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The Canadian Sport Consumer

The Canadian Sport Consumer. Chapter 4. OBJECTIVES. Understand why the consumer is the focus of marketing. Provide details on why Canadians are engaged in sport. Realize the need to understand consumer ‘minds’ in marketing strategy development. INTRODUCTION.

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The Canadian Sport Consumer

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  1. The Canadian Sport Consumer Chapter 4

  2. OBJECTIVES • Understand why the consumer is the focus of marketing. • Provide details on why Canadians are engaged in sport. • Realize the need to understand consumer ‘minds’ in marketing strategy development.

  3. INTRODUCTION • Level, reason and type of engagement varies for each person. • Participant consumption behavior: Actions performed when searching for, participating in and evaluating the sports activities consumers feel will satisfy their needs and desires.

  4. CANADIAN SPORT CONSUMERS • Sport organizations must understand: • Who their consumers are • What value they seek for their dollar • What influences their purchase decisions

  5. CANADIAN SPORT CONSUMERS • FANatics • Loyalists • StarStruck • Socialites • Opportunists • Disinterested

  6. LOYALTY LADDER • Challenge is to move consumers up the ‘loyalty ladder’. • Must engage new consumers while maintaining loyal fan base. • Done through process of continually creating and maintaining a consumer centered marketing strategy.

  7. PSYCHOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS • The Psychological Continuum Model Adapted from Funk, D.C. and James, J. (2001)

  8. CONSUMER GATEWAYS TO SPORT • Participation • Attendance • Media • Word of Mouth • Influencers

  9. PARTICIPANT CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOUR • Consumers influenced by internal, external and situational factors when making decision to participate in sports. • Model of Participant Consumption Behaviour. Shank (2005)


  11. PARTICIPANT DECISION-MAKING PROCESS • Problem recognition • Information search • Evaluation of alternatives • Participation • Post-participation evaluation

  12. INTERNAL INFLUENCES • Perception • Involves four stages: Exposure Awareness Attention Retention • Learning • Behavioral learning • Cognitive learning

  13. INTERNAL INFLUENCES • Personality Individual’s personal characteristics. • Motivation The force that spurs certain actions. • Attitude What a consumer feels or believes and how they act accordingly.

  14. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES • Culture • Social Class • Reference groups • Family

  15. SITUATIONAL INFLUENCES • Physical surroundings • Social surroundings • Task definition • Time • Antecedent states

  16. SPORT CONSUMER BUYING ROLES • Initiator • Recognizes problem and suggests sport • Gatekeeper Conducts information search • Influencer Tries to sway outcome • Decision maker Evaluates alternatives, can make decision

  17. SPORT CONSUMER BUYING ROLES • Approver Can approve or reverse decision • Real buyer Makes final decision and purchase • User Ultimately uses purchase • Evaluator Reflects on quality of experience

  18. SPORT FAN SEGMENTATION • Active thrill seekers • EZ chair quarterback • Patriotic traditionalist • Cultured individualist

  19. Questions?

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