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3S: Proteins

3S: Proteins. Shireen Rudina. What do proteins do?. Structure Collagen in skin, keratin in hair and nails Signaling between cells Defend against disease Antibodies Facilitate Reactions (enzymes) Do essential work in each cell. Which of these are proteins:. DNA

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3S: Proteins

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3S: Proteins Shireen Rudina

  2. What do proteins do? • Structure • Collagen in skin, keratin in hair and nails • Signaling between cells • Defend against disease • Antibodies • Facilitate Reactions (enzymes) • Do essential work in each cell

  3. Which of these are proteins: • DNA • Fibers in your heart muscle • ? • ?

  4. Catalase is an enzyme 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 + heat Does not happen spontaneously, only in the presence of catalase.

  5. Important: Keeping your data organized!

  6. Peptide Bonds Connect Amino Acids

  7. Proteins are made of monomers called amino acids

  8. Polypeptide • Many amino acids connected by peptide bonds  polypeptides

  9. 20 amino acids

  10. Structural Activity

  11. Primary Structure • Order of amino acids linked together in a long chain • One end carboxyl & one end amino

  12. Secondary Structure • Chain of a.a.sbends based on the R groups Alpha helix or Beta pleated sheets

  13. Tertiary Structure • Further folding of the polypeptide chain • Disulfide bridges

  14. Quaternary Structure • Different polypeptide chains come together to form the final protein

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