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[Company] Growth Strategy

[Company] Growth Strategy. Key Questions To Be Answered. Market Analysis of the ________ Industry How big is this industry? What are the various areas of ______ services? What companies compete in these areas? What area(s) should [Client] look to enter and why?

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[Company] Growth Strategy

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  1. [Company] Growth Strategy

  2. Key Questions To Be Answered • Market Analysis of the ________ Industry • How big is this industry? • What are the various areas of ______ services? • What companies compete in these areas? • What area(s) should [Client] look to enter and why? • Market Analysis of adjacent industries to our existing professional services businesses • Are there outsourcing businesses in the _______, ________ or other adjacent industries where we could use our existing systems/know how? • How do we develop and implement our growth strategy for our _______________ business? • What are the best ways to grow quickly? • What is the best way to enter into a new state? • What states should we launch/Greenfield our operations? • Which states should we acquire? • How do we best gain market share especially when foreclosure crisis begins to subside? • What are the next growth engines for the company?

  3. Ideal Profile of New Growth Opportunities • Primary focus on the ______ industry with a secondary focus on ______ and ________ • Leverage core capabilities such as _____, _____ and ________ • Customer is under stress and needs to move fast once a decision is made • Ability to leverage technology to improve the service delivery and lower the cost • Ability to leverage pricing power for a premium-priced positioning in the market • Cyclical businesses

  4. Overall Work Plan

  5. Module I Lay of the Land Analysis Key Questions Answered Market Analysis of the _________ Services Industry How big is this industry? What are the various areas of ______ services? What companies compete in these areas? What area(s) should [Client] look to enter and why? Market Analysis of adjacent industries to our existing professional services businesses Are there outsourcing businesses in the _______, ________, or other adjacent industries where we could useour existing systems/know how? How do we develop and implement our growth strategy for our ____________ processing business. What are the best ways to grow quickly? What is the best way to enter into a new state? What states should we launch/Greenfield our operations? Which states should we acquire? How do we best gain market share especially when foreclosure crisis begins to subside? What are the next growth engines for [Client]? • Company interviews (internal view): meet with and interview key company executives, division leaders and employees of the professional services division to discern and summarize their differing viewpoints on the following: • Core capabilities – core capabilities that can be leveraged into new growth opportunities • Growth constraints – constraints are currently limiting growth • Market presence in each core market of _____ services and _____ processing – current market presence of each core product and service offering • Product and service bundle – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that each product and service face in their respective markets • Core capability analysis (external view): interview other key constituencies to discern and summarize their differing viewpoints on the company’s core capabilities as follows: • Expert interviews – interview and summarize the viewpoints of 3 – 5) subject matter experts in each market • Customer interviews – interview and summarize the viewpoints of 5 – 10 key customers in each market • Capability benchmarking – analyze core capabilities from a market perspective to benchmark the company’s capability relative to other readily-available capabilities for each market • An analysis of the company’s current positioning to insure an advantaged position in any growth initiative

  6. Module I Work Plan • Data dump from the company • Trade journals • Mortgage Bankers Assn • DS News • Discovery services (a new space, fairly competitive • Company interviews: • Interview guide for internal employees, managers and executives • Selection of interview participants • Steering Committee members (Names) • Board members (Names) • Leadership in _____ (Names) • Mid-level managers • Employees • Introductory letter to participants (example letter) • Scheduling of the interviews • Completion of the interviews • Summary of the interviews • External interviews: • Expert interviews • Interview guide for experts • Identification of experts • DM approval of the experts • Expert interviews • Summary of the expert interviews • Customer interviews • Interview guide for customers • Selection of customer participants • Completion of the interviews • Summary of the interviews • Synthesis of the analysis: • Benchmarking analysis • Summary analysis

