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Promoting Organic Production Enhancing Youth Employment - POPEYE Active youth for local development the example of

Promoting Organic Production Enhancing Youth Employment - POPEYE Active youth for local development the example of organic production Mrs Biljana ZASOVA ALDA Head of implementation unit. ALDA Youth Programme What is the aim ?

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Promoting Organic Production Enhancing Youth Employment - POPEYE Active youth for local development the example of

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  1. PromotingOrganic Production EnhancingYouthEmployment - POPEYE Activeyouthforlocaldevelopment the exampleoforganic production MrsBiljana ZASOVA ALDA Head ofimplementationunit

  2. ALDA Youth Programme Whatis the aim? To promote economic, social, cultural and professional growth of the new generations of European active citizens

  3. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the main youth issues of concern to ALDA? • youth employment • health, environment and youth • youth participation and inclusion in public life • What are the toolsapplied? • EU projects, training courses, seminars, workshops, tailor-made activities

  4. ALDA Youth Programme What are the objectives pursued within the youth employment field in the EU? tostimulateunemployedyoung people'smobility and activeparticipation in society tostimulateyoung people’sspiritofinitiative, creativity and entrepreneurship, employability, in particularthroughyouthinitiatives

  5. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the tools applied to achieve these objectives? • FUNNY (FightingUNemploymentthroughNetworkingforYouth) • TYEC (Tackling Youth Employment Challenges) • POPEYE (Promoting Organic Production – Enhancing Youth Employment)

  6. ALDA Youth Programme 1. Training courses FUNNY (FightingUNemploymentthroughNetworkingforYouth) Timeframe: 2nd – 7th December 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan FUNNY aims to reinforce the cooperation and networking among programme countries and their neighbours in a topic that is highly relevant for them all and crucial for youth. It will seek to give a concrete support to unemployed youth and an effective answer to the economic crisis

  7. ALDA Youth Programme 2. Projects TYEC (Tackling Youth Employment Challenges) Timeframe: 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013 The main goal of TYEC is to indicate which measures and approaches can be taken to ensure a better coordination between stakeholders and levels (local, regional, national and European) and promote the voice of young people in the search for and implementation of sustainable solutions. Produced a study report on social consequences of youth unemployment in 5 countries among which France, Belgium Italy Romania and Bulgaria.

  8. ALDA Youth Programme POPEYE (Promoting Organic Production – Enhancing Youth Employment) Timeframe: 1st January 2013 to 1st March 2014, last event is today and tomorrow in Strasbourg The aim of the project is to involve disadvantaged youngsters from rural areas in their territories' life, to provide them with a deep understanding of their areas' economic and environmental demands and problems as well as of their potential role in local public life.

  9. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the objectives pursued within the health and environment field? • topromotehealthybehaviours, in particularthrough the promotion of the practiceof outdoor activities and grassroots sport, as a meanstopromotehealthylifestylesaswellastofoster social inclusion and the activeparticipationofyoung people in society

  10. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the toolsappliedtoachievetheseobjectives? • LEADERS (LocalEnviroments: ActiveDevelopmentofenvironmentallyresponsiblesocieties) –global partnership on sustainablelocalenvironment • COHEIRS (Civic Observers for Health and Environment: Initiative for Responsibility and Sustainability) – citizen panels

  11. ALDA Youth Programme 1. Projects LEADERS Timeframe: November 2013 – January 2015The project LEADERS aims at developing a global partnership of organisations working with young people interested in environmentally friendly societies and capable to act locally to enable a better enviornment and life for all. This project works on enabling young people to acquire skills and enhance their employability, but also promotes a better intercultural understanding among youth in the world.

  12. ALDA Youth Programme COHEIRS (Civic Observers for Health and Environment: Initiative for Responsibility and Sustainability) Timeframe: 15th April 2013 – 15th April 2014 The aimof COHEIRS istosupportactiveparticipationofcitizens in the EU democratic life and more specifically in the implementationof the precautionaryprinciples, asdetailed in Article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioningof the EuropeanUnion (EU), through the establishment ofcitizenspanelsfocused on health and environment. Young people are oneof the main target groupsof the project.

  13. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the objectives pursued within the youth participation and inclusion field? • to raise young people’s awareness about EU Citizenship and the rightsthat go withit, within the contextof the EuropeanYearofCitizens • toincrease the participationofyoung people in the civic life oftheir community • toincrease the roleofyoungEuropeans in representativedemocracy • toprovidegreatersupportforvariousformsoflearningto partecipate

  14. ALDA Youth Programme • What are the toolsappliedtoachievetheseobjectives? • Political report on youth participation • Training courses: • Democratic Movements and Social Media • TOYS (Tolerance in Youth Sport) • Project: • MYEU (My Europe: Young, Equal, Inclusive)

  15. ALDA Youth Programme • Political report on youth participation at regional level • ALDA has contributed to the development of the political report on “The involvement of young people in democratic life at regional level” led by the Assembly of European Regions (AER), the Youth Regional Network (YRN) and Region Alsace.

  16. ALDA Youth Programme TOYS (Tolerance in Youth Sport) Timeframe: 12th to 19th January 2014 The aim of the training is to tackle racism and discrimination among youth through the use of sport. A 5-day seminar encompassing numerous activities, debates, discussions and workshops, as well as indoor and outdoor sport activities, explored the possibility of using sport in youth activities as a tool to challenge racism and discrimination.


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