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This project aims to promote social inclusion and eliminate poverty and social exclusion in the Slovak Republic through the implementation of good practices. Co-financed by the European Union.
Women's Association of Slovakia Social inclusion in the policy of the Slovak Republic and good practices Dr. Viera Petrášová This project is co-financed by the European Union PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union European Council decided in Lisbon in March 2000 that amount of poverty and social exclusion are not acceptable and building-up European Union on the basis of more inclusive basis is considered as one of main parts at obtaining strategic objectives like sustainable economic growth, increasing of employment and improvement of social solidarity. At Lisbon summit there was approved so-called Open Method of Coordination (OMC), which will have contributed for elimination of poverty and social exclusion by the year 2010. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Social inclusion Social inclusion is a process, which ensures to people, who are in the poverty danger and social exclusion, that they can obtain opportunities and necessary sources for full participation in economic, social and cultural life and they have the same living standards and prosperity, which is considered as usual in the society where they live in. It provides for them higher participation on decisions and it influences their lives and approach to basic rights. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Social exclusion Social exclusion is a process, by which some individuals are forced out to periphery of society and it avoids them to fully participate in the society in consequences of their poverty, lack of basic competences (qualifications) and possibilities for whole life education or in consequence of discrimination. This retreats (separates) them from working, income and possibilities for education as well as from social and community networks and activities. They have very limited access to decision-making bodies and so they often feel powerless. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Socialization of people – to communise the society PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Is poverty equal to social exclusion? Poverty is more comprehension term than social exclusion, which expresses the risk of marginalism and elimination for individuals and for groups in many areas of life. Some groups of people can be permanently excluded and these groups of people are not poor. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Low salary is the only dimension of poverty and social exclusion, when the social safekeeping can reduce poverty also by sufficient and accessible health care, education, provided social services and through the integrated labour market for those who are able to work. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union In addition the rate of poverty danger, which EU uses: number of people under 60% of income, which median is in the society – it is based on implicit preference of packaged society by income. (Median divides observed object into two parts. It defines half values smaller and half values bigger than the value, which we observe). e.g. the rate of poverty danger for Great Britain (with number of average incomes in upper and lower quartile 4,9) is 20% and post communist countries with packaged division of incomes like the Czech republic or Hungary (with number of average incomes in upper and lower quartile 3,4) is rate of poverty danger maximum 10%. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union In this complex the social strategy of the Slovak republic focused its attention on support for a role of an individual and his/her self-sufficiency through this system of social safekeeping, which strengthens and motivates his/her participation at the labour market. In the Slovak republic there are exposed mainly unemployed people to rate of poverty danger. About 47% of them is under limit of poverty danger and men (49%) are endangered a little bit more than women (46%). (In the developed countries of EU the best situation is in Denmark where only 13% of unemployed people is in poverty danger and the worst is in Ireland where it is 54%.) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Very bad situation is mainly at long term unemployed people i.e. 12 months and more. Despite the fact that long-term unemployment rate was decreased (from 12,2% in 2002 to 11,1% in 2003) it has been on the prominent place in comparison with new or old states of EU 15 (3,3%) several years. For all that there are mainly young people who suffer from long-term unemployment because they have no working habits and without existence of active policy at the labour market there is possibility of complete loss for their working ability. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union As national rate of poverty danger in Slovakia are also considered minimum living wages or number of people dependent on social security benefits (since 01/01/2004 it has been the help in material distress). Social security benefit has not been reaching level of minimum living wages since 2001 and it is not explicitly connected to average living standard in the society. PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union • Key challenges of EU • Key challenges in the field of fighting against poverty and exclusion are elaborated in Common memorandum about inclusion and it was assumed in Lisbon and updated in Copenhagen. To the most acute challenges and to long - term objectives, which timeliness is acknowledged by previous analyse of social and economic situation, belong: • ·To increase level of employment and employability of all vulnerable groups of population. • ·To decrease rate of poverty danger for families with unsettled children • ·To overrun disadvantages connected with education • To support integration of gypsy communities PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Interpretation of implementation for NOP/inclusion in the Slovak republic in 2004 – 2006 PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union • Strategic setting for elaboration of the first National Operational Plan for social inclusion in 2004 – 2006 (NOP/inclusion) creates common objectives of EU in this field: • To make easier attendance in employment and approach to all sources, rights, goods and services • To prevent from risks of segregation • To help the most vulnerable groups • To mobilize all relevant subjects PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Aim Employment support and employability support of population with higher possibility of social exclusion Prevention of exclusion by supporting adaptability and mobility of labour force Providing necessary resources for dignified life at the same time support of motivation for independence and self-existence of inhabitants. Simplification of approach to legal aid, health services, good accommodation, accessible means of transport, education and cultural values Creation of conditions for support of family solidarity and prevention from social exclusion of vulnerable groups of population Provision of approach to information-communication technologies on the basis of principle for equal opportunities PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Help for the most vulnerable people Aim: To support social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups of population (immigrants, refugees, children without escort, homeless people…) Provision of complex approach for exclusion of gypsy communities PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Statement of common objectives in this period In 2006-2008 main objectives in new plan for social safekeeping and social inclusion through Open Method of Coordination (OMC – approved in Lisbon summit in 2000) are to support: PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (a) Social solidarity (coherence) Equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all through suitable, accessible, financially maintainable, adaptable and effective systems of social safekeeping and policy of social inclusion PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (b) Effective and reciprocal action among Lisbon goals of higher economic growth, higher amount of working positions as well as bigger social solidarity and Strategy of EU in the field of sustainable development PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (c) Ways of good management, transparency and connection of determining concerned subjects to creation, exercitation and monitoring particular policy PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Following goals are for different areas of life: Determining impact on the process for destruction of poverty and social exclusion has assurance of: PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (d) Approach of all population to resources, rights and services, which are necessary for connection to society, prevention and solving problems of social exclusion and fight against all forms of discrimination, which result to social exclusion (separation from society) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (e) Active social inclusion (connecting) of all population namely: Through support of attendance at labour market and through fight against poverty and social exclusion PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (f) Policy of social inclusion has to be well coordinated and has to involve: all levels of state authority (power) and important members including people who suffer from poverty and this policy has to be effective and polite and it has to participate in all relevant areas and types of state policy including economic and fiscal policy as well as policy of education and trainings respectively programs of European funds (mainly ESF) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (h) Financial sustainability of state (government) and private system for retirement assurance in consideration of pressures on public finance and ageing process of population and its influence on the state budget and it is namely: support of longer working life and active ageing process by balancing allowances and taxes (fees) and it has to be appropriate and socially fair way as well as it has to support price availability and safeness retirement system PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union (i) Retirement systems have to be transparent, well adapted for requirements and rights of women and of men, for requirements of modern society, demographical ageing process and structural changes PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Source: http://www.employment.gov.sk/new/indexphp?SMC=1&jd=10186 PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union What problems do we have to overrun? PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Change of an approach to a problem of social exclusion – sensitisation of society PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Active reception of social inclusion and exclusion (family, group, generational, regional reality around us) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Active civilian approach to events around us – reception of social society needs PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Pressure for using new projects – programmes – agendas of EU (European projects support society – creation of partnership, co-operation, exchange of experience, it is a result of agreement within European society) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Why do we need good practice? (change of an approach, loss of lethargy, active approach) PEP Project
Women's Association of Slovakia This project is co-financed by the European Union Thank you for your attention PEP Project