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Safety Studies for the ATF CO2 Laser System

Explore the ongoing safety studies and planned upgrades for the ATF CO2 Laser System, focusing on protecting against back reflections and improving efficiency. Key features include the innovative Plasma Shutter solution and R&D thrusts to enhance energy and reduce pulse expansion. The configuration, test parameters, and results from experimental studies are detailed with a strategic emphasis on operational safety management.

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Safety Studies for the ATF CO2 Laser System

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  1. Safety Studies for the ATF CO2 Laser System Mark Palmer and the ATF Team

  2. Background • We expect the ATF CO2 Laser System to continue to increase in peak power over the next 3-5 years • Main amplifier energy ~20J (limited by exit window damage threshold) • Peak power increases by • Concentrating all energy in a single pulse (achieved 2018) • Compressing the pulses from ~5ps (2017) to ~2ps (2018) to <500 fs (2020) • Improving the transport efficiency of the system (better optics, vacuum transport, etc) • Critical issue: • Protecting main laser system from back reflections returning from user experiments • NOTE: Laser system will be severely damaged within a handful of shots if a major back-reflection occurs! • Solution: Plasma Shutter • CO2 long wavelength IR (LWIR) pulse passes through a pinhole • “Low” power near-IR laser strikes edge of pinhole to create plasma • Plasma fills pinhole creating a mirror for LWIR back-reflected pulses • RSC Safety Issue: A laser system misalignment fault can cause a high peak power LWIR pulse to strike the pinhole material creating x-rays (and also a back- reflection that will quickly cause laser damage and failure).

  3. Present-day laser configuration and planned upgrades • Upgrade R&D thrusts: • Reduce pulse expansion via stronger pulse stretching, reducing amplifier window thickness, beam profile control (apodizing, adaptive mirror) • Energy increase by improving compressor efficiency, stronger pulse stretching, implementing a bigger amplifier and window (long term) • Femtosecond regime with NLPC • Variable polarization • Material studies • Ti:Al2O3 Amplifier 1 • 20 µJ • 350 fs • OPA • 5 µJ • 60 ps YAG 1 Stretcher • 20J • 30 ps • 30 mJ • 40 ps 5J Operating Point Amplifier 2 In-vacuum transport to user experiments (prevents filamentation at high power) • 4 ps • Work on improving: • Rep. rate (faster HV switches, optical pumping) • Beam quality • Energy/power stability • System reliability • Pulse • 2.3 ps • 10J • Energy YAG 2 Compressor • Efficiency 50% Plasma Shutter ps fs

  4. Test Configuration • Note: Prior reviews have utilized estimates and external observations • Test utilized pre-existing experimental chamber • Goals: • Directly measure the x-ray source field within the vacuum chamber • Apply a thin Al filter (thickness of 3.35 mm) to distinguish low energy (< few 10s of keV) x-ray dose from high energy dose • Obtain measurements near likely ultimate parameters for B820 operation to aid future analysis of upgrades [extrapolate to lower fluences for radiation safety analysis] TLD IR camera TLD Interaction Chamber TLD TLD Plasma Shutter sphere OAP TLDs laser lens target Test sphere 6” diam.; windows are for placing TLDs around a target Optical transport

  5. Experimental Study Parameters Designed to significantly exceed the present operational configuration of the plasma shutter!! Relevant laser parameters for test dose rate estimate: • Laser pulse length 2.3 ps • Laser pulse energy 5 J • Laser pulse rep rate 0.03 Hz • Energy fluence @ 5 J 6.25E5 J/cm2 • Laser intensity @5J and 2.3 ps 2.7E17 W/cm2 • Plasma kTH(Ref 1) 976 keV • Hard X-ray energy / laser energy (Ref 1) 0.011 (range is 0.00737 to 0.0165) Ref 1: Physical Review A Volume 32, Number 6 December 1985, Superhot-X-Ray and -Electron Transport in High- Intensity CO2-Laser-Plasma Interactions, G. D. Enright and N. H. Burnett.

  6. Results Filtered Unfiltered

  7. Estimated Dose Rates in Experimental Configuration • 16 rad/hr at 3 inches with 3.35 mm Al shielding a 1 rad/hr at 1 foot (with no additional shielding) • Add 1 inch steel shielding: 803 mR/hrassuming 400 keV photons THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT AN OPERATIONAL CONFIGURATION!!!

  8. Operational Parameters Pinhole is a conical pinhole with a 10:1 surface aspect ratio Relevant laser parameters for test dose rate estimate: • Laser pulse length 2.3 ps • Laser pulse energy 5 J • Laser pulse rep rate 0.03 Hz • Hard X-ray energy / laser energy 0.002 • Normal incidence energy fluence at focal point @ 5 J 1.24E5 J/cm2 • Maximum energy fluence on pinhole surface @ 5 J 1.24E4 J/cm2 • Maximum Laser intensity on pinhole surface @5J and 2.3 ps 5.4E15 W/cm2 • Plasma kTH(Ref 1) 190 keV • Hard X-ray energy / laser energy (Ref 1) 0.002 Ref 1: Physical Review A Volume 32, Number 6 December 1985, Superhot-X-Ray and -Electron Transport in High- Intensity CO2-Laser-Plasma Interactions, G. D. Enright and N. H. Burnett.

