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Consumer, Consumption, Media

Consumer, Consumption, Media. Meeting 12. Consumer Values. Value = single belief that guides actions; enduring standard; learned (freedom, equality, fairness, religion) Terminal - end-state; core values Beauty Instrumental - modes of conduct to reach end-state Soft, clean hair.

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Consumer, Consumption, Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Consumer, Consumption, Media Meeting 12

  2. Consumer Values Value = single belief that guides actions; enduring standard; learned (freedom, equality, fairness, religion) • Terminal - end-state; core values Beauty • Instrumental - modes of conduct to reach end-state Soft, clean hair

  3. Culture-specific research • Differences in ranking of values • Terminal values of one may be instrumental values of another • A value may not exist in another culture • Age and country-specific preferences • Indian and Japanese studies

  4. Marketing Value • Branding adds value to products Consumer value systems: • Central values: core to individual system • Domain-specific - acquired in specific situations or activities • Product-specific - evaluations of product attributes

  5. Toothpaste Associations Attributes Benefits Values Sugarless prevents cavities security Bleach clean, white self-confidence Low price saves money thrift Natural no additives health

  6. Values and Choice • Functional - satisfaction from attributes; satisfies needs (culture bound) • Social - reference group, class, opinion leadership; symbolic • Emotional - emotions driving choice • Epistemic - curiosity arousal, knowledge • Conditional - temporary functional or social; specific circumstances

  7. Reference Group Need for: • Help, friendship • Status • Warmth and security • Power • Gender relations Influencers of buying behavior

  8. Decision Making • Internal locus of control - inner directed; low-context cultures • External locus of control - outer directed; high context cultures • Trust in company and brand necessary

  9. Time Orientation and Decision Making • Strong uncertainty avoidance causes postponed decisions; manana syndrome • Efficiency and time-saving appeals used for individualistic cultures • Catholic / Latin cultures overstate intentions to buy - collectivists don’t like to say no

  10. Decision-Making Units • Feminine cultures - reaching consensus is important; everyone must be allowed to share opinions • Masculine cultures - decisiveness and expedience valued • Opinion leaders - elders, experts • Diffusion of Innovations (early adopters) • Brand loyalty - collectivist countries • Needs - functional vs. social (bike)

  11. Maslow, Motivation Hierarchy of needs - self-actualization is individualistic US motive • Esteem, is male, social, safety is female Attitude allows favorable or unfavorable response Motivation theories based on Freud’s idea of anxiety (German culture)

  12. Communication Styles • Context - information surrounding event • High use indirect comm, less copy, more symbols • Low use more copy, arguments, facts • Western nations going to high tactics, putting information on the Internet • Mode - way message is delivered • Individualistic cultures use direct • Collectivist use indirect

  13. Verbal Styles • Direct/indirect - sell or suggest • Elaborate /distinct - economy of words • Personal vs role-centered (status/occup) • Instrumental - sender oriented; low context / affective - receiver oriented; high context

  14. Advertising Models • Sales-response - short-term, Western • Persuasion - individualistic • Involvement - relationship building • Awareness - differentiation, crosses borders • Emotions -promote positive attitude, create brand loyalty; collectivist, feminine cultures • Likability - entertainment; capitalistic • Symbolism - turn brand into symbol

  15. Brand as Cultural Hero • Villain - comparative ad, Irish market chain • Donor - generosity - United lounges • Helper - main benefit, Crest cavity fighter • Sought-for-person - helps change situation; Apple is friendlier than PC • Dispatcher - information or advice; Financial Service • Hero - Volvo provides safety • False-hero - underdog; Avis #2

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