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AS/A level Art – Ways to succeed.Your work is marked in 4 sections (Assessment Objectives). Each section is worth up to 20 marks. Portfolio work is worth 50% of your final grade and the externally set assignment is worth 50%.A01 – Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.Use your own words-Explain why and how exactly looking at this work helps you with the development of your own work. (Use the writing frames).Do good quality, large (at least A4 size) examples of the artist’s work yourself which is relevant to yours in an appropriate media (i.e. Paint if that is what they used).You should try to use more than one artist or movement.
A03 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.Create a range of images. Work in a range of media. Demonstrate analytical skill in your work.Work from direct observation as much as possible.Take your own photos. Do NOT rely on second-hand source material.
A02 – Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.Use the images seen in AO3 to experiment with and develop your ideas from.Remember to use you’re AO1 link.Produce a range of plans.Use ICT such as Photoshop to help (but practise using a range of media/colours in addition to this).Annotate and evaluate, explaining AO1 link.Include plan of final design (AO4).
A04 – Make a personal resolved piece as a conclusion to your journey, showing a link to your chosen Artist/Designer.This must be at least full 10hours worth of work.Must link to A01.
Thanks to Tom Kilby for the loan of his A grade unit from ARTB 3 summer 2011