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C-ID and CTE Robert Cabral: C-ID CTE Director Krystinne Mica: ASCCC Associate Director

“. C-ID and CTE Robert Cabral: C-ID CTE Director Krystinne Mica: ASCCC Associate Director. Why C-ID?. The Board of Governors’ Taskforce on Workforce, Job Creation and A Strong Economy Report and Recommendations. Curriculum.

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C-ID and CTE Robert Cabral: C-ID CTE Director Krystinne Mica: ASCCC Associate Director

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  1. C-ID and CTE • Robert Cabral: C-ID CTE Director • Krystinne Mica: ASCCC Associate Director CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  2. Why C-ID? CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  3. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  4. The Board of Governors’ Taskforce on Workforce, Job Creation and A Strong EconomyReport and Recommendations CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  5. Curriculum • Five of the 25 recommendations address issues with curriculum. These recommendations support clarifying and streamlining curriculum development and approval processes, achieving better alignment and articulation across institutions and industry. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  6. Response: • Statewide Curriculum Committee paper on Effective Curriculum Practices (to be adopted this month) • Development of C-ID descriptors for CTE courses and programs • Sector Navigators (part of DWM) CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  7. WFTF Recommendation 10 • Facilitate curricular portability across institutions • Scale up and resource the “C-ID” (course identifier) system for CTE courses, certificates and degrees to enable articulation across institutions. • Disseminate effective practices for streamlining and improving processes for recognizing prior learning and work experience and awarding credits or advanced placement toward CTE pathways. • Enable and encourage faculty and colleges, in consultation with industry, to develop industry- driven, competency-based and portable pathways that include stackable components and modularized curricula, work-based learning opportunities, and other support services. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  8. WFTF Recommendation 11 • Develop, identify and disseminate effective CTE practices • Develop a website repository of CTE model curricula that faculty and colleges can select and adapt to their own needs. • Develop an interactive system where regional industry stakeholders can provide feedback to both validate and enhance the quality of CTE programs. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  9. Problems… • Disparity among programs/certificates/degrees with same name • Confusing to industry • Confusing to students • Lack of portability

  10. Goals…. • Portability Across Colleges • Clear Pathways • Stackable Pathways • Links to Industry CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  11. Working Together for the Success of Students! CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  12. What is C-ID? • Course Identification Numbering System • Faculty driven process under the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges • C-ID focused on intersegmental curriculum, transitioning to intra-segmental, including CTE. • C-ID structure and processes used to address the need for development of model curricula for degrees and certificates. • The C-ID process has successfully provided state-level leadership on the development of model curriculum for many years. It is a “plug-and-play” system for CTE model curriculum development. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  13. What does C-ID do? • Provides a numerical “tag”, a C-ID designation, for courses that match developed descriptor • Provides a means of identifying comparable courses and of ensuring course portability within the CCCs • Addresses the need for “common course numbers” • When a college submits a COR to obtain a C-ID designation, they are agreeing to accept other courses with that C-ID designation in lieu of their native course CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  14. What does C-ID do? • Provides a process for one-to-many articulation • Any college can opt to articulate C-ID descriptors, effectively granting articulation to all colleges that have a course matching a given descriptor • “descriptor-based” articulation • Offers a quality control and model for required courses in Model Curricula CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  15. C-ID Process CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  16. C-ID Descriptors and Model Curriculum

  17. Model Curriculum • Describe necessary components of common professional or career certifications • Describe necessary components of associates degree, including core and elective courses. • Enables portability of credit for students. • Enables articulation of curriculum among CCCs. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  18. In the Case of CTE… • Model curriculum will • Align with industry • Align with third party credentials, as possible • Allow for shared programs and pathways CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  19. Types of Model Curriculum • Courses • Certificates • Stand alone and stacked • Two-Year Degrees (AA/AS) • Associate Degrees for Transfer (AD-T) • Bachelor’s Degrees CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  20. Course Descriptors include: • Course description • Units; labs • Prerequisites • Content • Objectives • Evaluation • Texts CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  21. Course Descriptors: • Identify the essential, common components of a course • Provide enough detail to serve as the basis for articulation • Inform course updates and new course development • Permit identification of comparable courses • Provide consistency • Ensures instructional integrity CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  22. C-ID Process: • Develop draft descriptors • Discipline convening (DIG) • Faculty Discipline Review Group (FDRG) • Vet draft descriptors www.c-id.net • Finalize descriptors • Seek COR submissions from CCCs CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  23. Resources and Contacts • http://www.C-ID.net • www.SB1440.org • www.ASCCC.org • support@c-id.net (email) • www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com. CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

  24. QUESTIONS? CTE Leadership Academy, Anaheim, California

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