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Malden Public Safety Presentation Backdrop. 2009* 2011 Change % Change State $27,715B $29,432B $1,379,B 6.2% Malden(aid)$59,192M $51,845,M ($7,347,M) -12.4%
Malden Public Safety Presentation Backdrop 2009*2011 Change%Change State $27,715B $29,432B $1,379,B 6.2% Malden(aid)$59,192M $51,845,M ($7,347,M) -12.4% A large part of the issue facing Malden going forward is the economy but also the lack of equity in how the local aid funding scheme works. We have some very tough choices coming at us in all likelihood and must come up with new and more efficient methods of accomplishing the same tasks. Technology will be needed. *Actual Spend
Malden Budget 2011 vs. 2009 (000) 2009 2011 % Police* $8,905 $7,449 -16.3% Fire $8,799 $8,134 -7.6% DPW $4,391 $2,285 -47.9% Schools $44,853 $48,984 +9.2% General Govt. $5,253 $4,437 -15.5% Total Expense $125,157 $118,135 -5.6% * Includes States cut of Quinn Bill which pays police for education level.
Dilemma Facing City • Same amount of police on Street as last spring. Lost 4 Cadets last summer and six officers through attrition over the last few years. There were superior officer demotions this year. • Governor’s proposed budget shows another cut to general local aid to communities. Only school funding is kept whole. (Governor’s budget has typically been optimistic)
Potential Steps to Increase Public Safety • Deployment of City owned Camera System citywide, particularly in hot spots, monitored live at the Police Dept. (underway) • Resident only Parking Stickers needed to park in our residential area’s? • Crime Watch (going on in Ward 8)
Why Residential Sticker?? In order to solve a problem we must understand what we are faced with. In order to avoid being a victim one must also know their surroundings and understand who belongs and be able to ID who does not. Additional Police substantially reduce the crime rate. (NY, Maplewood Sq., proof points)
Why a residential Sticker? • Money raised will be used with the police Department to keep manning at least at existing levels but also make it easier to identify quickly if someone belongs in the neighborhood. Stickers may be bar-coded. • Funds will be used to increase parking enforcement throughout the day but particularly at night time. • Funds will be used to put signage on every street letting residents and non residents know of the sticker requirement and also of days there will be street sweeping, and snow emergency rules etc. • Overnight Parking (Hasbrouk Heights Burgen Cnty NJ comments)- Many homeowners like this community feature- Some apartment dwellers would like to see this modified- Police believe that it helped reduce crime- Easier for DPW to sweep streets, plow snow, remove garbage, leaves, etc. • 28. "Territorial Imperative" Motivates CommunityGoals: To make citizens feel responsible for their "turf" in efforts to deter crime. (from a crime watch site)
What are the benefits? • Maintain and potentially increase police presence in our neighborhoods. • Make neighborhood crime watch easier in terms of Identifying outsiders. No sticker car parked without a pass in front of neighbors house during the weekday should illicit perhaps taking down a plate or calling the police. • Allow police to quickly identify potentially suspicious vehicles in neighborhoods and run the plates. Today it is a random effort like hitting the lottery. If a neighborhood is having break-ins and police drive through neighborhood today they would have to check every plate. With this program they will know if car is from outside right away. Even if it is a Malden car that keeps showing up in area’s where burglary or larceny is happening it may peak their interest as stickers will be different colors. (Again neighborhood solidarity)
What are the benefits? • Chronic noise and nuisance homes where parties are conducted after hours will largely be curtailed due to the fines for not having a resident sticker. There are over a thousand calls a year for these situations. • Signs with parking regulations will be put up throughout the city. This will save many residents and non residents parking tickets in the future and allow our street sweeping program and snow removal programs to be more effective. • Will help to identify illegal rooming houses and apartments which create parking issues. • The sticker program fits with the “Broken Windows” theory of law enforcement and will let outsiders know Malden is serious about maintaining control of its neighborhoods.
What are the financial ramifications? • The initial cost to existing excise tax payers will be Zero. • There are over 20,000 residential living units. • There are approximately 31,000 Registered Cars. That is about 1.5 per unit which is highly unlikely; it is statistically too low. • City of Everett picked up about $300,000 additional in excise tax when it launched its program. Malden is more than a forty percent larger. • If 2,500 additional cars register in Malden we will raise approximately $300,000 in owed excise every year. • If 10 additional cars per day are ticketed we will raise an additional $90,000 in fines. • Potential of $400,000 more in revenue for Police Department.
Potential Program • All excise tax paying residents will be mailed a residential parking sticker if their excise tax is current. The charge for the initial sticker will be zero and will be for the life of the vehicle. • Stickers will be placed in the left hand corner of the rear window. This is for easy visibility for police, parking enforcement and you the resident so you will know who is in your neighborhood. (may be bar-coded) • When a person registers a new car for the first time going forward their will be a $30 charge for the sticker. This will be used to pay annual administrative costs of running the program and putting night time enforcement on. • Guest passes can be purchased for $10 per sticker and are limited to 2?
Potential Program • Parking stickers needed all day(Mon-Fri) and are issued by some form of zone or wards. During the day 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. one can park in any zone in the city except a “current or future MBTA zone”. Business zones will not need sticker parking. Linden Square, Maplewood Square, Bellrock Sq etc except they must be cleared from 2:00 a.m. to 7 a.m. for sweeping etc. • Sticker parking is NOT needed for visitors on Weekends and Holidays during the day 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Unless in a specially designated zone which will have signage. (T zones etc) • Night time sticker parking by zone will be required every day twelve months a year. Again two passes can be purchased for the year at $10 a piece and one can always park on the street and have guests park in your own driveway.