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CITY OF WHITEHORSE BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE COWBAC . Who are the people in COWBAC?. The Committee is made up of 12 community minded volunteers who have been selected by council for a minimum 3 year term. COWBAC represents “all” cyclists in our community:-
Who are the people in COWBAC? The Committee is made up of 12 community minded volunteers who have been selected by council for a minimum 3 year term. COWBAC represents “all” cyclists in our community:- • Commuters – cycling to get to a destination (60% of cyclists) • Recreational – cycling for health, fitness and fun (40% of cyclists)
COWBAC’s role within Council The purpose of the Bicycle Advisory Committee is to provide community input and assist Council in planning and providing a safe, convenient cycling environment for the community, which will maintain and encourage participation in cycling. • Some of the reasons why, as a community, we should further encourage cycling are:- • Cycling is unique in its ability to combine low impact physical activity, recreation and transport to a wide variety of users from the very young to the older members of our community. • Cycling provides important Health benefits for a population that is failing to meet minimum physical activity requirements. • Cycling is a carbon neutral, emission free form of transport, simultaneously helping your constituents fight climate change and reduce the impact of rising costs on the family budget.
Encourage participation in cycling One of COWBAC’s roles is to advise council on which cycling related projects meet critical needs in the community, such as: - • Environmental sustainability • Health and Wellbeing • Community connectivity • Livability
The Project that encompasses all of these and more is:- The Eastern Rail Trail (ERT) Interconnect the eastern suburbs activity centre’s within Deakin and in turn link them to the city.
The Eastern Rail Trail (ERT)(The trail to sustainability connecting the Electorate of Deakin) The ERT project has long been on the agenda of Local Councils, VicRoads, VicTrack, and the State Bicycle Committee. The Feasibility study was completed in June of 1997. The ERT project provides a major east west, sustainable transport link for all constituents in the electorate of Deakin. The ERT will be the spine connecting many existing bicycle routes, within the electorate of Deakin.
ERT ERT & Deakin. • In the City of Whitehorse alone the ERT will encompass key components of the Melbourne 2030 strategy connecting :- • Public Transport networks • Major Activity Centres • Neighbourhood Activity Centres • (within 500m of ERT: Golden Mile, Eastland, Box Hill Centro and the entire Whitehorse Rd/ Maroondah Hwy precinct) • Schools • (within 500m of ERT:13 schools and within 1km of ERT: 21 schools) • Community Parks & Gardens • (and all of the other facilities that, over the years have developed along the rail line including Box Hill hospital and TAFE)
Mike Symon Your mission, if you choose to accept it is:- To use your own words “ It is incumbent on us to make sure the country we pass on to our children and their children is a better country than it is today” As our local Federal Member of Parliament, your community need YOU to endorse and champion the Eastern Rail Trail Project from concept to reality. Farsighted when originally conceived in the early 90’s; in the current climate, it is the project who’s time has arrived. One key fact proven world wide to promote cycling better than any other is the development of “Infrastructure”.
“Build it, and they will come” • 150,000 visit EastLink Road Show • ConnectEast thanks the 150,000 Victorians who cycled, ran and walked EastLink at EastLink Road Show on 15 June, and all those who made this unique event such a huge success. • The EastLink Road Show, hosted by ConnectEast,featured events at several sites along EastLink – including at Ringwood and Monash. • Around 50,000 cyclists participated in the day - making it the biggest cycling event ever held in Australia. See the photographs below.
References http://www.transport.vic.gov.auDepartment of Infrastructure TravelSmart and Local Area Access Program (LAAP) grants provide funding for projects showing the way forward in addressing the attitudinal, physical, and institutional barriers to walking, cycling and public transport. The projects are funded as part of Meeting Our Transport Challenges strategy and administered by the Walking and Cycling Branch at the Department of Transport http://www.environment.gov.auReducing pollution from motor vehicles National initiatives to reduce the impact of road transport on environment quality, urban amenity and human health The strategies for the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts work are: addressing the nature and growth of vehicle travel by improving sustainable transport, including through encouraging high occupancy vehicle use and promoting walking, cycling and public transport integrating land use and transport planning www.dse.vic.gov.au/melbourne2030 Department of Sustainability & Environment www.melbourne2030.vic.gov.au
Key Stakeholder www.whitehorse.vic.gov.auCity of Whitehorse Springvale Road/Whitehorse Road IntersectionState Government audit of all 1880 railway level crossings in Victoria has confirmed that the Springvale Road level crossing in Nunawading has the highest risk of accidents of all level crossings in Victoria. Council has been actively campaigning for something to be done for the past five years and welcomes comments from The Hon. Lynne Kosky, Minister for Public Transport, that the State Government is committed to working with the Federal Government to grade separate Springvale Road at this location.
Stakeholders www.boroondara.vic.gov.auCity of Boroondara Jim Hondrakis Team Leader Transport Management Ph (03) 9278 4546 fax (03) 9278 4512 e-mail: jim.hondrakis@boroondara.vic.gov.au Private Bag 1 Camberwell 3124 www.yarracity.vic.gov.au City of Yarra Richard Smithers Transport Coordinator ph (03) 9205-5739, mob 0437 355 821, fax (03) 8417-6666 email: Richard.Smithers@yarracity.vic.gov.au PO Box 168 Richmond 3121 • Jim and Richard coordinate works on bike infrastructure in Boroondara and Yarra respectively. Both are very keen to make improvements and both are very supportive of an East-West link.