  9. Shielding Requirements Starting point estimate… Estimate of unshielded dose rate in operational configuration (excluding x-rays < 30 keV, which are assumed to be filtered by the vacuum chamber components everywhere) • 5 J laser pulse x 0.002 x 0.03 Hz = 0.0003 J s-1 • 0.0003 J s-1 = 1.9E12 keV s-1 • Assuming all x-rays are 400 keV yields 4.7E9 photons s-1 Micro Shield yields 312 mR in 1 hour at 1 foot in air assuming an unshielded 400 keV point source. Again, references 1 and 2 do not account for x-rays below 30 keV. Ref 2: Physical Review Letters Volume 47, Number 23 December 1981, Hard-X-Ray Measurements of 10.6 mm Laser Irradiated Targets, W. Priedhorsky, D. Lier, H. Day, and D. Gerke.

  10. Shielding Approach – Version 1 Apply 1” Steel shielding wherever possible Explicitly deal with chamber penetrations • Ref 2: 5.5-fold decrease in hard x-ray production at operational intensity relative to experimental configuration:803 mR/hr (slide 7) a 165 mR/hr • This remains a significant overestimate of exposure rate since the spectrum in this calculation assumes all photons are 400 keV, and photon energies below 35 to 40 keV are not included. • Calculations do not account for the Maxwellian thermal distribution of x-rays! Newly published TVL data just became available, which properly accounts for the above thermal distribution! a Ref 3 Ref 3: Radiation Protection Around High-intensity Laser Interactions with Solid Targets, Liang, Taiee Ted; Bauer, Johannes M.; Liu, James C.; Rokni, Sayed H., Health Physics: December 2018 - Volume 115 - Issue 6 - p 687–697

  11. TVL Data Curves for Fe TVLe TVL1

  12. Shielding Approach – Updated for NEW TVL Data • TVLs monotonically decreasing at lower laser fluences due to lower temperature for x-ray production • Utilize 1017 W/cm2 values for all calculations • Start with 2767 rad/hr as measured in experimental configuration • Application of TVLs a shielded dose rate 1.68 mrad/hr @ 1 foot • Operational Config: Reduction of 5.5x as discussed on slide 10 • 307 mrad/hr @ 1 foot • Back reflection to cause laser failure in <10 shots • Realistic fault duration (~6 min) a<25 mrad @ 1 foot

  13. Shielding Approach – Special Features of Chamber • Chamber has penetrations • Upstream and downstream for CO2 Laser entrance and exit • YAG laser entrance port • View ports • Pinhole positioning stages on top of chamber

  14. Upstream and Downstream Shielding • Upstream and downstream apertures are limited to maximize solid angle coverage of Steel chamber • Upstream and downstream paths are “blocked” by thick Cu mirrors • Additional Steel shielding to be added in limited regions where coverage is not complete

  15. Plasma Shutter Chamber Shielding • 1 inch steel wall thickness • Vertical assembly protected by: • 1 inch steel layer where practicable • Design of pinhole support provides minimum 1 inch path through steel to any ”thin” region in top-hat (see pictures on following slides for clarification) • View ports • Block with 1 inch steel caps • Administratively control (see proposed OPM) • YAG Port…

  16. 2 spanner holes to rotate insert • 2 set screws @ 120° • Aluminum insert • SS body • Provides a shielding “umbrella” to cut out solid angle for vertically produced x-rays

  17. Shielding Approach - YAG laser Entrance Hole • Rely on fact that high energy x-rays will penetrate SiO2 optics • Require any exiting x-ray to need at least 2 x-ray reflections off of Steel surface (max. reflectivity ~0.05) • Utilize mesh guard to prevent physical access within 1 foot of YAG entrance hole Reflectivity of x-rays from SiO2 B. L. Henke, E. M. Gullikson, and J. C. Davis, “X-Ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50–30,000 eV, Z = 1–92,” At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 54, 181 (1993). YAG entrance hole

  18. Shielding Approach – YAG Laser Entrance Hole Radiation Calculation: As before – • Experimental Configuration Source 2767 rad/hr @ 3 inches • Assume 1 TVL1 (~6 mm) for SiO2 for exit window from Ref 3 (see slide 11) • 277 rad/hr @ 1 foot • Low energy x-rays have been filtered • Operational Config: Reduction of 5.5x as discussed on slide 10 • 50.4 rad/hr @ 1 foot • Remaining x-rays will penetrate the YAG SiO2 mirror (take no attenuation credit) • 2 reflections from steel required for x-ray to escape secondary chamber (0.05 reflectivity) • 126 mrad/hr • Realistic fault condition of duration ~6 min • < 10 mrad on contact with YAG entrance hole • Install barrier at minimum 12-inch radius from hole • Assuming 0.6-inch dia. hole a<3 mrad @ 1 foot • Note: may want to increase design hole diameter somewhat for ease of alignment a shouldn’t be a factor

  19. Conclusion • Plasma shutter configuration will be maintained under C-AD configuration control • X-rays created in alignment fault conditions can be shielded successfully to maintain a safe environment in the ATF FEL room • We propose to also add TLDs around the plasma shutter to provide long-term radiation monitoring • Exact location TBD a Questions and comments

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