  7. Internal Interview Guide • What do you see as the core capabilities of the company? • Prioritize the capabilities in order of the company’s ability • Prioritize the capabilities in order of the market demand or unmet needs • What other information do you feel is relevant in terms of the company’s ability to leverage its core capabilities into new growth opportunities • What do you think is current constraining the company’s growth? • Do you see any people constraints? • Do you see any process constraints? • Do you see any technology constraints? • Please list what you see as the core products and services of the company in the professional services division • Please rank each of those core products and services in terms of the following: • 1 – the company is a leader in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • 2 – the company is an average performer in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • 3 – the company is a below average performer in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • Please list the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that each product and service face in their respective markets • What types of products and services do you feel the company should add to is current product and service bundle in order to grow revenue and better serve customers? • If the company had this capability (name the capability) ___________________, then the company could do the following: (name the market opportunity)______________ • Is there anything else that you feel that is relevant in terms of how the company should think about its growth strategy in terms of markets, customers and products/services? • Are there any off-the-record comments you feel the company’s leadership team should hear but that you would prefer not to be attributed to you?

  8. Data Request • [Client] Data File: Existing Client File during previous complete 12 month period of time • Format – excel or delimited text preferred • One record for every location serviced (if client has multiple offices, one record for each one) • Fields: • Company name • Company account ID • Address, city, state, zip • Date client was acquired • Revenues previous 12 months • Size of Company (total estimated employees per site preferred) • Area of law specialization for client • Internal contact person name, phone number, email address • If [Client] serves out of more than 1 office, identification of which [Client] office served each client. • [Client] Data File: Infrastructure file, location of all [Client] offices • Format – excel or delimited text preferred • One record for every location • Fields: • [Client]office ID • Address, city, state, zip • [Client] Data File: Location of key [Client] employees to provide services (ie, if deliveries, etc, are provides from home locations). • Format – excel or delimited text preferred • One record for every location • Fields: • Name, Address, city, state, zip • Size of the firm at the office level for customers • Minimum contract size in terms of services

  9. External Interview Guide • Please identify the top five to ten processes that a customer’s back-office does by type of process, such as • Scanning • Copying • Printing • Fulfilling (stuffing, affixing postage, sorting, mailing) • Electronic archival (posted to electronic files or portals and backing up data) • Physical archival (filing, offsite storage, etc.) • Other (explain) • Other (explain) • Other (explain) • What do you see as the core capabilities necessary for an ____________ firm that serves the “back-office” of _________ firms? • Prioritize the capabilities in order of the what you feel are the priorities in terms of market demand or unmet needs • What do you see as the core capabilities of [Client]? • Prioritize the capabilities in order of the company’s ability • Prioritize the capabilities in order of the market demand or unmet needs • What other information do you feel is relevant in terms of the company’s ability to leverage its core capabilities into new growth opportunities • Please list what you see as the core products and services of the company in the professional services division • Please rank each of those core products and services in terms of the following: • 1 – the company is a leader in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • 2 – the company is an average performer in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • 3 – the company is a below average performer in the market compared to its competitors and in terms of what customers demand • Please list the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that each product and service face in their respective markets • What types of products and services do you feel the company should add to is current product and service bundle in order to grow revenue and better serve customers? • If the company had this capability (name the capability) ___________________, then the company could do the following: (name the market opportunity)______________ • Is there anything else that you feel that is relevant in terms of how the company should think about its growth strategy in terms of markets, customers and products/services? • Are there any off-the-record comments you feel the company’s leadership team should hear but that you would prefer not to be attributed to you?

