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Medical Terminology. MOA150 Week 4. lympho = cytes=. lymph glands cell. Lymphocytes. white blood cells that are mediators of immunity. kerat = -itis=. hardness, cornea inflammation. Keratitis. Inflammation of the cornea of the eye. bacterio = -static=. bacteria stoppage.
Medical Terminology MOA150 Week 4
lympho = cytes= lymph glands cell Lymphocytes white blood cells that are mediators of immunity
kerat = -itis= hardness, cornea inflammation Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea of the eye
bacterio = -static= bacteria stoppage Bacteriostatic Agent that slows or stops the growth of bacteria
bacteri = -cide= bacteria causing death Bactericide Destroying bacteria
anti = -gen= without producing, forming Antigen Any substance foreign to the body that evokes an immune response
presby = -opia= old age vision Presbyopia Visual condition starting at late middle age in which loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye causes inability to focus sharply for near vision
presby = -cusis= old age hearing Presbycusis Lessening of hearing acuteness resulting from degenerative changes that occur with age
oto = pyo= -rrhea = ear pus flow, discharge Otopyorrhea Flow of pus from the ear
oto = -rrhagia = ear abnormal or excessive discharge Otorrhagia Bleeding from the ear
myring = -itis = tympanic membrane inflammation Myringitis Inflammation of the tympanic membrane
myo = sarc = -oma = muscle flesh tumor Myosarcoma Tumor of the connective muscle tissue
path = gen = disease, suffering producing, forming Pathogen A specific causative agent of disease
splen = megaly = spleen enlargement Splenomegaly Abnormal enlargement of the spleen
tympano = metry = tympanic membrane (middle ear) to measure Tympanometry Measurement of acoustic energy absorbed or reflected by the middle ear through the use of a probe placed in the ear canal
cyto = megalo = vir = us = cell large virus, poison thing, singular noun ending Cytomegalovirus Group of large herpes-type viruses that cause a variety of diseases
oto = myc = osis = ear fungus disease Otomycosis Disease of the ear produced by the growth of fungi in the external auditory canal
oto = scler = -osis= ear hard abnormal condition Otosclerosis Growth of spongy bone in the inner ear that progressively increases deafness
ophthalm = -ologist= eye specialist Ophthalmologist Physician who specializes in disease and disorders of the eyes and vision
hyper = -opia= overactive vision Hyperopia Farsightedness
my = -opia= muscle vision Myopia Nearsightedness
lens = -ectomy= lens surgical removal Lensectomy General term to describe surgical removal of a cataract clouded lens
immun = -ologist= immune, protected specialist Immunologist Physician who specializes in the diseases and disorders of the immune system
onc = -ologist= tumor specialist Oncologist Physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating malignant disorders such as tumors and cancer
anti = bio= tics = without life pertaining to Antibiotics Chemical substance capable of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic microorganisms
anti = vir= al = without virus characterized by Antiviral drug Drug used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity
carcin = oma= cancerous tumor Carcinoma Malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue
sarc = oma= flesh tumor Sarcoma Malignant tumor that arises form connective tissue
lymph = oma= lymph glands tumor Lymphoma General term applied to malignancies that develop in the lymphatic system
scler = -itis= hard, scler inflammation Scleritis Inflammation of the sclera