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A CCELERATOR S AFETY S UPPORT. Installation safety framework workshop - January 12 th. Complementary information on installation safety can be found on https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/659 /. Involvement in the accelerator installation activities. Today. Contractor. ESS. ESS.
ACCELERATOR SAFETY SUPPORT Installation safety framework workshop- January 12th Complementary information on installation safety can be found on https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/659/
Involvement in the accelerator installation activities Today Contractor ESS ESS Safety procedures Support in the preparation of safety templates (e.g. WCSP) Participation to the pre-work visit (ESS system leader, contractor representative, area supervisor, safety team) Coordination of safety training (e.g. BAS-U/P, safety harness, first-aid) ES&H Division Accelerator Division Review of safety documentation (e.g. JHA, AHA, WCSP) Support in the definition of control measures Interface between AD and ES&H Soon AD Safety Group Participation to regular safety inspections on site Preparation of online training courses
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) ESS system leader Contractor Description of the tasks to be performed ESS-0064035 Status: preliminary version
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) ESS system leader Contractor List of associated hazards ESS-0064035 Status: preliminary version
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) SafetyatESS ESS system leader Contractor List of control measures and PPE Safety procedures ESS-0064035 Status: preliminary version
Area Hazard Analysis (AHA) RadiationatESS ESS Area supervisor List of hazards and control measures Safety procedures RADIATION Controlled area 21% O2 monitor DIS-1 ESS-0064035 Status: preliminary version
Work and Safety Coordination Plan (WSCP) ESS system leader Contractor ESS area supervisor Part 1: Work Coordination Plan GENERAL INFORMATION Working hours Duration of the activity Contact persons Regulatory framework & applicable documentation PREPATORY MEASURES Pre-work visits Organizational measures (e.g. storage, waste management, equipment/machines, etc.) Participation of ESS to the work (e.g. electricity, water, staff, maintenance, safety measures, etc.) Provisions for personnel rooms and hygiene (e.g. toilets, changing rooms, etc.) Description of the work to be done ESS-0085649 Status: under revision (review process launched on December 2nd)
Work and Safety Coordination Plan (WSCP) ESS system leader Contractor ESS area supervisor Part 2: Safety Coordination Plan HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL MEASURES Area Hazard Analysis (AHA) Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Co-activities Control documents (e.g. fire permit, work authorization, lock-out/tag-out permit, etc.) INFORMATION AND TRAINING List of mandatory safety training and awareness Minimum number of first aiders required Site map Reporting in case of an incident ESS-0085649 Status: under revision (review process launched on December 2nd)
Approval of the safety documentation OK OK OK OK OK OK Accelerator Division ES&H Division Skanska Area supervisor Safety representative Safety representative Group leader Safety representative System leader
Stub test installation – Jan. to Feb. 2017 MAIN OBJECTIVE Develop installation procedures, determine durations and manpower needs, test different engineering solutions and implement safety documentation (ESS Annual Review 2016 recommendation) ACTIVITIES TO BE PERFORMED Installation of supporting structures Installation of RF waveguides Installation of cable trays and conduits Pulling of electrical cables Installation of ODH sampling pipes Installation of radiation shielding and fire sealing Early access inspection on January 12th (ES&H, Skanska & AD) Safety documentation available at https://ess-ics.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AI/Stub+Test+Installation
BAS-U/BAS-P training – 14th Nov. 2016 MAIN TOPICS Health and safety rules and terms Health and safety problems in the construction industry Duties and responsibilities of client/contractor Health and safety during planning BAS-P Health and safety during construction BAS-U MAIN OBJECTIVE DURATION Get a better understanding of the applicable safety regulations and good practices as well as the challenges and implications during construction/installation activities in Sweden One day TRAINING COMPANY SverigesByggindustrier PRICE TARGET AUDIENCE Area supervisors, installation coordinators, safety representatives… ~ 3200 SEK per participant duy.phan@esss.se