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Agenda 2-4-2013

Agenda 2-4-2013. BW – Define Communist Party Describe – New Economic Policy (pg.872) CW – Notes HW – Primary Source Reading on Lenin QOTD – “You can still dunk in the dark” - Oreo. What impact did Vladimir Lenin have on Russia? Notes #4-2.

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Agenda 2-4-2013

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  1. Agenda 2-4-2013 • BW – Define Communist Party • Describe – New Economic Policy (pg.872) • CW – Notes • HW – Primary Source Reading on Lenin • QOTD – “You can still dunk in the dark” - Oreo

  2. What impact did Vladimir Lenin have on Russia? Notes #4-2

  3. As the leader of the Bolsheviks, he promised “Peace, Bread, and Land” to gain popular support to overthrow the Russian government.

  4. One Government out, the next one in • The Provisional Government Topples In November 1917, workers take control of the government • Bolsheviks in Power • Lenin gives land to peasants, puts workers in control of factories

  5. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • Lenin had Russia sign a peace treaty with Germany, ending its involvement in WWI. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918

  6. Civil War Civil War Rages in Russia • Civil War between Bolsheviks’ Red Army and loosely allied White Army • Red Army wins three-year war that leaves 14 million dead Comparing World Revolutions • Russian, French Revolutions similar—both attempt to remake society

  7. Political Reforms • Lenin and the Communists politically reorganized Russia, • Creates self-governing republics (mini-states) under national government Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.); 1922 – 1991

  8. Political Reforms (cont’d) • In 1922, country renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) • Communist Party—new name taken by Bolsheviks from writings of Marx Flag of the Russian Empire Flag of the Soviet Union

  9. COMMUNISM • Lenin believed in the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and had the Bolshevik Party change their name to the Communist Party.

  10. The Communist Manifesto: • Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Friedrich Engels  Karl Marx 

  11. According to Marx and Engels, history can be viewed as a continuous struggle between economic classes. Working class (proletariat) vs. Wealthy class (capitalist class)

  12. A main idea of The Communist Manifesto was that the proletariat must unite to overthrow the capitalist class.

  13. This leads to private property ceasing to exist and the people owning the means of production, creating a system of communism.

  14. once communism emerges, the evils of industrial society would disappear.

  15. New Economic Policy • In March 1921, Lenin launches New Economic Policy; (has some capitalism) • NEP and peace restore economy shattered by war, revolution • By 1928, Russia’s farms, factories are productive again

  16. A New Leader? • Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin compete to replace Lenin when he dies • Joseph Stalin—cold, hard Communist Party general secretary in 1922 Joseph Stalin Leon Trotsky

  17. And the winner is……Stalin! • Stalin gains power from 1922 to 1927 • Lenin dies in 1924 • Stalin gains complete control in 1928; Trotsky forced into exile

  18. Only Party • Communist Party was the only party that ran the government, using violence and terror to force control.

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