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An emerging world power: America and Imperialism

Explore America's emergence as a world power with the Monroe Doctrine, Industrialization, Social Darwinism, and key events like acquiring Alaska, Hawaii, and involvement in the Spanish American War.

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An emerging world power: America and Imperialism

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  1. An emerging world power: America and Imperialism

  2. The Monroe Doctrine - 1823 That European countries cannot colonize in any of the Americas (N,S,Central or islands) 2. The U.S. will only be involved in European affairs if America's rights are disturbed. 3. The U.S. will consider any attempt at colonization a threat to its national security. With the advent of Reconstruction and Industrialization, America began to renew its desire to expand beyond its borders. During the Industrial Age, business owners needed valuable marketplaces to keep production growing at a profitable rate.

  3. Another contributing factor: • Alfred Thayer Mann • The Influence of Sea Power Upon History • Mann said the power of ancient civilizations • came from their powerful naval forces. • America needed to build a modern fleet • The United States would need to acquire • foreign bases to refuel and gather fresh supplies By 1900 :The U.S built a new modern fleet of steel plated, steam powered battleships and the 3rd largest navy in the world

  4. Social Darwinism Life consists of competitive struggles where only the fittest survive. Seen in the concept of Manifest Destiny S. D. believed certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over them If Europe grew and America didn’t, It would die! If I read not amiss, this powerful race will move down upon Mexico, down upon Central and South America, out upon the islands of the sea, over upon Africa and beyond. And can any one doubt that the results of this competition of races will be the "survival of the fittest?" Josiah Strong

  5. Baby’s first steps - 1853 & Japan To ensure the British do not gain control over Japan, President Fillmore sends… Commodore Matthew Perry To open relations with Japan, Perry sails to Japan and demands the Emperor meet with him

  6. Perry gives America’s demands to the Japanese and then leaves • He returns eight months later with eight war ships • The Japanese accept the American offer (Perry never met with the Emperor - to consult with barbarians was unthinkable!)

  7. US. Secretary of State - William Seward Brokers a deal with Russia to purchase it for $7.2 million 586,412 square miles - $.02 an acre! The American public mocked the purchase calling it “Seward’s Folly Step Two: Alaska - 1867 Seward got the last laugh as Alaska produced over: 12.5 million ounces of gold - and still climbing Millions of barrels of untapped oil Hundreds of thousands of tons of timber (and one cool television show - Deadliest Catch - Watch it on Discovery Channel)

  8. Needing acoaling depot in the Pacific, America turned to Hawaii Step Three - Hawaii 1887-1898 Hawaii was important to an exploding SUGAR market 1887 - American plantation owners tricked King Kalakua to allow only the rich owners to have voting rights (They all happened to be White - Surprise! A vacation paradise is born

  9. But the owners faced two problems - • New tariff laws made Hawaiian sugar more expensive 2. The King died and his daughter abolished the laws giving the owners political authority. 1893 - The owners overthrew the Queen and the resulting fighting led to the military intervention of America. Fearful of further rebellion, they petitioned Washington to annex (place under protection) Hawaii as a part of the United States (this allows for military intervention and no tariffs on sugar)

  10. The U.S. also established a small naval base there You may have heard of it……… Pearl Harbor!

  11. But it will be the fight for anisland 90 miles from America that will show America’s lust for power…… The Spanish American War (The Battle for Cuba)

  12. Cuba had been a Spanish colony for over 300 years.As a major sugar exporter, American businessmen had flooded the island no matter who owned it. In an age of revolution, the Cuban people wanted their sovereignty from Spain. They revolted against the harsh rule of the Spanish Government The Spanish sent Gen. Valernio Wyler “The Butcher” to stop the rebels.

  13. To stop the revolt he: -killed thousands of rebels -declared martial law in Cuba -imposes sanctions on everyone, including Americans. American businessmen in Cuba demanded protection, but who was really listening? Something needed to awaken America to Cuba’s plight!

  14. Enter Mr. William Randolph Hearst To sell papers, he printed several articles sensationalizing the problems of Cuba and the harsh injustices done to Americans. “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war!!! Hearst’s New York Journal (and others) was dubbed “the yellow press” for it’s stories of “dubious veracity” - mostly lies - to increase circulation The name “yellow (kid) press” originated with a Sunday comic strip printed in the paper starring the Yellow Kid. The first popular comic strip (bigger than Peanuts or Calvin and Hobbs).

  15. Thanks to Hearst, public pressure grew. 1897 - President McKinley took action -demand Spain withdraw from Cuba -give Cuba it’s independence If it didn’t- America would be forced to intervene The Cubans thought we would come to their aid and help their struggle Spain laughed us off!

