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Concept Overview for 2 mt Case

Concept Overview for 2 mt Case. “2 mt case”: integrated payloads of no more than 2 mt can be landed on the surface of Mars; extension of current Mars EDL technology Cargo transportation All cargo packages are landed on the surface of Mars using scaled-up MSL-type vehicles

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Concept Overview for 2 mt Case

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  1. Concept Overview for 2 mt Case • “2 mt case”: integrated payloads of no more than 2 mt can be landed on the surface of Mars; extension of current Mars EDL technology • Cargo transportation • All cargo packages are landed on the surface of Mars using scaled-up MSL-type vehicles • Each cargo package and the associated cruise stage and EDL system is launched and injected towards Mars using an EELV-class launch vehicle (Falcon 9 heavy, Delta IV heavy, Atlas V heavy, etc.) • Crew transportation • Similar approach as for 10 mt case, but different hab / EDL design • Mars Transfer Vehicle is assembled in LEO out of 3 payloads of ~25 mt • 1st payload: habitat + Mars entry vehicle (same entry vehicle as for cargo) • 2nd and 3rd payloads: each one ~25 mt propulsion stage for TMI • 2 crew are transported using this transfer vehicle

  2. Trans-Mars Injection Delta-V Needs Maximum minimumdelta-v need over the17-year cycle: ~4000 m/s

  3. Cargo Transportation

  4. Delta IV Payload Performance

  5. Falcon 9 Heavy Estimated Performance

  6. Spacecraft Mass (Including EDL, Cruise, and Payload) Cruise stage mass kept constant from MSL,all other components scaled linearly withsurface payload (conservative, masses wouldlikely not scale linearly with payload) Estimated Falcon 9 Heavy payload capability at a TMI delta-v of 4000 m/s Estimated Delta IV Heavy payload capability at a TMI delta-v of 4000 m/s • Conservative assessment of payload performanceindicates that existing systems cannot deliver 2 mtpayload capability • However, less-than-linear scaling of componentmass as well as future launch vehicle performanceincrease may allow for utilization of full 2 mt payloadmass capability allowed by current EDL technology

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