Community and Industry support www.boroondarabug.org Boroondara Bicycle Users Group www.rideabike.com.au Cycling Promotion Fund www.yarrabug.org Yarra Bicycle Users Group http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mdahbug/ Maroondah Bicycle Users Group www.bv.com.au Bicycle Victoria
State government 2030 report: The importance of linking Activity Centres: Policy 8.7 – Give more priority to cycling and walking in planning urban development and in managing our road system and neighbourhoods • For many trips, walking and cycling are the most energy-efficient and effective means of mobility, minimising the environmental impacts of travel and providing direct benefits for personal health and social wellbeing. • Much urban development in past decades has discouraged the use of walking and cycling. People are put off cycling by traffic and by the lack of end-of-trip facilities including parking, storage and showers. Pedestrians, people with prams and pushers, and people using wheelchairs and scooters are discouraged by the poor quality of the pedestrian environment. The design of many newer subdivisions locates neighbourhood facilities such as local shopping centres and community facilities beyond convenient walking distance. • These barriers will be removed to create an environment that is safe and attractive for all people, including pedestrians and cyclists, and particularly for the young and other vulnerable users. Local cycling networks and new cycling facilities will complement the metropolitan-wide network of bicycle routes – the Principal Bicycle Network – which will be completed, resources permitting, by 2015.Figure 44. Providing for cycling – Initiatives • 8.7.1Continue to develop the Principal Bicycle Network – to be completed (resources permitting) by 2015 – and give priority to sections that link with activity centres • 8.7.2Implement a walking action plan (for the whole of Victoria) that includes provision for footpath-bound vehicles such as wheelchairs, prams and scooters • 8.7.3Amend planning and/or building controls so that end-of-trip facilities for bicycles are provided in commercial buildings • 8.7.4Provide improved facilities, particularly storage, for cyclists at public transport interchanges and rail stations • 8.7.5Develop a bicycle action plan which brings together all elements needed to substantially increase bicycle use
State government 2030 report: The importance of linking Activity Centres: www.dpcd.vic.gov.auPlanning> Policy and Projects > Transit Cities • Transit Cities – Melbourne 2030 in action Imagine having easy access to a range of transport, housing, shops, services and job opportunities. Imagine living in a safe, vibrant, community that sets a new standard in urban design. • By encouraging development around public transport, Transit Cities will be able to deliver these outcomes to residents. It's another way the State Government is delivering better social, economic and environmental outcomes to the whole community. Box Hill & Ringwood are Transit Cities • Box HillMs Fiona PowellProject Manager Phone: 03 9637 9202Email: fiona.powell@dpcd.vic.gov.au • RingwoodMs Martina JohnsonProject ManagerPhone: 03 9637 8202Email: martina.johnson@dpcd.vic.gov.au
7% Sport has not only health benefits, but an intrinsic worth to our country's social and economic wellbeing Health dimension Social and economic dimensions • Physical inactivity increases all causes of mortality, doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It also increases the risks of colon and breast cancer, high blood pressure, lipid disorders, osteoporosis, depression and anxiety • Physical inactivity was the fourth leading cause of burden of disease in Australia in 2003 (~7% of total burden) • Australians are avid sports participants and viewers, but many people still lead inactive lifestyles • Sport is a growing economic force • 2006 census data indicates that 1.0% of employed persons have their main job in sports – which is a 21.6% increase since the previous census (compared with 8.7% growth across other occupations) • In 2004-5, the 9,356 sporting businesses and organisations generated $8.8b in revenue1 – 11.7% growth since 2000-1 • Sport is an important part of society • The 2006 General Social Survey indicates that sport is the number one source of volunteer work (11.4% of population) • Research indicates a range of social and personal benefits from participation in sports2 – • Skill acquisition; improved self-esteem; expanded social networks; community trust 1. Includes government funding 2. See a summary of this research, in Social impacts of participation in the Arts and Cultural Activity (2004) Source: ABS, 4177.0 Participation in Sports and Physical Recreation Australia (2007); ABS, 4835.0.55.001 Physical Activity in Australia: A Snapshot, 2004-5 (2006)
Growing rates of obesity are likely to be accompanied by higher prevalence of chronic diseases Prevalence of long-term health conditions,1 by weight class: 2004-5 Women Men • Healthy weight • Overweight • Obese 1. Defined as all conditions with actual or expected duration of 6 months or more (may include, for example, short or long-sightedness) Source: ABS 4364.0, National Health Survey: Summary of Results 2004-5 (2006); ABS 4719.0, Overweight and obesity in Adults, Australia, 2004-5 (2008)
Current health funding remains overwhelmingly focused on treatment National health expenditure, by area of expenditure – Australia: 2005/6 ($ per capita) 1. Includes Commonwealth, State and local governments 2. Includes private health insurance funds, injury compensation insurers, and private individuals 3. Includes public and private hospitals and patient transportation Source: AIHW, National health expenditure 2005-6 (AIHW data cube)