  16. Feb. 15,1898- The U.S.S. Maine, sent to show American presence in Cuba’s Santiago HarborEXPLODED!!!

  17. Hearst used the yellow press to incite Americans! Stirring American jingoism - intense nationalism - he used the tide of Anti-Spanish sentiments to coerce the Navy commission assigned to investigate the explosion to blame the Spanish No evidence could prove it - In fact it was later found it just wasn’t true!

  18. Adding to the fervor…….. Asst Sec of the Navy Teddy Roosevelt Labeled a war monger - anxious to encourage war - Roosevelt sent a telegram to Admiral George Dewey Commander of the Pacific fleet To attack the Spanish held Philippine Islands It was thought if captured, it could be used as leverage to get what we wanted from Spain in the Caribbean.

  19. March 1898, America demands Spain make Cuba an independent territory and gives Spain 30 days to vacate Cuba! March 31 - Spain refuses Cuban independence once again April 22,1898 - America declares war on Spain The Spanish America War begins

  20. There was only one condition for America The Teller Amendment: Stipulated America could not Annex Cuba in the event of victory Americans come to the call for war!! 100,000 volunteers joined the Army Yet as the army prepared, The war was already under way

  21. May 1, 1898 Commodore George Dewey steamed his vessels into Manila Harbor in the Philippines The Spanish fleet in Manila was destroyed 1 American died 400 Spaniards were sent to the bottom of the bay

  22. Victory over the Philippines was proclaimed and Dewey was called a hero!

  23. June 1898 Under the command of General William Shafter 17,000 Americans arrived in Cuba America quickly captured Guantanamo Bay (N Cuba) American forces then attacked The Spanish from the East to capture Santiago Harbor

  24. Not wanting to miss the war, Teddy Roosevelt resigned his post and joined the Army. He would organize and lead the Rough Riders - A Calvary unit comprised of white and African American soldiers.

  25. Roosevelt would lead them to victory at both the Battles of Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill In a brave assault uphill at San Juan Hill, The Rough Riders pushed the Spanish army into a retreat to their ships at Santiago Harbor

  26. On July 3,1898 at 9:00 a.m. the Spanish attempted to evacuate from Cuba The American fleet was prepared. They decimated the Spanish Fleet in less than three hours! The Spanish American War was over. “It was such a splendid little war” John Hay

  27. The Treaty of Paris (December 1898): • Independence for Cuba • Cession of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam 3. $20 million paid to Spain for all remaining colonial holdings in W.H But a new question arose?? What to do with the Philippine Islands

  28. McKinley believed it was America’s duty to “help our little brown brothers” enter into “God’s grace” and educate them to American ways. Plus we wanted the Islands for a naval base!! Emilio Aguinaldo, Pres. of the Philippines, believed the US would give his territory its independence. When we annexed them instead, Emilio felt betrayed and ordered an attack on American troops in Manila The Filipino American War 1899 - 1902

  29. 126,000 American troops were sent to the Islands to stop the rebel forces American soldiers were given orders to kill anyone over ten years old and burn the villages to the ground The also committed numerous atrocities against the innocent Approx 16,000 Filipino soldiers died It is estimated over 375,000 civilian causalities occurred in American controlled concentration camps

  30. The war ended July 2, 1902 Our new President, Teddy Roosevelt, pardoned the rebel Filipinos But rebel forces continued to fight with Americans stationed there for many more years unofficially. We built our Naval base there… Subic Bay (1992)

  31. With a firm control in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, America began to look for a quicker way to move between the two oceans. Started by the French in the 1880’s, the burden of building the Panama Canal became too expensive.

  32. Roosevelt saw his opportunity!! For the small price of $40 million,the United States offered to purchase the project from the French with a 99 year lease. The only catch…. The Columbian government must approve the deal. They wouldn’t.

  33. In a New York City hotel room, an agreement was made:The French would stage a revolution calling for the independenceof Panama and Roosevelt would provide the military “incentive” so Columbia would follow through.

  34. The Revolution began November 3, 1903! Panama was proclaimed independent and The Great White Fleet hovered offshore warning the Columbians to stay out of Panama. Panama was so grateful it gave America the Canal zone “in perpetuity” - forever (Oh yeah….Don’t forget the $40 million)

  35. American construction began in 1906 and would continue until 1914! Facing challenges like malaria, yellow fever, heavy rains and Columbian rebels, it was to become a difficult project. I took the Canal Zone! Let Congress debate and while the debate goes on, the canal does also! T. Roosevelt

  36. The completion of the Canal would change America’s position as a leader in world trade. It allowed the U.S. to control all major shipping between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres cutting South America out of the trade picture.

  37. In 1921, America acknowledged the dubious methods in which it acquired the canal. The Senate voted to pay Columbia $25 million for the inconvenience and agreed to the original 99 years lease on the canal zone. We returned the Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999 www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vi19z4LEi0

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