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Introduction to BOCES SAMS Financial and CoSer Systems NYS Education Department August 2013

Introduction to BOCES SAMS Financial and CoSer Systems NYS Education Department August 2013. Introduction. Andrea Hyary David Fedorchak Jay O ’ Conner Lisa Brandt. What we will cover in this training. How SAMS is organized How to: Log on to SAMS Import data in SAMS

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Introduction to BOCES SAMS Financial and CoSer Systems NYS Education Department August 2013

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  1. Introduction to BOCES SAMSFinancial and CoSer SystemsNYS Education Department August 2013

  2. Introduction • Andrea Hyary • David Fedorchak • Jay O’Conner • Lisa Brandt

  3. What we will cover in this training • How SAMS is organized • How to: • Log on to SAMS • Import data in SAMS • Respond to the edit exception report • Certify and submit your data • Understand the activity log and how/when to use it • Do revisions in SAMS • View your output reports (Aid Calculations) and other useful reports • Understanding Financial System Edits • CoSer System Overview

  4. SAMS Log On http://portal.nysed.gov

  5. The State Aid Unit no longer issues SAMS user ids and passwords. If new SAMS accounts are needed, or if passwords need resetting, you must contact your SEDDAS administrator which is your BOCES Superintendent.. SEDDAS (SED Delegated Account System) is a program that enables districts to create and maintain their own accounts and reset passwords for SAMS and other SED applications. For more information you can visit: http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/seddas/seddashome.html SEDDAS Help (518) 473-8832

  6. Welcome to SAMS Click State Aid Management System

  7. BOCES SAMS Menu

  8. Entity Information • Use to update BOCES contact information for: • BOCES State Aid Designee * • Board of Education Contact • Co Ser System Designee Contact • SA-111 Contact • Procedures to update/change Superintendent information: http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/sedrefupdate.html • All State Aid correspondence will go to the State Aid Designee. Whoever is in that role will be communicating as appropriate with other business office personnel. • Significant communications from State Aid will also be copied to the District Superintendent Please ensure the Entity Information is up-to-date for your BOCES in order to get State Aid correspondences.

  9. Importing Data • BOCES Financial Data must be imported into BOCES SAMS using a pre-defined XML file format. The XML file is the only mechanism that a BOCES can use to submit BOCES Financial Data into BOCES SAMS

  10. BOCES XML Data file Import

  11. How to look at your data

  12. Use to enter your own CoSers Use to enter when purchasing CoSers from another BOCES

  13. The SED EXCEL Template • BOCES can create their own spreadsheet from any saved “XML” file by using the template which can be found on the State Aid homepage under SAMS Training Material. Template for converting XML files to EXCEL • BOCES should not send SED XML files

  14. Using the SED EXCEL Template 1. Create a new XML file from your financial data system 2. Save the XML file to your PC 3. Open your most recent BO xxxxxx mmddyy V7.XLS spreadsheet 4. Choose Data, XML, Import from the top menu 5. Select the file saved in step 2 above and click Import 6. Choose File, Save As, and save your spreadsheet with a meaningful name ** SED would prefer that you use a naming convention that contains at least your BOCES six digit BEDS Code and our XML schema definition version number V7. The date that your data was imported to SAMS is also helpful. For example BO 123456 100211 V7.xls 7. After you have completed importing the data into SAMS we suggest that you copy and paste the Import Validation Error Report (which SAMS emails to the user) into the second tab of this template. 8. Save your file again.

