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EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/2, V/3

EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/2, V/3. Celebrate Calibrate MELT. EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/3. P2V (not approved yet) LoT Collage InLot Springday. EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/3.

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EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/2, V/3

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  1. EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/2, V/3 Celebrate Calibrate MELT eContent-Dialog

  2. EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/3 P2V (not approved yet) LoT Collage InLot Springday eContent-Dialog

  3. EU co-financed projects in Austria, bm:bwk, V/3 INTERREG IIIa, USP/wirtschaftliche Brücke INTERREG IIIa, B:O grenzenlos INTERREG IIIa, B:O- contribute INTERREG IIIa, NetMusic EUREGIO, Burgen und Schlösser eContent-Dialog

  4. CelebrateContext eLearning with broadband technologies 06.2002 – 11.2004http://celebrate.eun.org Standardisation Common pedagogical basis Use ONE standard Prepare for a national LO brockerage system Prepare for a federated European LO Brockerage system eContent-Dialog

  5. CalibrateCalibrating Schools10.2005 – 03.2008http://calibrate.eun.org Operationalisation Build interfaces to national LCMS or Brokerage Systems Semantic search for more LO‘s Test in 100 schools in various countries the new designed toolbox and search system eContent-Dialog

  6. MELTa Metadata Encology for Teachning and Learning10.2006 – 12.2008 Extrapolation Get more than critical mass for LO‘s Use „social tagging and folksonomies“ Use automatic methodes for metadata enrichments of brokerage systems eContent-Dialog

  7. P2V (not yet approved) Peer to Peer for Valorisation10.2006 – 04.2008 Dissemination Disseminate successful projects through all channel Give „best practice“ to other schools Peer with other schools eContent-Dialog

  8. CollageCollaborative Learning Platform Using Game-like Enhancements 01.2006 – 12.2007www.virtuelleschule.at/collage Standardisation Defines mobile learning in schools Defines within curricula of secondary schools mobile content Uses games in mobile learning environment with mobile phones and PDA‘s eContent-Dialog

  9. LoTLab of Tomorrowhttp://lot.virtuelleschule.at Standardisation Offers students practical experience within Physics Helps to understand physical law Offers e.g. physical law during ski jump, cross country skiing etc. eContent-Dialog

  10. InLoT (not yet approved)01.2007 – 06.2011 Operationalisation Make more testing and get experience from additional countries Make a market survay to find out if products are interesting for schools eContent-Dialog

  11. Springday01.2007 – 06.2011 Dissemination EU program to inform schools about EU using the internet New theme every year with high participation from schools Improove knowledge about EU institutions eContent-Dialog

  12. USP/Wirtschaftliche BrückeUngarisch und Slowakisch in der Praxis/wirtschaftliche Brücke durch Sprachvielfalt 03.2005 – 09.2007www.sprachoffensive.at Hungarian/German in Schools (operationalisation) Successor project of USIS (Standardisation) Co-financed by EFRE (EU) and bm:bwk Make eLearning attactive to language learners Add new LO‘s to improve learning skills eContent-Dialog

  13. B:O grenzenlosBildung Online - grenzenlos 03.2004 – 09.2005www.bildungonline.at Standardisation Co-operation between Tyrol and Bavarian Schools Connect each other ICT environment over internet Establish a forum for exchange of ideas eContent-Dialog

  14. B:O contributeBildung Online - contribute 03.2005 – 09.2006www.bildungonline.at Operationalisation Establish forum to discuss closer co-operation in eContent „Senior meets junior“ in ICT eContent dissemination Get more schools involved eContent-Dialog

  15. NetMusicNetMusic - NetComposing 04.2006 – 09.2007http://netmusic.virtuelleschule.at Standardisation Use computers to demonstrate, LO‘s, sound and bisosphare eLearning modules in music and sound Scientific research in music and sound eContent-Dialog

  16. Burgen und Schlösser07.2006 – 07.2007 EUREGIO Project between Salzburg and Bavaria Increases eContent for historical buildings Give student a more interesting view eContent-Dialog

  17. Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und KulturDr. Robert Kristöfl, V/2, +43 1 53120 7700, robert.kristoefl@bmbwk.gv.atDr. Reinhold Hawle, V/3, +43 1 53120 3538, reihnhold.hawle@bmbwk.gv.atMag. Karl Lehner, V/3, +43 1 53120 3524, karl.lehner@bmbwk.gv.atElisabeth Zistler, V/3, +43 1 53120 3539, elisabeth.zistler@bmbwk.gv.atMichaela Schaller, V/3, +43 1 53120 3527, michaela.schaller@bmbwk.gv.at ENIS Austria Europäisches Netwerk Innovativer Schulen in Österreich Bernhard Racz, MSc racz@enis.at, www.enis.at Mobil: +43 676 963 00 94 eContent-Dialog

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