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23rd Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Long-term Detector Upgrade Plans for RHIC and eRHIC. ● Motivation ● PHENIX ● STAR ● eRHIC Detectors ● . Jin Huang Brookhaven National Lab. Acknowledgements . PHENIX Collaboration STAR Collaboration
23rd Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry Long-term Detector Upgrade Plans for RHIC and eRHIC ● Motivation ● PHENIX ● STAR ● eRHIC Detectors ● Jin Huang Brookhaven National Lab Acknowledgements • PHENIX Collaboration • STAR Collaboration • BNL EIC Task Force • BNL CA-D department
Overview Strong interest in EIC in the nuclear physics community also shown in next talk, an EIC envisioned by Jefferson Lab: NP08/433, P. Turonski Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) • The most versatile hadron collider in the world, and world’s first and only spin-polarized proton collider • Two running experiments as of today • Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment (PHENIX) • Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (STAR) • Recent Heavy Flavor Tracker upgrade, see talk NP08/322 J. Schambach • 2017-2025: RHIC with upgraded capability • Comprehensive upgrade of PHENIX detector by reusing the BaBar Solenoidal magnet: sPHENIX and fsPHENIX • Central detector upgrade, see talk NP08/356, A. Franz • STAR plans a series of detector upgrade in the forward-looking direction • 2025+: BNL envisions of a high luminosity spin-polarized electron ion collider (EIC), eRHIC • Three studies of possible detectors for eRHIC • Continue upgrade paths for PHENIX and STAR lead to EIC detectors • A purpose-built detector to fully optimize for EIC physics
RHIC in 2017-2025: driving physics goals and requirements on detection capabilities Small bang at RHIC and formation of Quark Gluon Plasma Quark and gluons inside spin-polarized protons Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • Search for QCD critical point and onset of deconfinement • STAR detector with upgraded TPC is well suited for this study • Detailed study using strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) using jet observables and heavy flavor quarks • Jet detection in the central rapidity • Tagging of heavy flavor quark production with lepton ID and displaced vertex • Understand the mystery of large transverse spin asymmetry in hadron collisions, spin puzzle of proton, property of cold nuclear matter • Jet detection in the forward-looking directions and hadron distribution within jets, jet correlations • Drell-Yan -> lepton pair, W/Z -> lepton and direct photon ID Big Bang in the Universe
RHIC → eRHIC around year 2025 One realization of electron ion collider: eRHIC: reuse one of the RHIC rings + high intensity electron energy recovery linearc 50 mA polarized electron gun • Possible detectors studied: • sPHENIX→ ePHENIX • STAR→ eSTAR • A purpose-built detector • Beams of eRHIC • 250 GeV polarized proton • 100 GeV/N heavy nuclei • 15 GeV polarized electron • luminosity ≥ 1033 cm-2s-1 • Also, 20 GeV electron beam with reduced lumi. Courtesy: eRHIC pre-CDR BNL CA-D department Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov>
Physics goals: nucleon as a laboratory for QCD Outlined in EIC white paper, arXiv:1212.1701 Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • The compelling question: How are the sea quarks and gluons, and their spins, distributed in space and momentum inside the nucleon? • Deliverable measurement using polarized electron-proton collisions • The longitudinal spin of the proton, through Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) • Transverse motion of quarks and gluons in the proton, through Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) • Tomographic imaging of the proton, through Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) • Leading detector requirement: • Good detection and kinematic determination of DIS electrons • Momentum measurement and PID of hadrons • Detection of exclusiveproduction of photon/vector mesons and scattered proton • Beam polarimetry and luminosity measurements
h g* e’ q e Physics goals: nucleus as a laboratory for QCD Outlined in EIC white paper, arXiv:1212.1701 Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • The compelling questions: • Where does the saturation of gluon densities set in? • How does the nuclear environment affect the distribution of quarks and gluons and their interactions in nuclei? • Deliverable measurement using electron-ion collisions • Probing saturation of gluon using diffractive process and correlation measurements • Nuclear modification for hadron and heavy flavor production in DIS events; probe of nPDF • Exclusive vector-meson production in eA • Leading detector requirement: • ID of hadron and heavy flavor production • Large calorimeter coverage to ID diffractive events • Detection/rejection of break-up neutron production in eA collisions
