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Brand Refresh

Brand Refresh. Presentation to Business Development Committee. C. McCollough May 20, 2016. A brand is the promise a firm makes to the marketplace. Our logo, content strategy, photography, graphics, etc., all support our brand. Current BuckleySandler Website. Our Current Brand.

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Brand Refresh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brand Refresh Presentation to Business Development Committee C. McCollough May 20, 2016

  2. A brand is the promise a firm makes to the marketplace. Our logo, content strategy, photography, graphics, etc., all support our brand.

  3. Current BuckleySandler Website

  4. Our Current Brand • Confusing stacked layout • Old fashioned maroon • Stuffy, hard to read font • Graphic element has negative connotations • LLP clutters name

  5. Current Logo: Visual Limitations

  6. How We Have Approached the Problem • Hired a Brand Consultant • Audit of our competitors – what’s going on in the marketplace • Identify attributes of current firm logo – pos and neg • Researched Legal Services Marketplace Design Approaches • Competitors • Consultants • Clients • Tech firms • Researched Law Firm Naming Conventions

  7. Competitor Firms Reviewed

  8. Brand Evolutions

  9. Logo Decision Point:Spelling of Firm Name BuckleySandler Buckley Sandler

  10. Logo Decision Point:Stacked or One-Line Buckley Sandler Buckley Sandler

  11. Logo Decision Point:Colors

  12. Logo Decision Point:LLP

  13. Logo Decision Point:Font Buckley SandlerBuckley Sandler BUCKLEY SANDLER BUCKLEY SANDLER

  14. Logo Decision Point:Graphical “Bug”

  15. BuckleySandler: Who We Are • Modern • Creative • Agile • Efficient • Energetic • Practical

  16. (talking points slide – don’t present) • Pushback: why mess with what ain’t broke? • This is decision time; we are about to invest $200k web redesign, $75k in brochures and printing, $50k in a new proposal solution, $50k in a new email /event management solution • We are in competition with other firms • We have to look just as good as (better than) our competitors • Clients and laterals visit our site – what is it saying to them? • Pushback: what’s it going to cost us? • Don’t know yet. • Broad brush est: we will need to replace $100k in letterhead, business cards, office signage, swag (but haven’t spoken to Angel about this yet to get more detail) • Pushback: will it happen all at once? • No- we will prioritize and try to use as much of existing material as possible • Website, business cards, brochures, pitch materials, PPTs • Externally visible things such as building signs, coffee mugs

  17. Misc Brand Collateral

  18. Reasons to Refresh a Brand • Convey firm brand and personality • Increase awareness and visibility in the marketplace • Differentiate from competitors • Reinforce firm name

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