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ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Brussels, 27.06.2013. Priority 6. Labour market open for all Grants for start ups + training + advisory + bridge support 148 thousands of grants , 150 thousands of jobs created
ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Brussels, 27.06.2013 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Priority 6. Labour market open for all Grants for start ups + training + advisory + bridgesupport 148 thousands of grants, 150 thousands of jobscreated 26 thousandsgrants for the youth 3,4 thousandsgrants for the disabled 13,2 thousandsgrants for the elderlypeople (50-64) Conclusion: lowskillslevel, specific, additionalneeds, dependancy on supportcausesthattheyfailwhensupportstops Additional 115 mln Eur for the youthsupport Regional support for inclusive entrepreneurship Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Priority 6. labour market open for all From 2012 pilot project enabling the repayable loans for the people who wish to establish a business – 41 mln Eur allocation (loans up to 12 000 Eur) Contracting financial intermediares in the regions Regional support for inclusive entrepreneurship Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Submeasure 7.2.2. Support for social economy (172 mln Eur) Building the support system for SE institutions on the regional level – appointing on the way of call for proposals the institutions (at least 2 in the region) which provide: legal, bookkeeping and marketing services Advisory centres / points, social economy incubators Training on how to start up and conduct social economy entity Building local partnerships for SE development Promotion SE as a source of employment These institutions are called Social Economy Support Centres Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Establishment of social cooperatives Support for natural and legal persons planning to start up social cooperative through at least 2 instruments: Advisory (for individuals and groups) and training in terms of starting and conducting social cooperatives (before and after signing the contract) Grants for starting up or accessing to social cooperative (up to 20 000 PLN/5 000 EUR/ per person) Granting bridge support for 6 / 12 months from signing a contract (grants and advisory) Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
From 2012 pilot project enablig loans for developing social enterprise -7,5 mln Eur 250 loans in 2013 – 2015 for up to 60 months with additional consulting services Max ammount : 25 000 Eur, the interest was calculated for 0,5 % of the discount rate (currently 2 %) Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Beneficiaries: Ngo’sconducting trade activity Socialcooperatives Religiousorganisations Public companies and companies with limitedliability – running non profit, transferingincomeontostatutorygoals Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Achieved indicators 2008 2012 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Resultindicators: Number of jobscreated in the socialeconomysector with support from the ESF (aim: 7000) – 1500 (achieved in 2011), The share of ownrevenues of the socialeconomyentities in the overallvalue of theirincome (aim: 30%) – 45% (achieved), Number of SESC supported by ESF 2 yearslater in the business – 26/44 Indicators Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Diagnosis: Number of appointed social economy support centres was bigger than assumed output indicators Short life (one year in that role) of supported SESC Changes: 1 SESCper subregion Financing will address already existing SESC and last no shorter than 24 months Sustainability will be checked 2 years after closing the project Development of the Measure 7.2.2. Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Multidimentional and integrated support (training, grants, advisory, partnership) Promotion of SE Influencing regional authorities, strategies, long term planning Building local/regional coalitions for SE development Strengths Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Regional financial means dispersed among too many SE entities (SESC) Short life of SESC – dependancy on ESF financing Low quality of services – the expectations of SE entities not met Lack of quality standards for SESC Weaknesses Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
National Programme for Social Economy Development (longterm policy document) enabling more effective and coherent support of SE till 2020 Building on up to date experience – 3 types of services (modules) Local animation – public – social partnerships, social participation initial training and advisory on how to establish social enterprise (in cooperation with the local labour offices) + incubation and tutoring professional services (legal, financial, marketing, management, innovation) by acredited institutions Future Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Revolvingfinancialinstruments Common monitoring system Qualitystandards Policy coordination Favourable environment for SE development Future Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -
Department for ESF Management e-mail: efs@mrr.gov.pl Malgorzata.lublinska@mrr.gov.pl Thank you Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -