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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5. Unit 1 Week 3. Phonics Resources: Short O Phonics Resources: Plurals Comprehension Resources: Character and Setting Grammar Resources: Action Parts of Sentences Practice & Spelling Workbook Pages. Jefferson County Schools Credited for Daily Fix Its .
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Unit 1 Week 3 Phonics Resources: Short O Phonics Resources: Plurals Comprehension Resources: Character and Setting Grammar Resources: Action Parts of Sentences Practice & Spelling Workbook Pages Jefferson County Schools Credited for Daily Fix Its
QUESTION OF THE WEEK How can animals help people?
Day 1 Morning Warm-Up! My dog likes to play. She likes to help me too. She helps me find the shoes I loose. How do animals help people?
AmazingWords past present produce transportation
Shared Literature • The Oxen Song • In olden days most farms had oxen. • They helped to produce farmer’s crops. • They pulled wagons for transportation. • As helpers the oxen were tops. • Oxen, oxen, • In past times big oxen were • Everywhere. • Oxen, oxen, • In present times oxen are rare. Click to Play Song
Phonics Target Skills Introduce Short o Activity 1: Long O and Short O Sounds and Short and Long Diacritical Marks (05:51) Activity 2: Short O Words with the C-V-C-C Pattern (01:03)
Building Words Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery
Short o Phonics Target Skills Segment and Blend Phonemes o x ox p o p pop j o g jog f o x fox
Online Resources Phonics Target Skills Short o How to Decode Words Video Interactive Matching, Concentration, and Word Search Songs that Teach Vowels Interactive Construct a Word Interactive Fridge Letters Interactive Short Vowel Practice Starfall Interactive Short Vowel Name the Picture
Spelling Words mom
Spelling Words hot
Spelling Words hop
Spelling Words pot
Spelling Words pop
Spelling Words mop
Spelling Words got She got a gift.
Spelling Words lock
Spelling Words rock
Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Build Background How do animals help people in the past? How do animals help people in the present? Past Present
Comprehension Target Skill Character and Setting Strategy: Visualization Interactive Elements of a Story Interactive Scene Setting Summarize Story Elements Character Trading Cards: Lesson and Resources • Drama Map: Complete Lesson and Resources
Review Sentence Components
Adapted from Jefferson County Schools Remember a sentence is made of three parts. A sentence is a group of words that tell a whole idea. A sentence starts with a capital letter. A sentence ends with punctuation (like a period or question mark).
We also learned about the naming part of a sentence. The naming part of a sentence tells us… Who? What?
Now we are going to learn about the ACTION PART of a sentence. The action part of a sentence is made of the words that tell what a person or thing does.
Sam naps on Mom’s lap. What does Sam do? “Naps on Mom’s lap” is the action part of the sentence.
The pigs sit in mud. What do the pigs do? “Sit in mud” is the action part of the sentence.
Ox packs the sack. What does Ox do? “Packs the sack” is the action part.
Online Resources Grammar Target Skill Action Part of Sentences Powerpoint: Action Part Interactive Completing Sentences Interactive Scrambled Sentences Build Silly Sentences Interactive Games for Sentence Elements Is It a Noun or Verb “Is It a Sentence” Quiz Drag and Drop Related Verbs Choose the Verb in the Sentences
Day 2 Morning Warm-Up! A dog can be a faithful friend. You can run and exercise together. A dog can also help you work. Do you know a dog that is a helper?
AmazingWords danger serve
Shared Literature What are some ways a dog can serve people? How can a dog warn people of danger?
Online Resources Phonics Target Skills Plurals One or More Than One Singular or Plural Practice Without an S, Between the Lions Video Clip Find the Plural Matching Game Interactive Singular or Plural Game 1 Interactive White Board and Computer Lesson Plan Plural Word Sort
Vocabulary Words get help use
The ox will help the man. Adapted from Jefferson County Schools
Will the ox get a bite to eat?
Speaking and Listening Be A Good Listener Good Listeners…
Day 3 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about a make-believe ox who cooks and shops! A real ox can’t cook or shop. Why can’t a real ox cook or shop?
AmazingWords snuggle
Shared Literature How do dogs show people love? Why do you think dogs like to snuggle?
Building Words Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery Word Sort Short O Word Sort
Build Background Work an Ox Does on a Farm
Vocabulary large
Grammar Target Skill: Action Parts of Sentences mop hop dig • The pigs _____. • The boys _____. • Mom and Pop ______.
Day 4 Morning Warm-Up! In past times, animals helped people meet their needs. They helped them use tools to farm land and build shelter. How can animals help in present times?
AmazingWords powerful enormous