Long-term upgrade plan for PHENIX Documented: http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/plans.html Current PHENIX f/sPHENIX An EIC detector • Comprehensive central upgrade base on BaBar magnet • New opportunity for forward upgrade • Jet detector with H-Cal coverage from -1<η<4 • Path of PHENIX upgrade leads to a capable EIC detector • Large coverage of tracking, calorimetry and PID ~2000 ~2020 ~2025 Time RHIC: A+A, spin-polarized p+p, spin-polarized p+A eRHIC: e+p, e+A Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Current PHENIX as you have been working on 14y+ work100+M$ investment 130+ published papers to date Last run 2016
The sPHENIX detector Baseline detectors for sPHENIX sPHENIX MIE, http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/plans.html Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Details in Talk NP08 # 356, Achim Franz (BNL) sPHENIX: major upgrade to the PHENIX experiment Physics Goals: detailed study QGP using jets and heavy quarks at RHIC energy region Baseline consists of new large acceptance EMCal+HCal built around recently acquired BaBar magnet. Additional tracking also planned MIE submitted to DOEStrong support from BNLDOE scientific review in July 2014 A good foundationfor future detector upgrade
sPHENIX Magnet as foundation for upgrades BaBar solenoid packed for shipping, May 17 2013 Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • BaBar superconducting magnet became available • Built by Ansaldo→ SLAC ~1999 • Nominal field: 1.5T • Radius : 140-173 cm • Length: 385 cm • Field calculation and yoke tuning • Three field calculator cross checked: POISSION, FEM and OPERA • Using hadron calorimeters as yoke • Excellent features • Designed for homogeneous B-field in central tracking • Longer field volume for forward tracking • Higher current density at end of the magnet -> better forward bending • Work well with RICH in ePHENIX yoke: Forward & central Hcal + Steel lampshade • Ownership officially transferred to BNL, preparing for shipping summer 2014
Forward spectrometer of sPHENIX: fsPHENIXFor forward detection in RHIC pp/pA collisions IP ePHENIX GEM + H-Cal → Forward jet with charge sign tagging → Unlock secrets of large AN in hadron collisions + reuse current silicon tracker & Muon ID detector → polarized Drell-Yan with muons → Critical test of TMD framework + central detector (sPHENIX) → Forward-central correlations → Study cold nuclear matter in pA Single jet in GEANT4 pT = 4.1 GeV/c, eta = 3 p/A p↑ GEMs Hadron Calo. Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Shared detector with future eRHIC program and deliver an unique forward program with RHIC’s pp/pA collision white paper submitted to BNL in Apr 2014: http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/plans.html
On-going detector R&D : mini-Drift GEM Courtesy : EIC RD6 TRACKING & PID CONSORTIUM Beam test in Fermi-Lab: October 2013 Retain high position resolution using mini-Drift GEM Beam incident angle (degree) Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Challenge in GEM tracking to achieve high precession with large indenting angle in the lower η region One innovation: use thicker drift gap in GEM as a mini-TPC and measure the tracklet Successful test beam data for mini-Drift GEM Large area GEM developments (also see talk, NP08/369 Y. Qiang )
In eRHIC era: concept for an EIC Detector Built Around the BaBar Magnet Working title: “ePHENIX” Cost: sPHENIX MIE + 75M$(including overhead + contingency) More: arXiv:1402.1209 R (cm) η=+1 R (cm) HCal η=-1 HCal EMCal Aerogel z ≤ 4.5m -1.2 EMCal & Preshower RICH Outgoing hadron beam DIRC TPC η= 4 EMCal BBC e- p/A GEM Station2 GEMs GEMs Station1 GEM Station3 GEM Station4 z (cm) ZDC z≈12 m Roman Pots z≫10 m Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • -1<η<+1 (barrel) : sPHENIX + Compact-TPC + DIRC • -4<η<-1 (e-going) : High resolution calorimeter + GEM trackers • +1<η<+4 (h-going) : • 1<η<4 : GEM tracker + Gas RICH • 1<η<2 : Aerogel RICH • 1<η<5 : EM Calorimeter + Hadron Calorimeter • Along outgoing hadron beam: ZDC and roman pots
ePHENIX : Tracking and PID detectors e-going GEMs -4.0<η<-1 TPC -1<η<+1 DIRC -1<η<+1 h-going GEMs 1<η<2 gas RICH 1<η<4 Aerogel RICH 1<η<2 IP Geant4 model of detectorsinside field region dp/p~1%×p TPC GEMs eGEM RICH Main detector: Driving factor: e-going GEM Electron ID TPC Kinematic h-going GEM Hadron PID dp/p~0.1%×p • Additional dp/p term: • dp/p≲3% for 1<η<3 • dp/p~10% for η=4 Fringe field 1.5 T main field Fringe field e- p/A Tracking Hadron PID Calorimeters (H-Cal cover η > -1) p/A e- η Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov>
Courtesy : EIC RD6 TRACKING & PID CONSORTIUM Beam test data StonyBrook group Gas RICH- The Design Fermilab T-1037 data R (cm) η=1 RICH Mirror RICH Gas Volume (CF4) IP Ring size (A.U.) Focal plane HBD detector η=2 spherical mirror center η=3 Entrance Window η=4 Z (cm) Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • Hadron ID for p>10GeV/c require gas Cherenkov • CF4 gas used, similar to LHCb RICH • Beautiful optics using spherical mirrors • Photon detection using CsI−coated GEM in hadron blind mode- thin and magnetic field resistant • Active R&D: • Generic EIC R&D program • recent beam tests by the stony brook group
