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Shenstone Neighbourhood Plan Working Groups launch event. 18 th June 2013. How the Working Groups will work. Working Party has to be a minimum of 4 (including the lead person) Working Party members are either residents, have a business, own a property or own land in the parish
Shenstone Neighbourhood PlanWorking Groups launch event 18th June 2013
How the Working Groups will work • Working Party has to be a minimum of 4 (including the lead person) • Working Party members are either residents, have a business, own a property or own land in the parish • Any exceptions need to be agreed by Steering Group • Each Working Party is responsible for its own secretarial services
So how do we produce a Plan? What will a sustainable Shenstone look like in 15 years’ time?
What should the Vision be? We table a paper version of the vision contained in the Lichfield Local Plan for discussion/debate: • The high quality living environment and ambiance of Shenstone will be maintained and enhanced by particular emphasis on good design quality in development, continued environmental enhancement in the Conservation Area and careful traffic management. Shenstone will remain a compact, safe, healthy and stable community, functioning as a local service centre offering a range of good quality services and facilities for the village and its hinterland. There will continue to be excellent transport connections to nearby towns. Opportunities will be sought to improve links to open space in the south of the village. • The impact of traffic within the village will be reduced and controlled to acceptable limits, and improved links for pedestrians and cyclists will be sought. • The vital contribution made to the character of the village by the Conservation Area, and range of trees which contribute to the heavily wooded nature of the centre of the village will be recognised through continued protection and enhancement. • Shenstone will accommodate a proportionate level of village growth which reflects the existing character and qualities of the village and which addresses local need, whilst maintaining a self-contained community with clear physical boundaries.
So how do we produce a Plan? • What are the issues we want to address? • What evidence do we need? • What are the possible options for addressing each issue? • What is the preferred option for each issue?
Evidence gathering • Know your baseline • audit what is here today • Look at what has happened in the past • Planning permissions, take-up of new development • Workshops, debates • Talk to the experts • Estate agents, local providers • We can help with technical stakeholders
Some ‘rules’ • You cannot propose policies which simply say ‘no’ to development • Proposals have to be ‘deliverable’ • You have to have the landowners of sites in the plan on board
What the Local Plan says • Housing • Shenstone will deliver 50 – 150 dwellings up to 2028 • Priority on infill and brownfield sites • Identify allocations • Can review green belt boundaries • Must provide for the needs of the local community • Affordable housing, starter homes, smaller homes
What the Local Plan says • Employment • Importance of local employment • Improvements to rail services and facilities in the village will be supported • Future role and function of Birchbrook IE and Shenstone BP can be considered
What the Local Plan says • Services and facilities • Loss of existing services and facilities will be resisted unless replacement provided • Improvements to pedestrian & cycle routes, traffic management supported • Protection and provision of local facilities supported, e.g. allotments • Reduce severance of Birmingham Road • Provide additional playspace, sports and green space
What the Local Plan says • Environment • Maintain high quality local living environment • Recognise and protect the Conservation Area • High quality new buildings reflecting local vernacular • Traffic management and safety • Additional parking for station
Working Groups – we ask people’s views on the groups and the mix of issues
Housing • How much extra housing should we permit? • Where should new housing be located? • Are there particular types of housing that need to be provided? • What should new housing look like?
Employment (retail) • What should the future of Birchbrook IE and Shenstone BP be? • How can we support our existing businesses? • How can we create more local employment opportunities?
Transport • Can we improve traffic flow through the village? • How can we address HGVs coming through the village? • How do we best address the parking problems? • How can we increasing walking and cycling?
Community • How can we ensure there is sufficient capacity at our schools? • Do we need to provide for additional capacity at the GP surgery?
Community • Should we provide new arts facilities? • Do we need to improve the leisure offer? • How can we make the most of our tourism assets?
Environment • How do we best preserve and enhance our environment? • Do we need to protect green spaces from development • What sources of energy should be provided by new development?
Next Steps • Get together with your fellow Working Group members • Introduce yourselves • Start kicking some thoughts around • Appoint a lead • Arrange your first formal meeting • I will arrange for each group member to have a Support Document
Process • Working Groups identify key issues • We hold a public event to ask the community about ‘their Shenstone’ • Present and refine issues • Ongoing work on evidence gathering • Workshop with Working Groups to consider solutions • There will be many cross-cutting issues
Graham Jones Shenstone Neighbourhood Plan lead Tel: 01543 483506 Email:graham.jones@email.com Chris Bowden Navigus Planning Tel: 01206 700260 Email: chris@navigusplanning.co.uk