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This document outlines the requirements and benefits of conducting risk assessments for voluntary workers in Rotary clubs. It provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a risk assessment, including identifying hazards, evaluating risks, and recording findings. The document also highlights the responsibilities of club members and provides useful information for conducting risk assessments.
HEALTH & SAFETY Alan Kaye District 1070 Health & Safety Officer
The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974: Section 7 Requires ALL Members To take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected To comply with any duty imposed on them by law
The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 3 requires: • Assessment of all significant risks to health and safety • The assessment to be suitable & sufficient. • Recording of significant findings • Initiation of appropriate actions • Review of assessment after each event
Health & Safety ExecutiveApplication of Health & Safety standards to voluntary workers “In general, the same health and safety standards should be applied to voluntary workers as they would to employees exposed to the same risks….HSE considers it good practice for a volunteer user to provide the same level of health and safety protection as they would in an employer/employee relationship, irrespective of whether there are strict legal duties.” HSG1923 (Charity and Voluntary Workers)
Key Points of Risk Assessment MUST • Cover all aspects of the activity • Have the commitment of all levels of Rotary • Actively involve members MUST NOT • Lose sight of significant risks in the process of dealing with the trivial • Become a barrier to doing “business”
Benefits? Compliance with Health & Safety Legislation Removal or reduction of hazards or risks Promoting safe working practices Contributing to operational effectiveness
Outcomes? Investment in people Improved image Improved confidence Improved reputation Protection of RIBI Members
What is a Hazard? What is Risk? Anything with the potential to cause harm • The likelihood a hazard will cause harm (also reflects the severity)
What is Risk Assessment? A careful examination of your activities Have you taken enough precautions? Could you do more to prevent harm from happening? Have you taken care to ensure risks are minimised?
Five Steps to Risk Assessment • Look out for hazards • Decide who may be harmed and how • Evaluate the risks • Record your findings • Review your assessment - revise for future events if necessary
1. Look out for the hazards • Ignore trivial, concentrate on significant hazards that could cause serious harm • Ask other club members – they could spot what you have overlooked • Look afresh at what could cause harm
2. Decide who may be harmed Consider: • People attending your event – could they be harmed by your activities? • Young, elderly, expectant mothers • Visitors, contractors, maintenance staff etc.
3. Evaluate the risks • How likely is it the hazard will cause harm? • Is the risk high, medium or low? • Can you remove the risk? • If not, can you do anything to reduce it? • Is there a less risky alternative? • Can you prevent access to the risk? • Do you need to provide first aid?
4. Record your findings Write down your findings – record any hazards identified and your conclusions You must show that a proper check was made and you considered who may be affected You must show you dealt with significant hazards and made every effort to reduce risks
4. Record your findings The written Risk Assessment Form must be kept for future reference – hand a copy to the Club H&S Officer for filing It helps show you have done what the law requires It shows what precautions you have taken – essential if you are asked by a H&S Inspector or become involved in any civil liability action
5. Review your assessment Amend for future events if additional hazards were discovered at the time or if there is any change to plans that could introduce a new hazard Check your precautions were undertaken and worked properly
Health & Safety Policy Statement • Provide adequate control of H&S risks • Consult with all members • Issue all new members with documents • Give adequate guidance for risk assessment • Maintain safe working conditions • Ensure safety of plant and substances • Review and revise annually (at AGM)
Health & Safety Responsibilities Club CouncilOverall responsibility for implementation of General H&S Policy Health & Safety OfficerDayto day responsibility for H&S Practice Committee Chairman/Event OrganisersMaintenance of standards All membersmust take reasonable care of themselves and those around them
Risk Assessments Event Organisers:undertake assessment Committee Chairman:supervises Health & Safety Officer:approves action Committee Chairmen:responsibility that actions are taken to reduce risks Health & Safety Officer:files and collates Club Council:review assessments periodically
Satisfy the requirements Accept responsibility – that means everyone! Fill in the forms Enjoy your activities (top of agenda !) Take care of yourself and others You can make it work – it need not spoil what you want to do
Useful Information District Councils have specialised H&S advisors and should be your first port of call if you want advice If they cannot help try HSE Information Line 0845 3450055 (answers any questions: confidential manned by civilians) Web Site: www.hse.gov.uk Good Practice Safety Guide (72 pages) Issued by Home Office: guidance for voluntary organisations Copies can be downloaded (free) at: www.rotary1070.orgor www.http.police.homeoffice.gov.uk
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