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NSF Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate National Conference (NSF/AGEP) Chicago, Illinois. OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES. “Integration of Education and Mentoring Programs at Louisiana State University” Su-Seng Pang, Ph.D., P.E., Fellows-ASME, SPE, AAAS
NSF Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate National Conference (NSF/AGEP)Chicago, Illinois OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES “Integration of Education and Mentoring Programs at Louisiana State University” Su-Seng Pang, Ph.D., P.E., Fellows-ASME, SPE, AAAS Honorary Doctorate, University of Macau, China Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives Jack Holmes Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering Louisiana State University March 19, 2009 RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Integration of Education and Mentoring Programs at Louisiana State University [NSF/I3]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Sponsor:National Science Foundation PIs:Astrid E. Merget, Isiah M. Warner Co-PIs:Su-Seng Pang, Frank Neubrander, Branda C. Nixon, Guoqiang Li Program Manager:Cade J. Register Evaluator:Eugene Kennedy Period: 01/01/09 - 12/31/13 Funds: $1,000,000 RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Office of Strategic Initiatives OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana Isiah M. Warner, Vice Chancellor Su-Seng Pang, Associate Vice Chancellor RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
-- Faculty/Staff -- Undergraduates/Graduates -- K-12 Students/Teachers -- Outreach/Community -- E d u c a t i o n -- M e n t o r i n g -- R e s e a r c h Strategic Initiatives *** Office Of *** OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • OSI VISION • Support the achievements and recognition of LSU students, faculty, and staff through education and mentoring programs • Goals/Mission • Assist in raising LSU’s academic standing among its peers through competitive and outstanding achievements by students, faculty, and staff • Assist the Office of Academic Affairs in creating and implementing programs that enhance the diversity of students and faculty RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Strategic Initiatives OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • (Including, but not limited to): • Assist in developing new mentoring activities • Assist in providing funding for potential LSU students • Coordinate efforts to generate education/training grants to support undergraduate students • Establish a close alliance with other Louisiana universities (e.g., Southern, Tulane) • Support K-12 education, teachers, and students • Assist in increasing the number of external awards for students and faculty RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Current Educational ProjectsAssociated with OSI (Warner/Pang) OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • NSF-Research Corp.-Louisiana Board of Regents/LA-STEM/Phases I & II • (PI & Co-PI) • HHMI/Phases I & II (PI) • NSF/LS-AMP/BD/Cohorts III-VI (PI & Co-PI) • NSF/AGEP (Co-PIs) • NSF/LSU-LAMP/Phase III (PI & Co-PI) • NIH/IMSD (Co-PIs) • NSF/REU (PI & Co-PI) • NSF/SFS (Co-PI) • NSF/S-STEM (PI & Co-PI) • NSF/GK-12 (Co-PIs) • NSF/I3 (PI & Co-PI) Brief summary of activities for each project is provided in the following pages. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Louisiana State University Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholars Program [NSF/LA-STEM/Phases I & II]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Objectives: • Recruit and provide full scholarships for 25 new high-ability STEM students per year to LSU (with ~100 students in the program each year) • Provide diverse participants with a comprehensive mentoring, training, and educational program throughout their college careers • Reach a minimum 75% retention rate of LA-STEM Scholars to graduation within five years • Encourage and assist at least 50% of the participants (particularly minorities and women) to pursue Ph.D. degrees RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“HHMI Professors Program – Phases I & II” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Developed a “Model for an Effective Mentoring Ladder” • Developed teaching strategies to maximize learning • Support innovative undergraduate research • Support (per year): • 10 Graduate and 20 Undergraduate Students • 10 Secondary Teachers and 150 Secondary Students RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“LS-LAMP Bridge to the Doctorate at Louisiana State University [LS-AMP-BD/Cohorts III-VI]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Support of 12 minority Ph.D. students per Cohort as BDP Fellows ($30,000/yr/student for two years plus tuition, etc.) • Regular Bridge to Doctoral program meetings, mentoring of students and allocation of resources to support participation at professional meetings RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Graduate Alliance for Education in Louisiana [NSF/AGEP]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Coordinate faculty visits for recruiting students into the program • Co-sponsor recruitment fairs at Tulane/LSU • Involve students in faculty-mentored research Support (per year): • 12 LSU minority graduate students receive a $3,000 supplemental scholarship and travel support • 4 GAELA Dissertation Writing Fellowships with $19,500 plus tuitions • 10-20 potential graduate students to visit LSU/Tulane RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LAMP) -- Phase III [NSF/LS-LAMP]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Provide undergraduate students education/training/ research scholarships • Sponsor monthly workshops and seminars • Develop peer tutoring and K-12 outreach programs • Establish book and calculator awards/loan programs RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“MBRS IMSD Program at Louisiana State University [NIH/IMSD]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Objectives: • Serve the academic needs of undergraduates with a specific interest in advanced biomedical research training • 20 diverse undergraduate students awarded $4,320 per year • Student Scholars would be matched with faculty research preceptors according to their common interest • Student Scholars work in the preceptors’ laboratories for two academic years (to include wages) RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Broadening the Participation in Interdisciplinary Science: The REU Component of LA-STEM – II [NSF/LA-STEM/REU]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • 20 undergraduate students in STEM disciplines are supported each summer of 2006 to 2009 to conduct research • Each receives $5,000 Summer Stipend in eight weeks • Most students are freshmen recruited from the existing LA-STEM and HHMI programs RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Scholarships, Mentoring, and Academic Enhancement Training for Science and