  15. 10 submitted data items that most directly affect Aid Calculations and appear on Component Output Reports

  16. Edits: Who Needs Them? Edit Report • You: to ensure the data you have reported is as you intended • Us: part of our ‘due diligence’ in paying /projecting the correct aid ` amount • Others: that request explanations behind aid /data fluctuations

  17. To run the edit exception report: Select the edit report from the Form tree Click Run New Report You must Review the edit exception report and change/correct any data items if needed before submission. All unresolved edits must be explained in sufficient detail. Edit report must be marked READY before the BOCES Superintendent can Certify and Submit to SED The BOCES financial form set edit exception report must be run and all edit exceptions addressed before the BOCES Superintendent can Certify and Submit to SED. The Edit Report can be found at the end of the form set. Edit Exception Report

  18. Edit Exception Report

  19. Edit Report Guidance Common edit exceptions include: • Missing data • Logically inconsistent data • Large increase/decrease in year to year trends • Significant discrepancies between component allocation totals and BOCES-level totals • More about edits later…

  20. Official Form Certification • The Certification Form can be found under “Official Forms” for the Form Set. • The form set must be Certified by the District Superintendent • The Edit Report must be in the “Ready” state before Certification • Certify and Submit your data to State Aid. • To verify that SED has “received” your submission, check that the activity log has a data state entry of “Certified” for the form set you submitted. • Do not upload another file until you receive a “Clean” or “Rejected” email notice from SED

  21. The Revision Data area is used to make changes/corrections to your data ONLY after your initial data has been “Certified and Submitted.” STEP 1 Make your Changes Generate a new data file from your financial system. Import new data file into REVISION data area Run the Edit Exception Report Address errors, make comments, “Save and Ready” Revision Data Area STEP 2 Submit your Changes • You must submit your changes to State Aid for any form that was modified. • Select “BOCES Financial Change Submission Form. • Click Submit Changes • Wait for SED to Clean or Reject before uploading another XML file.

  22. Step 2: Submit your changes

  23. Change Submission Summary

  24. Activity Log • Allows you to track all activities and status associated with the data you have submitted to State Aid and the CoSer System. • Information displayed in the activity log will let you: • Verify the data state and data state date of any form set: (e.g. Certified, Clean) • Identify when a Form Set has been Rejected and needs your Attention (edit rejected, correction rejected, revision rejected) • Review automated correspondence sent by SED • Identify BOCES or SED staff responsible for the activity log • Can filter sort by Form Set • Can sort by any column on the log by left-clicking on the column heading.

  25. Activity Log

  26. Using the Activity Log • Use Activity Log to confirm all interactions with SAMS • BOCES should confirm that each action they take; e.g., Certify, Submit Revision, etc. appears on the log • Watch for Rejected State – the ball’s in your park; you must respond to SED • Your State Aid Form Set has not been accepted by SED for inclusion in the Nov 15 DB until activity log shows Clean or Clean with Issues!

  27. SED Status

  28. State Aid Calculations and Reports State Aid Output Reports • Detailed service area-level showing how expenses and aids are calculated. • Output reports include the reports available pre-SAMS (e.g. Svc Area Aidable Expense, Component Output Report, SA-114 and the RWADA Report Other BOCES Financial Reports - Various PSN Level Reports • PSN Service Expense for Allocation • PSN level Component Aid Report (NEW) • SA-111 Schedule 4 Report • Excess Salary Charges: Purchasing BOCES Report • Unapproved Service Expense: Purchasing BOCES Report • EPE Aid for BOCES • Component Output Report can also be viewed from the public state aid website https://stateaid.nysed.gov under “View District Data” (available late fall).

  29. BOCES Financial Menu Links Hint: Click on BOCES Financial to display all Menu choices

  30. Financial Reports • Financial reports that can be accessed in BOCES/SAMS. BOCES Report DEMO

  31. Accessing Output Reports • Under Reports select “Output Reports” • Select Expand All • Select Data Area • Official • Revision – check here after uploading revisions • Select Data Version Date • Midnight Last Night (always source of Public View) • Current Date/Time • Snapshot – Select an available snapshot (E.g. Nov. 15, 2012 database) • Select Output Report • Scroll down to title and click on date

  32. Snapshots • Display data as it existed at a point in time • Currently only available for Service Area -Level Reports, not PSN-level reports • Use to compare current aids with aids computed as of a payment date, November database, etc.

