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Energy in Waves

Energy in Waves. Energy in Waves. A Wave is …. Any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or space. A Wave is…. Waves carry energy . Any substance through which a wave can travel is called a medium . A medium can be a solid, liquid, or gas . Ex: strings/wire, air, water.

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Energy in Waves

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  1. Energy in Waves

  2. Energy in Waves A Wave is… • Any disturbance that transmits energy through matter or space.

  3. A Wave is… • Waves carry energy. • Any substance through which a wave can travel is called a medium. • A medium can be a solid, liquid, or gas. • Ex: strings/wire, air, water.

  4. Waves that require a medium are called Mechanical Waves. • Example: sound • Waves that can transfer without a medium are called Electromagnetic Waves. • Example: light, microwaves, x-rays.

  5. Types of Waves • Waves are classified based on the direction in which the particles of the medium vibrate, compared with the direction the waves travel.

  6. Types of Waves • 2. Longitudinal Waves (or Compression Waves) • The particles of the medium vibrate back and forth. • Ex: Sound waves

  7. Longitudinal Waves • Rarefaction- A section of the wave where particles are less crowded than others. • Compression- a section of the wave where the particles are crowded together.

  8. Types of Waves • 1. Transverse waves • When the motion of the medium particles are at right angles to the motion of the wave. (The particles move across or perpendicular.) • Particles vibrate with an up-and-down motion.

  9. Transverse Waves Direction of particles

  10. Transverse Waves • Ex: Although electromagnetic waves do not travel by vibrating particles in a medium, all electromagnetic waves are classified as transverse.

  11. Wave Properties • Amplitude • the maximum distance the wave vibrates from its rest position (node). • Large amplitude means more energy.

  12. Wave Properties • Wavelength – distance between adjacent crests. • Frequency – The number of waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time. • Measured in Hertz (Hz). • 1 Hz = 1 wave/sec. • Higher frequency means higher energy.

  13. Wave Speed • Can be calculated by: • S = λ • f (speed= wavelength x frequency) • Ex: What is the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 2m and a frequency of 6 Hz? • Solution: • S = λ • f • S= 2m • 6 Hz • S= 12 m/s

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