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How official national inventory data is used as input data for EMEP models. Katarina Mareckova, Robert Wankmueller CEIP - Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections. GMES workshop 10-11 Oct 2011. CEIP – Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections.
How official national inventory data is used as input data for EMEP models Katarina Mareckova, Robert Wankmueller CEIP - Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections GMES workshop 10-11 Oct 2011
CEIP – Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections • CEIP is hosted by the Umweltbundesamt GmbH in Vienna since January 2008 (http://www.ceip.at) • The main tasks are: • Collection of emissions and projections of acidifying air pollutants, heavy metals, particulate matter and photochemical oxidants from Parties to the LRTAP Convention. • Review of submitted data • Assistance of Parties in improving the quality of national inventories • Publication of emission inventories • Support to the UNECE/CLRTAP secretariat • Expert adjustments and preparation of submitted emission data for long-range transport models ( gap filling and gridding)
Review ofsubmitteddata Automatedchecksofformat, completenessandconsistencyoftrendsbeforedataisimportedtothe CEIP DB (RepDab check) Immediate / DirectfeedbacktoParties
Review ofinventoriesunder CLRTAP • MethodsandproceduresforthetechnicalreviewofairpollutantemissioninventoriesreportedundertheConventionanditsprotocols (EB.AIR/GE.1/2007/16) • Stage 1 – automatedtests, countryreportsarepublishedannually (during March) on the CEIP website • Stage 2 – Synthesis andassessmenttests, countrydataispublishedannually(31 May) on the CEIP website • Stage 3 – Centralised in-depthreview, 10 Partiesarereviewedeachyear • A summaryoftheS1 andS2 findingsispublishedin theannualInventory Review Reports http://www.ceip.at/review-process/review-2011
Procedurefor expert adjustments • Extraction of latestyeardataanddatafrompreviousyearsfromthe CEIP database (NFR) • Conversionof 109 NFR categoriesto 11 SNAP sectors • Import of convertedvaluesto Excel spreadsheets – togetherwith „Expert Data“ frompreviousyears – forthegap-fillingprocedure
11 SNAP sectors • S1 - Combustion in energy and transformation industries • S2 - Non-industrial combustion plants • S3 - Combustion in manufacturing industry • S4 - Production processes • S5 - Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy • S6 - Solvent use and other product use • S7 - Road transport • S8 - Other mobile sources and machinery • S9 - Waste treatment and disposal • S10 – Agriculture • S11 - Other sources and sinks NFR to SNAP mapping table: http://www.ceip.at/fileadmin/inhalte/emep/pdf/NFR09_SNAP_GNFR.pdf
Methodsusedforgap-filling • Useofotherofficialyavailabledata(NECD, UNFCCC, IIASA, MSC-W, MSC-E, ENTEC, …) • Linear extrapolationofofficiallysubmitteddataor expert data • Copyof expert datafromthepreviousyear • Shippingemissions IIASA/ENTEC estimates Import of „expert data“ to the CEIP database
Gridding process Base gridforeachcomponent Griddeddatafromofficialsubmissions and otherdatasources Grid Scaler CEIP Database Gap-filled SNAP values(expert data) SectorScaler Grid filesforeachcomponent
Grid Scaler Data sources Gridded national totals reported by Parties Grid-Scaler(Generatebasegridsforeachcomponent) Population distributiondata Griddedsectoraldatafrom TNO (emissiondataderivedfromsatelliteimages) Griddedsectoraldata reported by Parties Large pointsourcedata reported by Parties and the „Genemis Project“
Grid Scaler – Scaling order Official griddedsectordata Combination of population data and reported LPS data(The partitioning is defined by POP_LPS_TNO_RATIO) Combination of Population and LPS data from the „Genemis Project“(The partitioning is defined by POP_LPS_TNO_RATIO) Gridded sectoral data from TNO Only Population data
Grid Scaler – POP_LPS_TNO_RATIO Sector 1 only LPS data Sector 2 only Population data Sector 3 50% Population data / 50% LPS data Sector 4 only LPS data Sector 5 onlygriddedsectoraldatafrom TNO Sector 6 only Population data Sector 7 NOxdistributionfromofficialgriddedsectoraldata OR griddedsectoraldatafrom TNO Sector 8 likeSector 7 Sector 9 isdefined by the „S9_GRID_COUNTRY_RATIO“ (seenextslide) Sector 10 NH3 distributionfromofficialgridded national total data OR griddedsectoraldatafrom TNO
Grid Scaler – S9_GRID_COUNTRY_RATIO • Different weightings of population-, LPS- and TNO- data for each country, whereas • The TNO value defines the percentage of agriculture related waste • The population value defines the percentage of urban population related waste • The LPS value defines the percentage of flaring/oil related waste