Mathematics Undergraduate Students [NSF/S-STEM]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Sponsor computer/information technology training workshops • Develop various academic enhancement activities • Establish education and industrial outreach programs • Support (per year): • 30 Science and Mathematics students will receive a $3,600 scholarship per academic year RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Collaborative Project: Faculty Development – Multi University Research and Training in Information Assurance and Computer Security [NSF/SFS]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Sponsor information assurance and computer security summer workshops • Extend the workshop training to the academic teaching and mentoring within each institution • Establish collaboration among LSU, Louisiana Tech, Southern University and other participating institutions in the area • Support (per year): • 8 Faculty Scholars from various institutions per year for two years during summer • 8 mini-grants for faculty Scholars during the academic year RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellow Program at Louisiana State University [NSF/GK-12]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Support 8 graduate students ($30,000/yr/student), 8 undergraduate students ($10,000/yr/student), and 16 GK-12 teachers ($3,500/yr/teacher) • Sponsor summer teacher workshop • Instructional Support Community; Professional Learning Community, Math and Science Enhancement Activities, Training and Mentoring Program RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Our Next Focus Step “Integration of Education and Mentoring Programs at Louisiana State University [NSF/I3]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES VISION • To break disciplinary barriers and change the traditional way of conducting education and mentoring • To leverage the limited resources available at LSU and enhance the synergy and positive “composite action” among the existing projects RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
GOALS OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES •Nurture our students in an interdisciplinary environment so that they will become Inspirational Teachers, Exemplary Mentors, and Effective Leaders • Raise LSU’s academic standing through outstanding achievements by students and faculty • Create and implement programs that broaden the participation of more diversified students and faculty • Enhance the academic environment to better support LSU students who will subsequently transfer their service to K-12 education RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
OBJECTIVES OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Educate and mentor our students and public to have sufficient knowledge with what lies across these boundaries • Innovatively integrate all education and mentoring summer programs for college faculty and students as well as high school teachers and students • Provide a higher level of leadership training for LSU students • Integrate the STEM research between college and high school students • Establish a mechanism for college students to volunteer their effort in tutoring high school students • Establish an interdisciplinary curriculum in materials science and engineering at LSU as well as collecting and demonstrating its relevant facilities for students RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Teachers-in-Residence + Engineering Fair + + Workshops + Assessment + School Visits K-12 Teachers & Students + Undergraduates + Public + Industry + Faculty + Graduate Students + Education - Research - Mentoring - LSU-OSI NSF/I3 Activities and Tasks OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
“Integration of Education and Mentoring Programs at Louisiana State University [NSF/I3]” OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Activities: • Consolidation of Summer Workshops and Camps for Students, Teachers and Faculty Members • Leadership Training in Academics through a Student-Governing Organization • High School Math Tutoring Program by College Students • Mentoring High School Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair Projects by College Students • Integration of Research into Education in Materials Engineering and Science RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Intellectual Merit OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Build a successful integration model in the STEM disciplines based upon the breadth and depth of leadership and infrastructure provided by the LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives • Assist students in their professional development towards advanced degrees • Create an interdisciplinary curriculum in materials engineering and science • Develop a Hierarchical Mentoring Ladder system involving faculty members, graduate/undergraduate students, and high school teachers/students RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Broader Impacts OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • The establishment of collaborations among faculty members in different disciplines and different academic settings, from high schools to community colleges and comprehensive research universities • An increase in the number of well-prepared high school, undergraduate, and graduate STEM students • Broadening participation of women and under-represented minorities in the STEM disciplines • Promotion of inter-cultural participation among non-minority and minority students and faculty members • Outreach activities by providing tutoring or teacher assistant service to high schools during the academic year RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 1:Consolidation of Summer Workshops/Camps for Students, Teachers and Faculty Members OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • LA-STEM/HHMI Summer Bridge • Cain Center Summer Circle • OSI REU • HHMI High School Science and Math Summer Program • Etc. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 1 (Cont’d):Consolidation of Summer Workshops/Camps for Students, Teachers and Faculty Members OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Buddy System pairing undergraduates and high school students • Poster Presentations • Mentoring Night • Field Trips - Dow Chemical Co. - CAMD - NASA Stennis Space Center RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 1 (Cont’d):Consolidation of Summer Workshops/Camps for Students, Teachers and Faculty Members OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Accomplishments: • Several meetings with PIs and managers from the OSI and the Cain Center to map out the planned 2009 summer activities and discuss possible field trips, activities, mentoring events, etc. