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Plans for long-Term Commercial Viability Of the Focus Mussel Farms

Learn about the long-term commercial viability of mussel farms in the Baltic Sea, focusing on production methods, marketing strategies, legal frameworks, and environmental goals. Explore the potential of mussels as human food, nutrient offset, and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture.

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Plans for long-Term Commercial Viability Of the Focus Mussel Farms

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  1. Plans for long-Term Commercial ViabilityOf the Focus Mussel Farms Susanna Minnhagen, Kalmar municipality Baltic Sea mussel farming and nutrient offset conference, Malmö 24th April 2019 Baltic Blue Growth

  2. This talk address:

  3. Baltic Blue Growth focus farms 2016-2019 Vormsi island St. Anna archipelago Coast of Kurzeme Kalmar sound Danish straight • Both sheltered and open sea sites • Both long-line and net systems Kiel Bay 3

  4. Outcome from the BBG focus farms: Production methods have now been demonstrated and local development strategies have been identified • Publishedreports: • Results from Baltic BlueGrowthproject’smussel farms and way forward for musselfarming in the Baltic Sea • Recruitment, growth and productionofbluemussels in the Baltic Sea • Technicalevaluationofsubmergedmussel farms in the Baltic Sea • Experiences from predator mitigationtooltesting • Business plans for bluemusselproduction in the Baltic Sea Available at: https://www.submariner-network.eu/projects/balticbluegrowth/deliverables

  5. ”Business plans”….contains • Potential products, markets and pricingstrategies • Investment costs, productionefficiency and management costsbased on the project farms • Legal framework (country-specific!) • 3 different marketing strategies for small 2-4 cm mussels Baltic Blue Growth

  6. 1. Mussel meal – could be a direct replacer for fish meal in various products • Successful trial of producing mussel meal in BBG • Pilot-scaleproduction plants exists • Legal in all countries • Productionguidelinesareproduced by East Sweden Aquaculturecentre* *http://www.vattenbrukscentrumost.se/sv/kontakt/ balticbluegrowth.eu | #BalticBlueGrowth

  7. 2. Mussels as part of the IMTA concept(Intergrated Multi TrophicAquaculture) • Mussels can serve as compensatory organisms for nutrient inputs due to fish farming • Legal in Denmark, piloted in Germany, discussed in Estonia and autonomous Åland • Part of the strategy for howtoreachviable business at the Musholm farm and at Kiel Marine Farm

  8. 3. Mussel farming as a measure toreachinternationallyagreed environmental goals • Mussel farms could be used by coastal municipalities as a “catch crop” for the management of eutrophication • Nutrient uptake by mussel harvests could be used for nutrient trade. • This is in line with EU’s WFD, but not approved, due to lack of guidelines and decisions on national level • This is part of the strategy on howtoreachviable business at the St. Anna farm, and in the Danishexample from Mariager Fjord municipality balticbluegrowth.eu | #BalticBlueGrowth

  9. Road map: Biologicalconditions for musselgrowth? Country- specificlegislation? Largevolumesof bulk musselstotakeupnutrients? Freshmusselsto the local restaurant? Baltic Blue Growth

  10. Mussels as human food? Vormsi island St. Anna archipelago Baltic Proper Vormsi farm Pavilosta farm St. Anna farm Byxelkrok farm Coast of Kurzeme ”Western Baltic” Kiel marine farm Musholm farm Kalmar sound Danish straight Kiel Bay • The plankton community (=mussel’sfood) in the Baltic Proper is different from plankton in the Western Baltic and othermoresalineareas • Hence, present food-safetycontrol programs are not adequatefor the Baltic Proper • As a result, musselsfrom the Baltic Proper cannot be sold as human food

  11. Business plan ”KielerMeeresfarm” Pricing: ”Highprice policy” Short dealer chain Target: 50 tons per year • Products: • Freshfoodmussels (certifiedorganic) • Processed food-mussels • Algae for human consumption • Farmedfish • Research projects * Foto: Lemcke *Pilot-test of the IMTA–concepttodevelop “StrategiezurEntwicklungeinernachhaltigenAquakultur in Schleswig-Holstein” Baltic Blue Growth

  12. Business plan ”KielerMeeresfarm” • Customers: • Private customers • Business customers • Scientific institutions LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN PLACE! • Investments: • 85 long-line systems • 3 fish-cages • 2 research platforms • Packaging center EXISTING MARKET! • Staff plan: • 3 full-timeemployees • 2-3 seasonalworkers • 1 research project manager • +Additionalifneeded 2m Baltic Blue Growth

