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RDA: future scenarios. Lars G. Svensson ; Gordon Dunsire. Overview. Context Linked data and the Semantic Web RDA triples Role of FRBR Navigating the data What’s in it for whom?. Context. RDA test executive summary:
RDA: future scenarios Lars G. Svensson; Gordon Dunsire
Overview • Context • Linked data and the Semantic Web • RDA triples • Role of FRBR • Navigating the data • What’s in it for whom?
Context • RDA test executive summary: • Announce completion of the Registered RDA Element Sets and Vocabularies. Ensure the registry is well described and in synchronization with RDA rules. • Business case: ... enables the descriptive metadata created to be used in a linked data world • Demonstrate credible progress towards a replacement for MARC. • LoC Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative • Experiment with Semantic Web and linked data technologies
Linked data world • Not a new world for bibliographic metadata • Modern library systems link descriptive metadata to authority headings for resource discovery • RDA database scenario 2 • Semantic Web offers opportunities to go global • World-Wide, international scale of the machine-processing infrastructure of the Web • Resource Description Framework (RDF) • Interoperable, simple, atomic metadata statements in the form of “triples”
What does an RDA triple look like? Linked data! . ex:123 rda1:contentTypeExpression rdact:1016 The specified expression has content type tactile notated music taktile Musik content type “taktileMusik” preferred label (de) “tactile notated music” preferred label (en)
Where is FRBR? “Expresión” is-a frbrer:C1002 label (sp) ex:123 ex:345 realization of is-a frbrer:C1003 content type label (en) rdact:1016 “Work” E.g. “content type” specified to have domain (first part of triple) of frbrer:C1002 (Expression) We can register properties like “content type” to say that the first and/or last parts of a triple are specific instances of a particular class
VIAF PND Verbund- Titel Wikipedia DDC (deutsch) GKD/ Labels Phononet DNB-Titel ISBN ISSN ISMN LCSH MVB SWD ZDB-Titel RAMEAU Verbund- Exemplare DNB- Exemplare WorldCat- Titel urn:nbn:de To watch a large graph of linked data can be somewhat intimidating
Is thebestway an application-specificview? Title HowtoprotectyourselfagainstDengueTouristikmedizin ? Author ? Subject ?
Is thebestway an application-specificview? Title Howtoprotectyourselfagainst Dengue ? Author Watson, ? Watson, Anders Watson, Belinda Watson, Immanuel Watson, John H. (Literarische Gestalt) Watson, Karen Watson, Nicolas Watson, Xanthippa Watson, Yngve Subject ?
Is thebestway an application-specificview? Title Howtoprotectyourselfagainst Dengue ? Author Watson, John H. (Literarische Gestalt) ? Subject Travel m ? Travel medicine Travel medieval Touristikmedizin (GND)
Orshoulditbelikemoving a lenseoverthegraph? Der Steppenwolf Der Steppenwolf, German Der Steppenwolf, München 2006
Orshoulditbelikemoving a lenseoverthegraph? Zürich Hermann Hesse Der Steppen-Wolf
Orshoulditbelikemoving a lenseoverthegraph? Europa Schweiz Baedecker Schweiz Zürich
Shouldtheuserreallyneedtocare? Classic searchinterface: Enter yoursearchtermshere Go! Semanticsearchinterface: Enter yoursearchtermshere Go!
So who benefits from all this? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2123/2195240237_1f1c7fd671_b.jpg Is all this semantic web stuff of any use to me as a library patron?
Libraries benefit, becausewedon‘tneedtocurate all thedataourselves Gnd:123456-7 Geonames:98765-4 Photo by karlnorling (CC-BY): http://www.flickr.com/photos/karlnorling/4206727580/sizes/m/in/photostream/ Photo by J. Stephen Conn (CC-BY-NC): http://www.flickr.com/photos/jstephenconn/4224322884/sizes/m/in/photostream/ lat “Paris“@fr long
Open Knowledge Networks Data generation: registered users and communities, automated algorithms Quality control: self-control (see Wikipedia) Sphere Mantle Core Controlled Quality Data generation: high quality algorithms Quality control: training and improvement of algorithms Guaranteed Quality Data generation an correction: libraries, universities, museums, expert panels, etc. Quality control: strict rules, panels Highest stability (persistency) Byinvolvingtrustedcommunities, wecanmaintainhighdataquality
Thank you • gordon@gordondunsire.com • l.svensson@dnb.de • RDA in Open Metadata Registry • http://metadataregistry.org/rdabrowse.htm