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A vision for education - 2017. Max Halla EDU 505.90 Jennifer Wojcik. American public education. 1821, Boston English high school, the first public high school, opens (sass, 2013) Further education existed before, but this is the beginning of public high school
A vision for education - 2017 Max Halla EDU 505.90 Jennifer Wojcik
American public education • 1821, Boston English high school, the first public high school, opens (sass, 2013) • Further education existed before, but this is the beginning of public high school • Education was reserved for the wealthy • Maloney High School is one of today’s public high schools • Teacher lectures, students sit and listen • Graduation rates are around 75% (planty, 2009) • high school graduation rate in the United States ranked thirteenth among nineteen OECD [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development] countries” (Taylor, 2013, 3rd para.).
The future of Maloney high school • Something has to change • Technology is the forefront to changing education • MOOCs and tablets must be introduced to the classrooms of maloney • Tablets foster “active learning” and hands-on approach (Loch, 2011) • Maloney must look to the future • Johnson et al. (2013) demonstrated this in the horizon report • Scenarios and scanning will be used
Scenarios • a scenario is a description of a proposed course of action • Scenarios Have long been used in government, corporate, and military (Mietzner & Reger, 2005, p. 221) • “proponents [of a given scenario Can] become locked into hermetic partisanship, making their beliefs relatively immune to self-correction" (Clardy, 2011, p.45). • If Scientific rigor is not followed, scenarios may lead to dogmatism
Scanning • Albright (2004) defines scanning as “the internal communication of external information about issues that may potentially influence an organization’s decision making process” (p. 40). • Scanning helps to alleviate dogmatism by being Data-driven (sobrero, 2004, para. 7) • Scanning Requires time-consuming Data collection
Technologies in the Future Maloney High School • Tablets will be a major component of the future classroom • Tablets have piqued the interest of many educators because, as Loch, Galligan, Hobohm, and McDonald (2011) pointed out, “with careful planning, [tablets] can be utilized in a number of ways to promote active learning” (p. 940). • Moocs go hand-in-hand with tablets • As the 2013 Horizon Report states, “one of the most appealing promises of MOOCs is that they offer the possibility for continued, advanced learning at zero cost” (Johnson et al., 2013).
The Future Classroom at Maloney • Students will be on tablets and teaching themselves with moocs • Teachers will be digital guides for students, not lecturers • No more chalkboards, textbooks, pens or pencils • Classrooms of the future will mimic internet cafes • Students can work from home, or anywhere they find wireless access
5 challenges • Money • Governments, local, state and federal, need to back up their policies • Governments need to provide the resources • Motivation and preparation for teachers and students • Informing the parents/guardians of students
5 opportunities • Greater use of technology • Professional development for teachers • Students will be able to take ownership of their work • Students will be able to work at their own pace • Students will look forward to going to school because they are Excited to use technology
5 Preparations for the Future • Money, direct line from federal to classroom • Policies, again, directly from federal to classroom • Teachers must enroll in a mooc • Tablet professional development for teachers • Teachers must be willing to adapt to these changes
What happens if vision is not followed? • Devastating consequences • Students will look to other venues for their education where the technology they need will be provided • The teachers at Maloney will fall behind their colleagues • Maloney high school students will fall behind as the future arrives
A call to action • Tablets and moocs must be implemented • Tablets will eventually save money • Moocs are free • Textbooks will be no more • Tablet and mooc training must take place, teachers and students • As Viswanathan (2013) explained, “teachers’ participation in MOOC would help them to encourage their students to effectively use their digital literacy for learning” (p. 32). • Tablets and moocs will prepare Maloney’s students for their future if they incorporate these technologies
References • Albright, K. (2004). Environmental scanning: radar for success. Information Management Journal, 38(3), 38-45. Retrieved from http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/libsci_facpub/68/ • Beffa-Negrini, P. A., Cohen, N. L., & Miller, B. (2002). Strategies to Motivate Students in Online Learning Environments. Journal Of Nutrition Education & Behavior, 34(6), 334. • Clardy, A. (2011). Six worlds of tomorrow. World Future Review (World Future Society), 3(2), 37-48. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/194675671100300207 • Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., and Ludgate, H. (2013). NMC Horizon Report: 2013 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. • Loch, B., Galligan, L., Hobohm, C., & McDonald, C. (2011). Learner-centred mathematics and statistics education using netbook tablet PCs. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology, 42(7), 939-949. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2011.611910 • Mietzner, D. & Reger, G. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario approaches for strategic foresight. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 1(2), 220–239. Retrieved from http://wohlstandfueralle.com/documents/StragegicForesight.pdf • Planty, M., Hussar, W., Snyder, T., Kena, G., KewalRamani, A., Kemp, J., Bianco, K., Dinkes, R. (2009). The Condition of Education 2009 (NCES 2009-081). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2009/2009081.pdf
References (continued) • Project Tomorrow. (2009). Learning in the 21st century: 2009 trends update. Retrieved from http://www.blackboard.com/resources/k12/Bb_K12_09_trendsupdate.pdf • Sass, E. (2013). American educational history: A hypertext timeline. Retrieved from http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html • Shaw, J. S. (2010). Education-A bad public good? Independent Review, 15(2), 241-256. Retrieved from http://www.independent.org/publications/tir/article.asp?a=804 • Sobrero, P. M. (2004). The steps for futuring. Journal of Extension, 42(3). Retrievedfrom http://www.joe.org/joe/2004june/comm2.php • Taylor, T. (2013, June 27). High school standards and graduation rates: the tradeoff [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://conversableeconomist.blogspot.com/2013/06/high-school-standards-and-graduation.html • Viswanathan, R. (2012). Teaching and Learning through MOOC. Frontiers of Language and Teaching, 3, 32-40. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/2365191/Teaching_and_Learning_through_MOOC