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TOPIC PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Orgs won’t manage your career any more. You gotta run your own career: create your own opportunities & jobs. . Don’t let organizations run your career. CREATE YOUR OWN JOB & OPPORTUNITIES LeadFollow on a virtual team (creating your own innovative org)

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  2. Orgs won’t manage your career any more. Yougotta run your own career: create your own opportunities & jobs.

  3. Don’t let organizations run your career.

  4. CREATE YOUR OWN JOB & OPPORTUNITIES LeadFollow on a virtual team (creating your own innovative org) Swim in value streams Surf on new turf

  5. Network where success is already happening Become professionally ambidextrous Build your professional balance sheet Continuously improve everything

  6. ProDev is MAGIC

  7. When you’re professionally ready, opportunity comes to you.

  8. Opportunities come when you have the right stuff at the right place at the right time.

  9. Proactively & strategically shaping and expanding your professional competencies & contributions to enable you to invent & “swing” into future jobs and career–building opportunities.

  10. Once you temporarily run out of “vines” (ProDev opportunities) in your job/career, drop down into the (value-creation) “river” & swim where the currents (projects) are strongest. Then go back into the upstream “jungle” to find new vines. But watch out for alligators!

  11. The simplest formula for career success: Whatever comes EASIEST & MOST NATURALLY to you = what you most like to do = YOUR CAREER Finding this requires

  12. Unlocking pro capacities → • Networking → • Vine swinging → DISCOVERING YOURSELF PROFESSIONALLY

  13. ProDev Evolution

  14. Self-discovery via interdependency (virtual teams) • Ambidextrous professionalism (IVE + EVE skills combined) • Swim in EVE/IVE value streams (the work processes for creating client value)

  15. Virtual team success experiments (workplace chain-reactions) via counterintuitive innovative thinking • Constituent contact (CONcon) • Internal/External networking

  16. proact/react/proact/react No one can or will manage your career for you. Like walking with a lantern, you can see down the road professionally only 1 step at a time. But shine a spotlight on the road to see where you’re really heading.

  17. Projects are your “vines.”

  18. Projects fuelyour professionalism.

  19. A project sets the table for your performance, success, and ProDev. Projects are your turf for LeadManaging. Set the table with your pro capabilities & those of others.

  20. Projects are the sky; you are the kite. Projects are the gasoline; you’re the car. Drive where you want to go.

  21. Career planning has to make room for the dual Ss: Spontaneity & Serendipity.

  22. Career success is more others than you.

  23. What you don’t know, don’t grow.

  24. Reality is sometimes a smack in the face.

  25. Opportunity often looks foreign.

  26. Mentors choose. Are you a mentor magnet?

  27. Careers require continuous rebalancing & enrichment.

  28. The fertilizer for greener pastures comes from a fertileresume.

  29. Time Know when it’s time to move on.

  30. Don’t forget who provides the steps!

  31. Careers don’t exist; only life. Don’t let your career steal you life.

  32. BOTTOM LINE: When you get gas for your car, you have to fill your own tank. YOU are responsible for your own ProDev. Orgs tend to plug people into job descriptions & forget about them.


  34. The career adventures of Matt

  35. 1. Loss Prevention part-time job at Target during college → ↑ H. S. Graduation

  36. 2. Security manager for Metroplex Target store → ↑ BU graduation

  37. 3. Woodway, TX cop & detective → ↑ Police chief in Waco suburb

  38. 4. Security head for 2 retailers in Austin, San Antonio → ↑ Divorce

  39. 5. Free lance fraud investigator in San Antonio area? ↑ Networking

  40. NOTICE: • Varied use of core pro skills • Zigzag career pattern triggered by magnetic serendipity encounters (right place at right time with right resume) • Past preparation for future jobs

  41. Personalized ProDevFastAssistanceServiceTeamWheels

  42. Discovering who you are professionally:Penny

  43. She’s an intern, so a rotational set of duties are needed. • Is she more IVE or EVE, or a balance of both? • Can Marty begin to coach her in some of his admin/networking work that the other TMs may not want to do? • Build the job around Penny?

  44. Time to “graduate”?Armando

  45. Monterrey franchise—can Armando help both FAST & the MX agencies through joint ventures that are profitable for both? • In what additional ways can Armando use his Spanish skills in networking for FAST? • Is Armando domineering or merely an aggressive leader? • Capable of managing his own agency down the road?

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