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Administrative Project : Booster Clubs, Fund Raising, Communications and Public Relations. Compiled by Heidi Zentz Teaching Music in Secondary School - Dr. Wolf April 24, 2012. Booster Club Defined:.
Administrative Project:Booster Clubs, Fund Raising, Communications and Public Relations Compiled by Heidi Zentz Teaching Music in Secondary School - Dr. Wolf April 24, 2012
Booster Club Defined: • An organization that is formed to support (e.g. coordinate events, contribute money, etc.) an associated organization. • The clubs are generally run and organized by the parents of the students in the supported organization in high schools. • Its main function is to develop support for the student program.
Booster Club Structure • Membership (15-30 members) • Structure (president’s cabinet) • Activities • Determining a name
Music Booster Club Purposes: • To help promote the music programs and ensure their success • To ensure that there is an enthusiastic and committed volunteer parent/guardian support structure for students and faculty for music events, concerts, trips, and other needs
Music Booster Club Purposes: • To raise funds to furnish the Music programs with essential equipment to operate the programs • To ensure that each music student is offered voluntary fund raising opportunities to defray costs associated with music trips and chorus attire
Music Booster Club Purposes: • To assist the Director of Music • To promote the development and growth of the Music Department • To aid in the activities of these ensembles • To assist in the musical and artistic growth of the students who participate ensembles
Scholarships and Rewards • Some Music Booster Clubs award a few scholarships each year to graduating seniors, pays the registration fees for the District students who participate in the state annual solo and ensemble festivals, and buys the medals for the students who qualify for them.
The Club’s Duties… • Supporting all musical groups • Coordinating fundraisers • Chaperoning local and long distance trips • Assisting the Marching Band with the upkeep of uniforms • Making lunches available during the summer Band Camp
Annual Musical Participation • Helping with costumes and makeup • Building sets • Providing and serving food backstage • Producing the program
State Festival &Field Days • Booster Club members also serve as volunteers at the state festivals, at concession stands, and at booths at annual Field Days.
Fundraising! Car Wash Bake Sale Booths Field Days Carnivals Festivals Flea Markets
Fundraising! • Community Yard Sale • Food Sales(frozen pizza, Auntie Anne’s pretzels, cookie dough, organic food, chocolate, sub sandwiches, sausage and cheese) • Raffles • Auctions
Fundraising! • Singing Telegrams • Flower Sales (bulb sales) • Mini-marathons • Collect recyclable bottles and cans
Public Relations • Def: a means of communication between the music educator and the community
Public Relations & Communication • Music educators must sell themselves and their programs to the widest audience possible. • Publicize school concerts • Program accessible yet educational repertoire
Public Relations Purpose: • 1. To interpret the what, why, & how of the music program to the community • 2. To foster an awareness of the place of music in general education and of aesthetic experience as an integral part of human activity • 3. To obtain the public’s interest in the music education program
Public Relations Purpose • 4. To develop the community’s confidence in the work being done and extend this confidence into support for continuing and improving the music program (thus promoting the concept of community partnership in the educational process) • 5. To evaluate the music program in terms of community needs
Combating Financial Cutbacks • * Realizing these objectives will strengthen the music curriculum and prevent unilateral cutbacks in the music program when the school district encounters financial difficulties(Bessom371).
Plan to Succeed! • Send a calendar of events to parents, along with a list of student responsibilities associated with those events.
Visitation & Parents’ Night • Establish a schedule and encourage parent visitation to classes and/or rehearsals. • Initiate an annual Parents’ Night that allows parents to participate in class and rehearsals.
Concert Venues • Change the location of a concert program to another site within the community - School gym, involve gymnastics - Local Church or auditorium - Outdoor concert (beware of inclement weather) - Public buildings
Gaining Exposure • Incorporate local dignitaries and officials in programs as guest conductors and narrators, and even soloists to gain exposure for the program • Host an arts festival, involving artwork, fashion shows, woodworking, and musical performing groups
Concert Promotion • Local News Media • Write press releases • Take photographs • Submit promotional material • Radio stations • Weekly newspapers • Cable television (community access channels) – FREE! • School newspaper
Concert Promotion • Bulletin boards • Web page • School website • School blog • School FB page • Class Wiki • Mass mailing to community members
Resources • http://www.calvaryknights.com/quick-boosterclub-music.htm • http://www.cyberwindsmusic.com/uploads/pdf/ms_band_director/Booster_Meeting_Agenda.pdf • http://www.jcschools.com/music/MusicFundRaisers.htm • http://www.easy-fundraising-ideas.com/programs/music-fundraising • Darwin E. Walker, Teaching Music: Managing the Successful Music Program, 1998. • Bessom, Tatarunis, Forcucci, Teaching Music in Today’s Secondary Schools: A Creative Approach to Contemporary Music Education, 1980.