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Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Parent Workshop

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Parent Workshop. Bonita Unified School District. Common Core. State adopted in August of 2010 Gives us flexibility to organize and implement the standards

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Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Parent Workshop

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  1. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Parent Workshop

  2. Bonita Unified School District

  3. Common Core • State adopted in August of 2010 • Gives us flexibility to organize and implement the standards • Instruction is integrated into our classrooms ensuring the highest level of student achievement can take place • We have the ability to research, pilot and purchase the instructional materials

  4. States Adopting CCSS

  5. Why the CCSS • Initiative is driven by states • Consistent expectations nationally • College and career ready • American competitive edge • Standards are benchmarked to international standards • Fewer standards in greater depth

  6. English Language Arts Shifts in Common Core • More instructional time on informational text • Emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking based upon evidence / justification of responses • Writing assignments will focus on • Opinions / Arguments • Informative / Explanatory Texts • Narratives

  7. CCSS ELA Standards BuildKinder to 12th Grade STRAND—Reading for Information

  8. Common Core 6 Shifts in Math • Focus: fewer topics covered in greater depth • Coherence: connect learning within and across grades • Fluency: perform mathematics with speed and accuracy • Understanding: use mathematics in complex situations • Application: know when and how applying math can solve a problem • Dual Intensity: achieve fluency and conceptual understanding/application • Example: 9 x 5 = 45……..Explain why the answer is 45 (fluency) (conceptual)

  9. 8 Mathematical Practices for Grades K-12 • 8 Mathematical Practices: • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use appropriate tools strategically • Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (Within each mathematical practice, there are several standards)

  10. Common Math Path in Grades 6-12

  11. Common Core for the Special Needs Student • Special needs students will continue to participate in assessments as stated in their Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) • Details for testing are still being developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium • Classroom academic and assessment accommodations and modifications will continue to be made through students’ IEPs • Common Core will provide a change in curriculum, but no changes will be made to special education laws

  12. CCSS Assessments • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium • Implemented beginning 2015

  13. CCSS Assessments • Students in grades 3-8 and in grade 11 will take the Smarter Balanced Assessments in the areas of: • Math • English • Students will take these assessments online • Questions on these assessments will include: • Selected response • Short answer • Performance task

  14. Timeline for CCSS Assessments • 2013 – 2014: • The field test for CCSS will be administered in the spring • Students take either math or English • 2014 – 2015: • Students in grades 3 - 8 and in grade 11 will take math and English test • These scores will be used as the baseline score for Bonita Unified

  15. How are the CCSS being implemented in classrooms? • Using complete sentences • Justifying responses • Using technology • Reading and analyzing informational text • Exploring concepts at a deeper, more complex level

  16. What parents can do to help their students • Read more non-fiction text • Encourage your students to answer questions using complete sentences • Have your students justify the answers they give you

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