  33. Understanding the Edit Report

  34. Major Co-ser area trend edits • Means that parameters above are applied to changes in the total of expense items listed above for all PSNs in the each major service area • Report will show you only the service areas for which the total svc area expense change exceeded the parameters in either the actual or projected year

  35. Major Co-ser area trend edits You see this at the start of this section of the edit report: Schedule 4, Edit 1 - Total Expense: Trend Edit • Description:  Total Expense changed by more than plus or minus 15% AND $300,000 for the major CoSer areas listed below, in the actual and/or projected year. • Item(s):  Schedule 4 Total of Direct Expense + Subtotal Undistributed Expense + Subtotal Net Transfers for each CoSer area.

  36. Example: Edit kicks out for 500B Area • Means that total of items listed above, for all PSNs in the 500B area, changed by at least plus or minus 15% and $300K in either the actual or projected year • Click View Details • Report displays data described in the “Items” list for every PSN in the service area, and the service area summary data at the bottom that generated the edit exception • The Service area totals and total change data at the bottom tell you whether the prior to current change, current to projected change, or both, generated the edit exception

  37. Detail Report Example

  38. Major Co-ser area Trend Edits How to Respond Do’s and Don’t • Do: explain the trend in total change, for one or both yr to yr comparisons • Don’t: explain the change in each PSN listed • But: trend in total change may be due substantially or primarily to change in one or two PSNs, in which case OK to only explain fluctuation in that PSN

  39. Trend Edits Suggestions • Look at prior to actual change and actual to projected change separately……and together • Provide best insight you can into the fluctuation in the service area for example: • one year ‘spike’ because.… • multiple yr downward trend because… • Participation in PSN 456 fluctuates a lot from year to year and is the source of most of the fluctuation in the whole service area…

  40. Rent and Capital Edits • 4 separate, “0” edits that will tell you that you have reported no data in rent for aid, projected rent, capital for aid, projected capital: BOCES must confirm in comment area that “0 is OK” or resubmit

  41. Rent and Capital Trend Edits • Trend edits will be based on totals of component allocations • Edit will kick out if either prior to actual or actual to projected parameters are exceeded • Please provide substantive explanation for edit exceptions; e.g., for large increase/decrease in capital expense: • Not enough detail: Project started or Project finished • Too much detail: Started/finished Project # 003 adding 3 classrooms to Building 2, Project #004 replacing windows in Bldg 3, Project # ___, etc. • Just right: Anticipate starting/finished HVAC project and addition of several classrooms

  42. How to Investigate a Rent or Capital Trend Edit • Go to the Rent and Capital form in SAMS • Choose from top menu bar: BOCES Financial, State Aid Forms, Official or Revision, then click on State Aid BOCES Claim Form Set, then on Capital and Rent Expenditures • Form displays the component allocations for rent and for capital that are in SAMS; shows 3 years of expense • Missing or very wrong data is immediately visually obvious REMEMBER: Expense for rent and capital should be reported for same year as aid year; e.g., 13-14 expense for 13-14 aid

  43. About Admin & Service Totals Check Edits For Admin and each PSN: • These edits compare SED’s calculation of BOCES level expense to be allocated across components To • The total of the component level expenses you allocated for the PSN

  44. About Admin & Service Totals Check Edits (cont.) • Total BOCES level Sch. 4 expense, less certain BOCES level expense & revenue deductions, yields the BOCES level expense for allocation • That should equal or be very close to the total of the expense allocated to each component

  45. About Admin & Service Totals Check Edits (cont.) • New this year: collection of an additional data item (expense allocated to other BOCES & non-components) refines SED’s calculation of BOCES level expense for allocation • Anticipated result of this change: fewer edit exceptions!

  46. About Admin & Service Totals Check Edits (cont.) • For PSNs where difference between the two compared totals exceeds the edit parameter, ‘view details’ for these edits shows both BOCES level amt. for allocation and corresponding total of your cmp allocations • Those two numbers are displayed both for current and projected years

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