Grid Scaler – S9_GRID_COUNTRY_RATIO Definition for each country: • Column 1: Country • Column 2: TNO data weighting • Column 3: Population data weighting • Column 4: LPS data weighting
Grid Scaler – Result (Base grid) The result is a base grid for each component (standardised to 109 per sector and country)
SectorScaler • Allocate the emission values from the gap-filling process regarding the base grids • The result are grid files for each component
Procedureforupdatingthe EMEP database Checking of griddeddata by MSC-W Performingnecessaryupdates Upload ofgriddeddatatothe CEIP database Activationforexperts and publicaccess via the CEIP homepage http://www.ceip.at/emission-data-webdab/emissions-as-used-in-emep-models/
Update ofhistoricalgriddedemissions Differences between previous year‘s gridded and this year‘s re-gridded emissions for the year 2000
Reporting ofemissiondatato EMEP Reporting of gridded sectoral data
Upcoming changes to the EMEP grid Katarina Mareckova, Robert Wankmueller CEIP - Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections GMES workshop 10-11 Oct 2011
Present gridding system • Polar stereographic projection • Grid resolution: 50 x 50 km² • 11 SNAP sectors + National Total • Pollutants • MAIN: NOx, NMVOC, SOx, NH3, CO)(since 2008 by CEIP, before MSC-W) • PM (PM2.5, PMcoarse)(since 2008 by CEIP, before MSC-W) • HM (Pb, Cd, Hg) (since 2009 by CEIP, before MSC-E) • POPs (PCDD/PCDF, HCB, BaP)(since 2010 by CEIP, before MSC-E)
Discussed further modifications to the EMEP grid Change of the grid projection from the current polar-stereographic (PS) grid to geographical coordinates (latitude-longitude grid) Increase of the grid resolution (0.1° x 0.1° or even less) Optional: Reduce only grid size and keep PS projection (10 x 10 km² or 5 x 5 km²) Gridding in GNFR sectors (introduced in 2009 with the new NFR reporting templates) instead of 11 SNAP sectors
Next steps in the development of a new EMEP grid Revision ofthe Reporting Guidelines Decisionofthe EB on futurereportingofgriddeddata Definition oftherequirementsto a newgriddingsystem(Whatis essential andwhatisnicetohave) Timeframeforthedevelopment Griddefinitionforseaareasandtheextendeddomain(Whereshouldbethenewgriddomainborders?) Agreement on GNFR sectorsusedforgridding
Next steps in the development of a new EMEP grid Definition of new „proxy base grids“(Derived from digitised maps, e.g. road network, shipping routes, airports, etc.) Definition of new „base grids“ for the emission distribution of each pollutant and sector Derived from „proxy base grids“ and other spatial data (e.g. LPS data) Transition phase between „old“ and „new“ EMEP grid(data comparability, data migration, re-gridding, etc.) Gridding procedure until the new system is available(Convert reported GNFR grids to SNAP sectors) Specification and implementation of a new gridding software
Current domain borders In polar stereographic projection Extended area of the 50 x 50 km² gridusedsince 2009 50 x 50 km² griduseduntil 2008
Current domain borders In geographic coodinate system (WGS84) 50 x 50 km² griduseduntil 2008 in WGS84 Extended area of the 50 x 50 km² gridusedsince 2009 in WGS84 New domainborders ?
Current and suggested new domain borders Figure provided by MSC-E 30°N-82°N, 30°W-90°E
SNAP Sectors and new GNFR Sectors NFR02 (Level 1) Reported Grid- and LPS data 01 - Combustion in Power Plants and Industry 02a - Transport above 1000m 02b - Transport below 1000m 03 - Commercial, Residential and Other Stationary Combustion 04 - Fugitive Emissions From Fuels 05 - Industrial Processes 06 - Solvent and Other Product Use 07 - Agriculture 08 - Waste S9 - Other (included in National Total) GNFR Sectors NEW A_PublicPower B_IndustrialComb C_SmallComb D_IndProcess E_Fugitive F_Solvents G_RoadRail H_Shipping I_OffRoadMob J_AviLTO K_CivilAviCruise L_OtherWasteDisp M_WasteWater N_WasteIncin O_AgriLivestock P_AgriOther Q_AgriWastes R_Other S_Natural T_IntAviCruise z_Memo Conversion SNAP Sectors Used for gridding S1 - Combustion in energy and transformation industries S2 - Non-industrial combustion plants S3 - Combustion in manufacturing industry S4 - Production processes S5 - Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy S6 - Solvent use and other product use S7 - Road transport S8 - Other mobile sources and machinery S9 - Waste treatment and disposal S10 - Agriculture S11 - Other sources and sinks
New gridded sectors • Proposal for aggregation of the current GNFR sectors to be used in models (for reporting?)
Thankyouverymuchforyourattention http://www.ceip.at