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Uncover the advantages and drawbacks of utilizing multimedia kits for educational purposes. Learn about hypermedia, interactive media, virtual reality, and expert systems in modern learning practices.

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  1. MULTIMEDIA A generic term for multimedia refers to the sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a given presentation or self-study program.

  2. MULTIMEDIA • The term multimedia goes back to the 1950s and describes early attempts to combine various still and motion media. • Today examples of multimedia includes slides with synchronized audio tapes, video tapes, CD-ROMS, DVD, the World Wide Web, and virtual reality.

  3. MULTIMEDIA • The goal of multimedia in education is to immerse the learner in a multisensory experience to promote learning. • Multimedia addresses different learning styles. • These are auditory, visual, and tactile learners

  4. DIFFERENT TYPES OF MULTIMEDIA • Multimedia kits • Hypermedia • Interactive media • Virtual reality • Expert systems

  5. MULTIMEDIA KITS • A collection of teaching/learning materials involving more that one type of medium and organized around a single topic. • This kits could include CD-ROMs, filmstrips, slides, audiotapes, still pictures, transparencies, charts, real objects, etc.

  6. ADVANTAGES • Interest. Multimedia kits arouse interest because they are multisensory. • Cooperation. Kits can be an idea mechanism for stimulating small-group project work. • Logistics. Kits have an advantage of being packaged to be transported to locations

  7. LIMITATIONS • More expensive than conventional methods • Time consuming to produce and maintain the materials • Replacement of lost components make the kit frustrating to use

  8. HYPERMEDIA • Hypermedia refers to computer software that uses elements of text, graphics, video and audio connected that users can move within the information. • Based on cognitive theories of how people structure knowledge and how they learn

  9. HYPERMEDIA CONT. • Designed to resemble the way people organize information with concepts and their relationships, or links, are associations between ideas. • No continuous flow of text, as in textbook • Information is broken into small units

  10. ADVANTAGES • Engrossing-capture and hold interest • Multisensory-incorporation of sounds and images • Connections-connect different ideas from different media sources • Individualized-allows users to navigate through information according to interest

  11. LIMITATIONS • Easy to get lost-users could get confused • Lack of structure-some students may become frustrated • Complex-advanced programs may be difficult to use • Time consuming-more time needed to reach objectives

  12. INTERACTIVE MEDIA • Computer based interactive media creates a multimedia learning environment that capitalizes on both video and computer-assisted instruction • Instructional delivery system in which recorded visuals, sound, and video materials are presented • Viewers can make active responses, with those responses affecting the pace and sequence of the presentation

  13. ADVANTAGES • Multiple media. Text, audio, graphics, still pictures, and video can be combined in one easy to use system • Learner participation. Maintain attention, and allows greater participation than video alone • Simulations. Can be used to provide simulation experiences

  14. LIMITATIONS • Cost. The most significant limitation to interactive video is the cost. • Production expense. Expensive to produce CD-ROM and DVD discs, making it necessary to rely on commercially prepared material • Rigidity. Discs cannot be changed once they have been made and may become outdated

  15. VIRTUAL REALITY • One of the newest multimedia applications of computer-generated technologies • A computer-generated three-dimensional environment • Places the user into the virtual environment and provides an opportunity to interact with that environment

  16. ADVANTGAGES • Safety. Creates a realistic world without subjecting viewers to actual imagined danger or hazards • Expansive. Provides students opportunities to explore places not feasible in the real world

  17. LIMITATIONS • Cost. The equipment is extremely expensive • Complexity. The technology is complex and does not lend itself to most classroom uses • Limited titles. Limited software “realities” available at this time

  18. EXPERT SYSTEMS • After computers became a reality, scientists were intrigued by parallels between human brain and computers • Expert systems is a software package allowing collective wisdom to bear on problem • Games were developed • One such program is a program that help train doctors make accurate diagnoses of diseases • The term knowledge engineers has been coined for people who work in this field

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