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Health IQ Quiz: Lifestyle Disease Awareness

Test your health knowledge with this quiz on lifestyle diseases, risk factors, prevention strategies, and key terms. Assess your behaviors to see how well you protect yourself from diseases like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular issues. Learn about lifestyle-related diseases and how to lower your risk through healthy habits.

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Health IQ Quiz: Lifestyle Disease Awareness

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  1. Chapter 14 Lifestyle Diseases By: Elizabeth Goergen Health Period 3 October 15, 2013

  2. What’s Your Health IQ?

  3. 1= Never 2= Occasionally3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I eat foods that are low in saturated fats and high in fiber.

  4. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I eat and drink foods that are low in added salt and sugar.

  5. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I exercise at least 60 minutes every day.

  6. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I avoid tobacco products and being in smoky environments.

  7. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I have yearly medical exams.

  8. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time When outside, I wear sunscreen.

  9. 1= Never 2= Occasionally 3= Most of the Time 4= All of the Time I eat at least 2 servings of fruit a day.

  10. Scoring 0-10 You have a number of areas in which you could make improvements in your health-related behaviors. 11-19 points You are doing well overall but have areas in which you could improve your health related behaviors and protect yourself from lifestyle diseases. 20-28 points You are doing an excellent job if protecting yourself from lifestyle diseases.

  11. Section 1 Lifestyle & Lifestyle Diseases

  12. Key Terms Lifestyle Disease A disease that is caused partly by unhealthy behaviors and partly by other factors.

  13. Objectives • Describe how lifestyle can lead to disease • List four controllable and four uncontrollable risk factors for lifestyle diseases • State two actions you can take now to lower your risk for developing a lifestyle disease later in life

  14. Section 2 Cardiovascular Diseases

  15. Key Terms Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) A disease or disorder that results from progressive damage to the heart and blood vessels. Stroke A sudden attack of weakness or paralysis that occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is interrupted.

  16. Key Terms Blood Pressure The force that blood exerts against the inside walls of a blood vessel. Heart Attack The damage and loss of function of an area of the heart muscle.

  17. Atherosclerosis A disease characterized by the buildup of fatty materials on the inside walls of the arteries.

  18. Objectives • Summarize how one’s lifestyle can contribute to cardiovascular diseases • Describe four types of cardiovascular diseases • Identify two ways to detect and two ways to treat cardiovascular diseases • List four things you can do to lower your risk cardiovascular

  19. Section 3 Key Terms

  20. Cancer A disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth.

  21. Malignant Tumor A mass of cells that invades and destroys healthy tissue.

  22. Benign Tumor An abnormal, but usually harmless cell mass.

  23. Chemotherapy The use of drugs to destroy cancer cells.

  24. Objectives

  25. Section 4 Key Terms

  26. Insulin A hormone the causes cells to remove glucose from the bloodstream.

  27. Diabetes A disorder I which cells are unable to obtain glucose from the blood such that high blood-glucose levels result.

  28. Diabetic Coma A loss of consciousness that happens when there is too much blood sugar and a buildup of toxic substances in the blood.

  29. Objectives

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