  13. Examples oftwoDanish business plans for productionof environmental mussels Target: 400 ton per year 1. MusholmFish Farm – business level • Products so far: • 3.6 ton nitrogen compensation • Additionalproductionof 76 ton rainbowtrout • 1 cm mussels, towedto the Limfjord for outgrowth and harvest NO MARKET FOR 1 CM MUSSELS LEGAL FRAMEWORK IN PLACE! • Pricing: • At present, the 1 cm musselsare given away at a cost • GreatBelt: • Roughconditions • Lowproduction • Pedators • Highproductioncosts => net loss Conclusion: Strivetolegalize ”general” compensation, ratherthanto force compensationmeasures in roughwaters

  14. Examples of two Danish business plans for production of environmental mussels Target: 2000-2500 ton per year Mariager Fjord – governmental level • Products: • 112-170 ton N removal per year • Primarily animal feed • Smalleramount for human consumption Investments: 100 Smartfarm units € 8 170 700 Annual deficit for the private operator: 1.9 million DKK Needed pay for the N-removal: € 2.3/ kg N 8 new full timejobs, plus parttimejobs (transport, processing, sales) Baltic Blue Growth

  15. Examples oftwoDanish business plans for productionof environmental mussels Mariager Fjord – governmental level LEGAL FRAMEWORK IS PENDING Grant-basedcontractbetween the governmentalbody , Mariagerfjord municipality and the operator(s) MUSSEL FEED PROCESS- TECHNOLOGY IN BUILD-UP Financing: Investment loan from green investment fund or similar NO ESTABLISHED MARKET • The goal of the project is that mussel farming achieves status as a national mitigation tool for nitrogen There are short-term risks related to the marketing of mussels for feed, as no market has yet been established for this product. Baltic Blue Growth

  16. Mussel farm business eastcoast Sweden • Investments: • 48 (72*) Longlineunits • Workvessel, harvester • In total € 332 386 Target: 130 tons per year MUSSEL FEED PROCESS- TECHNOLOGY IN BUILD-UP • Products: • 1300 kg N removal per year • 130 kg P removal per year • 130 000 kg feedmussels per year NO ESTABLISHED MARKET Musselharvestdoes not have the status of a national nutrientmitigationmeasure in Sweden • Staff plan: • 1 full timejob • 2 seasonalharvestworkers St. Anna mussel farm • Pricing: • Feedmussels€ 0,069/kg • Nitrogen uptake€ 19/kg • Phosporusuptake€ 250/kg • Customers: • Municipalitiesobligedtocutnutrientloadaccordingto WFD • Organic egg and pigproducers *72 ifnormalizedto 100 m long units Baltic Blue Growth

  17. Mussel farm business eastcoast Sweden • Pricing: • Feedmussels€ 0,069/kg • Nitrogen uptake€ 19/kg • Phosporusuptake€ 250/kg 12 East Swedish municipalities could qualify as “archipelago municipalities” Worst symtoms ofeutrophication Highesteconomicalgainof a betterwater status Least space and highestcost for land-basedmeasures + BEST potential for musselfarming! Baltic Blue Growth

  18. Marketing aspectsofBlueMusselproduction in the Baltic Sea Other potential products: • insect meal • soilfertilizer • mussel shells • pet food • mussel fondue • mussel farms as a tourist attraction Nextproject at St. Anna Baltic Blue Growth

  19. Analyzeof the present situation: Baltic Proper Long term commercialviability is NOT possible in mostcountries. Becauseof: • No established market • National legislations for musselfarmingas a nutrientreductiontoolarenot in place. Things that would improve the business situation for mussel farmers: • The same as for Western Baltic • PLUS an establishedcontrol program for foodmussels! Western Baltic Long term commercialviability is possible! IF built on: • Mussels sold as human food • Mussel as compensatoryorganisms for fish farming Things that would improve the business situation for mussel farmers: • Build-upofmusselfeed process • Mussel farming achieves status as a national mitigation tool Baltic Blue Growth

  20. Ways forward howtoreachviable business: • Mussel farms should achieve the status of national nutrient mitigation tools. Cooperate cross-border to gather knowledge and examples on how! • Invest, support technical development, certificate labelling and marketing campaigns for mussel meal. It is difficult to compete with today’s price on fish meal. But prepare for future shortage! • Combine the EU control program for food mussels1with existing knowledge on cyanobacterial- and other potentially harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Proper. The Swedish guidelines for feed mussel2contain a sampling strategy. Åland already did a proper investigation on the prerequisites and requirements3 • 1 EG nr 853/2004; EG nr 854/2004 and EG nr 2073/2005. • 2Lindahl, O. 2019. Branschriktlinjerförprimärproduktionavfodermussla • 3Linsén J. 2016. MusselodlingförlivsmedelsproduktionilandskapetÅland, förutsättningarochkravenligtunionslagstiftning Baltic Blue Growth

  21. Thank you for your attention! This work was supported by: Baltic Blue Growth

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