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HLT-TRD. Henner Büsching. Fast Track Closeout Meeting, June 07, 2004. Henner Buesching University of Frankfurt. ALICE workshop Sibiu 08/22/08. High Level Trigger system. Providing ’physics’ trigger decisions Online event reconstruction and analysis

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  1. HLT-TRD Henner Büsching Fast Track Closeout Meeting, June 07, 2004 Henner BueschingUniversity of Frankfurt ALICE workshop Sibiu 08/22/08

  2. High Level Trigger system Providing ’physics’ trigger decisions Online event reconstruction and analysis Performance monitoring of the ALICE detectors Online production of calibration data Lossless compression of event data

  3. High Level Trigger Strategy Event Selection relies on: • Processing in analysis steps • Serial steps of feature extraction / hypothesis testing • Modular analysis chain • Events can be rejected at any step if features do not fulfil certain criteria (signatures) • Emphasis on early event rejection • Reconstruction in Regions of Interest (RoIs) • RoI size/position derived from previous step(s)

  4. First steps to define triggers • Jet Finder (TPC) • Fast seeded cone algorithm based on charged tracks in TPC • Single-electron (TRD) • improve statistics of open-charm and open-beauty at ( pT > 1.5-2 GeV/c) • Di-Muon trigger • Open charm • p0/h – gamma conversion Merge TPC -TRD tracking

  5. ALICE High-Level Trigger

  6. Hardware Status First year setup complete • 87 Frontend PCs • 696 GB Memory • 348 CPU cores • 174 HLT Read-Out Receiver Card • 348 DDL links • 16 Infrastructure PCs • All Optical Fibers to DAQ installed

  7. Hardware Status • GigaBit Ethernet network operational • Interface nodes (2 each) to ALICE online systems • ECS / DCS / Offline

  8. High Level Trigger system ECS analyzed events / trigger decisions DAQ HLT DCS Trigger Mass Storage raw event data

  9. Software architecture • Dynamic software data transport framework (Publish-Subscriber) • Cluster management (TaskManager) • Analysis Software (AliRoot)

  10. Components and the Chain

  11. Monitoring Scheme

  12. Monitoring Scheme

  13. Monitoring

  14. Monitoring at CERN

  15. Status @ Time of Testbeam ONLINE • HLT-TRD monitoring was successfully running online in “test modus” at last beam time

  16. Status @ Time of Testbeam ONLINE

  17. Online Monitoring Tool Powerfull visualization tool for TRD exists (A.Bercuci) Simple HLT online tool Developed by RISE summer student Kurt M. Barry

  18. Code consistency • A strategic decision: Using offline code in HLT • Pro: • Same results offline/online • Offline code well tested • Reliable usability for physics trigger decisions • Con: • Potentially slow • Cumbersome optimization

  19. Getting ready for pp: Challenges • Continuity • Guaranteeing operation in constantly ‘improving’ framework environment • Stability • Fixing memory leaks • Speed • Optimizing and speeding up routines

  20. The Tracking Algorithm clusters

  21. Tracking Algorithm 4 seeding clusters

  22. Tracking Algorithm Linear fit Riemann fit

  23. Tracking Algorithm c2 cut: Finding real clusters around fit

  24. Tracking Algorithm tilted fits + Kalman fits

  25. Summary • ALICE HLT core system ready for data taking • Online event reconstruction and analysis for TRD implemented • Performance monitoring of TRD possible • Running as it was designed to, but it now relies on the performance of the offline code. • Task force working on ’physics’ trigger decisions

  26. Credits Sebastian Robert Bablok, Oystein Djuvsland, Kalliopi Kanaki, Joakim Nystrand, Matthias Richter, Dieter Roehrich, Kyrre Skjerdal, Kjetil Ullaland, Gaute Ovrebekk, Dag Larsen, Johan Alme (University of Bergen, Norway) Torsten Alt, Volker Lindenstruth, Timm M. Steinbeck, Jochen Thaeder, Udo Kebschull, Stefan Boettger, Sebastian Kalcher, Camilo Lara, Ralf Panse (Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany) Konstantin Antipin, Harald Appelshäuser, Henner Büsching (University of Frankfurt, Germany) Mateusz Ploskon (UC Berkeley, USA) Haavard Helstrup, Kirstin F. Hetland, Oystein Haaland, Ketil Roed, Torstein Thingnaes ( Bergen University College, Norway) Kenneth Aamodt, Per Thomas Hille, Gunnar Lovhoiden, Bernhard Skaali, Trine Tveter (University of Oslo, Norway) Indranil Das, Sukalyan Chattopadhyay (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India) Bruce Becker, Corrado Cicalo, Davide Marras, Sabyasachi Siddhanta (Cittadella Universitaria, Cagliari, Italy) Jean Cleymans, Artur Szostak, Roger Fearick, Gareth de Vaux, Zeblon Vilakazi (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

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