  10. Module II Core Markets Analysis Key Questions Answered Market Analysis of the _______ Services Industry How big is this industry? What are the various areas of _______services? What companies compete in these areas? What area(s) should [client] look to enter and why? Market Analysis of adjacent industries to our existing professional services businesses Are there outsourcing businesses in the finance, mortgage or other adjacent industries where we could use our existing systems/know how? How do we develop and implement our growth strategy for our __________ processing business. What are the best ways to grow quickly? What is the best way to enter into a new state? What states should we launch/Greenfield our operations? Which states should we acquire? How do we best gain market share especially when foreclosure crisis begins to subside? What are the next growth engines for [Client]? • Market analysis – detailed market analysis that includes the size, segments and locations of ______ services firms (____ firms) in the U.S. • Competitor analysis – detailed profile of key competitors in the _____ and _______ industries as follows: • Strategic positioning overview – a positioning map and analysis of the market positioning of each key competitor • Competitive landscape summary – a summary of all main market participants in each market along with their strengths, weaknesses, perceived strategy and other highlights • Competitor profiles – a detailed summary of each key competitor along with financial information, management team, key customers and other details • Customer Profile analysis – detailed profile of key representative customers in the ______ and ______ industries to gain deeper insight into customer behavior as follows: • Customer overview – a summary of each key customer type in the industry • Expert interviews – interview and summarize the viewpoints of 3 – 5 subject matter experts in each market, typically former executives of key customers or prospects • Key customer profiles and segments – a detailed summary of some of the largest of each key customer type along with financial information, management team, other supplier relationships and other details • Trends – an analysis of macro trends that are shaping customer demand by each key customer type • Adjacent market analysis – overview of the market size and high-level industry characteristics of other adjacent industries such as: • ___________. ___________, and ___________ • ___________. ___________, and ___________ • An analysis of the target markets (core and adjacent) to understand potential opportunities for growth

  11. Module III New Product and Service Opportunity Brainstorming Key Questions Answered Market Analysis of the _______ Services Industry How big is this industry? What are the various areas of ______ services? What companies compete in these areas? What area(s) should [Client] look to enter and why? Market Analysis of adjacent industries to our existing professional services businesses Are there outsourcing businesses in the ______. _____ or other adjacent industries where we could use our existing systems/know how? How do we develop and implement our growth strategy for our ___________ processing business. What are the best ways to grow quickly? What is the best way to enter into a new state? What states should we launch/Greenfield our operations? Which states should we acquire? How do we best gain market share especially when foreclosure crisis begins to subside? What are the next growth engines for [Client]? • Employee brainstorming session – meet with a cross-section of the company’s employees from various disciplines in the professional services division for a brainstorming session on new product and service opportunities and summarize the results • Management team brainstorming session – meet with the company’s mid-level management team (or a cross-section of the company’s mid-level management) in the professional services division to present the employee’s ideas and for a brainstorming session on additional new product and service opportunities and summarize the results • Executive team brainstorming session – meet with the company’s executive team to present the employee’s and management team’s ideas and for a brainstorming session on additional product and service opportunities and summarize the results along with the executive team’s priorities for pursuit • Use project findings to-date as a springboard for brainstorming with the company to identify new opportunities for growth

  12. Module IV New Product and Service Opportunity Analysis Key Questions Answered Market Analysis of the _______ Services Industry How big is this industry? What are the various areas of ______ services? What companies compete in these areas? What area(s) should [Client] look to enter and why? Market Analysis of adjacent industries to our existing professional services businesses Are there outsourcing businesses in the ______, _______ or other adjacent industries where we could use our existing systems/know how? How do we develop and implement our growth strategy for our _____________ processing business. What are the best ways to grow quickly? What is the best way to enter into a new state? What states should we launch/Greenfield our operations? Which states should we acquire? How do we best gain market share especially when foreclosure crisis begins to subside? What are the next growth engines for [Client]? • Industry characteristics – an analysis of the ten most critical aspects of the industry segment of the opportunity, including dynamics such as the addressable market size, organic growth rates, favorable and unfavorable macro trends and more • Financial – an analysis of the seven most critical financial aspects of the opportunity, including a summary financial model for the opportunity • Operational - an analysis of the seven most critical operational aspects of the opportunity, including dynamics such as the potential scalability, repeatability, operational risks and more • Product/Service - an analysis of the ten most critical product or service aspects of the opportunity, including dynamics such as unmet needs, concept risk, product/service development timeframe and more • Customer - an analysis of the sixteen most critical customer aspects of the opportunity, including dynamics such as the ability to determine the customer’s “in-market” timing, customer acquisition costs, customer life and more • An analysis of the overall opportunity characteristics of each of the top ten most promising opportunities

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