Ring radius ± 1σ field effect for worst-case region at η~+1 Gas RICH - performance in ePHENIX A RICH Ring: Photon distribution due to tracking bending only Field effect has very little impact for PID R R < 52 mrad for C4F10 Dispersion ΔR <2.5 mrad π K p η~1 PID purity at η=4 (most challenging region w/ δp) EMCal Purity Aerogel • Strong fringe field unavoidableTuned yoke → magnetic field line most along track within the RICH volume → veryminor ring smearing due to track bending • Reached good hadron ID to high energy track RICH η~4 Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov>
The STAR detector and recent upgrades Magnet: 0.5 T solenoidal 6m (L) x 6m (D) Tracking + PID : TPC 4m (L) x 4m (D) PID: TOF Calorimeters: BEMC, EEMC, FMS (-1<η<+4) Run13/14 Muon Telescope detector Run12/13 Forward GEM Tracker Run14 : Heavy Flavor Tracker See talk NP08/322 J. Schambach Courtesy: Z.Y. Ye (UIC) RHIC/AGS User Meeting Long-term upgrade focus on strengthen forward directions Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov>
Long-term upgrade for STAR Courtesy: eSTAR LOI eRHIC pre-CDR RHIC eRHIC Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Color code:
STAR: highlight of on-going R&D Courtesy: E. Sichtermann (LBNL) DIS2014, eSTAR LOI Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • iTPC: Inner TPC upgrade • Pad-row arrangementfor readout upgrade • Material reduction • Extend eta coverage, increase dE/dx resolution and low-pt coverage • CEMC: Crystal EM Calorimeter • New type of crystal (BSO) • Cost-effective crystal electromagnetic calorimeter • GTRD: GEM based TRD • Help electron ID by detecting transition radiation from electron • Additional dE/dx point for hadrons • Additional tracking point
STAR: highlight of on-going R&D (cont.) Courtesy: O. Tsai (UCLA) CALO2014 FCS Concept in STAR 2014 Fermilab Beam test: Good linearity Resolution consist. w/ Geant4 Prototype Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> FCS: Forward Calorimetry System • EM Calorimeter: W-Epoxy and scintillator fiber sampling calorimeter • dE/E ~ 12%/ √E • Compact: X0 ~ 7mm, Rm~2.3cm, • Hadron calorimeter: Pb and scintillator plates (10mm and 2.5mm) sampling structure, photon readout using 3mm thick WLS bar • dE/E ~ 60%/ √E
A purpose-built eRHIC detector Solenoidal magnetic field with high precision silicon and GEM tracking Lepton-ID: -3 <h< 3: e/p 1 <|h|< 3: Hcal 3 <|h|< 4: Ecal & Hcal |h|< 4: g suppression via tracking hadron PID: 1<|h|<3: RICH -1<h<1: TPC (dE/dx) Central rapidities PID possiblities: DIRC, Time-of-Flight, proximity focusing Aerogel-RICH, … e- p/A Courtesy: BNL EIC taskforce Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov>
A purpose-built eRHIC detector- Tracking system Courtesy: A.Kiselev (BNL), E.C. Aschenauer (BNL) DIS2014 p+ Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • Compact trackers in ~3 T solenoidal magnetic field: • MAPS silicon barrel and disk detectors / TPC / GEM stations • Tracking system modeled in detail under EIC-ROOT simulation-analysis framework • Expect 2-3% or better momentum resolution in the whole kinematic range • Alternative tracking solution studied: cylindrical micromegas instead of TPC
A purpose-built eRHIC detector - Calorimeters Courtesy: A.Kiselev (BNL) DIS2014 O. Tsai (UCLA) CALO2014 2014 Fermilab beam test for CEMC and FEMC. Result show good consistency to simulation CEMC beam test STARFEMC EIC CEMC Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> Forward – FEMC - (η > 1): W-epoxy scintillating fiber sampling technology (STAR calorimeter upgrade) Central – CEMC - (-1 < η < 1): Same as forward, but tapered towers Backward – BEMC - (η < -1): Options of PWO crystals (~PANDA design) or high res. sampling calorimeter
Integration of detector to eRHIC Courtesy: E.C. Aschenauer (BNL), A.Kiselev (BNL), DIS2014 An eRHIC IR design by Brett Parker (BNL) outgoing p/A Collision point A parallel study on MEICto reach same physics goal:NP08/433, P. Turonski incoming e- Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • For |z|<4.5m, machine-element free region for detectors • For shared region: close collaboration between BNL EIC taskforce and Collider-Accelerator Department with on-going studies: • Roman Pots • Zero Degree Calorimeter • Low Q2 tagger • Luminosity detector • Electron polarimeter • IP12: Hadron beam polarimeter
Summary Jin Huang <jhuang@bnl.gov> • RHIC and eRHIC: unique facilities to study QCD origin of the universe and the world around us • Long term upgrade planed by both PHENIX and STAR collaborations to fully explore physics potential of RHIC • PHENIX: comprehensive upgrade of detectors built upon recently acquired BaBar super conducting coil • STAR: strengthens forward-looking detection capabilities • Studies of possible eRHIC detectors • BaBar magnet and sPHENIX as foundation for an eRHIC detector • STAR → eSTAR • A purpose-built detector • IR design on-going • Active detector R&D program for EIC: https://wiki.bnl.gov/conferences/index.php/EIC_R%25D • Exciting and abundant opportunities for innovation and collaboration