community participation and financial viability. • Promoting the use of spatial planning tools for land use and natural resources management (application of the concept on pilot areas). • Valuing local Knowledge and evaluating ecosystem services • Valuing traditional knowledge and scientific researches in ecosystems conservation and restoration through pilot actions • Strengthening capacities in assessing the contribution of ecosystem services and biodiversity towards economic activities and human welfare. • Promoting the integration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in risk management.
Approach and modalities for the implementation of the Programmes • Involvement of IUCN members in the implementation of the programmes. • Promoting and encouraging adhesion of new IUCN Members to strengthen IUCN representation and diversify activities. • Coordination with IUCN Regional Offices in Europe and in West Asia when implementing similar thematic activities in Mediterranean countries. • Supporting the establishment of IUCN national committees in each country. • Providing technical and scientific information to Members and partners and its adaptation to region and country level specificities. • Assisting in setting proper conservation actions through pilot projects including new approaches and conservation models for further strategies to be developed and implemented. Coordination for the implementation • Steering Committee (Secretariat, Members and Commission experts) • Programme Team based at the IUCN-Med (NA Programme Coordinator & thematic programme managers).
INTERVENTION DU PANEL 1 Principaux défis et opportunités pour la conservation de la biodiversité et l’utilisation des ressources naturelles en Méditerranée, 2 • Les modèles de gouvernance actuels et les besoins pour des modèles plus adaptés sur la base des nouveaux contextes éco-socio-politiques dans les pays du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée, 3 • La stratégie à développer pour faire face à ces défis et promouvoir la gouvernance des ressources naturelles, • Comment appuyer la collaboration entre les gouvernements, ONGs, le secteur universitaire et les organisations régionales et internationales en Méditerranée et établir un partenariat efficace et durable. 4