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 2:Leadership Training in Academics through a Student-Governing Organization OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Each program chooses a president and officers • Presidents and officers from each program form the I3 Governing Council • Council meets with Program Manager and Administration • Council is responsible for coordinating social events and bonding activities • Council is responsible for I3 website RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 2 (Cont’d):Leadership Training in Academics through a Student-Governing Organization OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Council members will develop their leadership skills by: • Attending the Leader Education and Development Program Series • Attending Lagniappe Leadership Conference Involvement in the Council will promote: • Leadership • Initiative • Self-Motivation RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 2 (Cont’d):Leadership Training in Academics through a Student-Governing Organization OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Accomplishments: • Creation of the I3 Governing Council. The first meeting in February included students from LA-STEM, S-STEM, HHMI and LS-LAMP. • The first monthly social bonding activity is being planned for late March or early April (ideas include a drive-in movie on the parade grounds or a Rock Band 2 tournament sponsored by the local Electronic Arts testing facility) . • I3 website is in development: http://www.i3.lsu.edu/ RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 3:High School Math Tutoring Programby College Students OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Integration of tutoring into OSI/Cain Center math classrooms • Integration of technology into tutoring • Remediation and prep classes for various standardized tests • ACT targeted programs • Organization/support of peer tutoring by high-achieving students for students with academic need • Setup of service-learning and volunteer services of LSU undergraduates • Organization of various math and science enhancement activities RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 4:Mentoring High School Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair Projects by College Students OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • High school teams will be mentored by undergraduate students where they will receive encouragement, knowledge, and advice • High school students: • Develop research skills • Learn Time Management skills - Are encouraged and inspired to pursue additional study or careers in STEM disciplines RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 4 (Cont’d):Mentoring High School Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair Projects by College Students OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Investigators, in collaboration with middle/high school educators, will annually formulate and pose 20 projects and provide support for materials and supplies. • Investigators will regularly supervise student teams in the months leading to the competitions and participate as judges as needed. • Investigators will host an onsite exhibit at the State Fair and will sponsor trophies and/or cash awards for the best environmental technology related projects. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 4 (Cont’d):Mentoring High School Louisiana Science and Engineering Fair Projects by College Students OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Accomplishments: • Several students volunteered to serve as judges for the Iberville Parish District Science Fair. • Several students volunteered to serve as ‘Welcomers’ and ‘Display and Safety Officers’ at the Louisiana Region VII Science Fair. An OSI booth was also set up and manned by OSI staff and students. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
TASK 5:Integration of Research into Education in Materials Engineering and Science OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Curriculum Enhancement - Develop “Materials Engineering and Science (MES) concentration or minor • - Enhance ME 4783: Composite Materials: Manufacturing, Characterization, and • Mechanics - Create 4000-level “Smart Composite Materials” course • Demonstration of Advanced Research Equipment • - Access to equipment and facilities at Louisiana State University • - Access to equipment and facilities at Southern University • A Web Based Research Center • - Create an Integrated Internet Interaction (I3) database to be used by project • participants and researchers globally - Create a workshop series to disseminate derivative technology to industry RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
I3 Projects in Development OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • I3 involvement with the Louisiana State Science and Engineering Fair as greeters and safety monitors. In the fall, I3 students will begin working as science fair project mentors with high school students from across the region. • Incentive program for student mentoring. • Weekly or bi-weekly I3 e-mail updates for program managers, coordinators and PIs. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
I3 Projects in Development (Cont’d) OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • I3 involvement with the Louisiana Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (http://www.doce.lsu.edu/Symposium/). “JSHS invites high school students to conduct an original research investigation in the sciences, engineering or mathematics, and to participate in the regional symposium sponsored by Louisiana State University and the Academy of Applied Sciences.” • I3Facebook groups. Facebook groups, specific to different area high schools, are created and maintained by groups of I3 student mentors. High school students are able to post questions on the group page and receive help and advice from I3 students and from peers. RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Intellectual Merit OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • Build a successful integration model in the STEM disciplines based upon the breadth and depth of leadership and infrastructure provided by the LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives • Assist students in their professional development towards advanced degrees • Create an interdisciplinary curriculum in materials engineering and science • Develop a Hierarchical Mentoring Ladder system involving faculty members, graduate/undergraduate students, and high school teachers/students RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING
Broader Impacts OFFICE of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES • The establishment of collaborations among faculty members in different disciplines and different academic settings, from high schools to community colleges and comprehensive research universities • An increase in the number of well-prepared high school, undergraduate, and graduate STEM students • Broadening participation of women and under-represented minorities in the STEM disciplines • Promotion of inter-cultural participation among non-minority and minority students and faculty members • Outreach activities by providing tutoring or teacher assistant service to high schools during the academic year RESEARCH EDUCATION MENTORING