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South Africa!!!

South Africa!!!. Country Study. Q1. Where in the world is South Africa located?.

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South Africa!!!

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  1. South Africa!!! Country Study

  2. Q1. Where in the world is South Africa located? • A1. South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa, and South Africa is located on the African continent, and the oceans surrounding South Africa are the Atlantic ocean to the left and to the right is the Indian Ocean, and South Africa is situated in the southern hemisphere, and it is in the eastern hemisphere relative to the Prime Meridian and IDL, and South Africa is boarded by Lesotho which is completely with South Africa but Swaziland is bordered on the east by Mozambique, so the seas of South Africa are The Indian Ocean from the east and the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and last but not least the neighbors of South Africa are Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lesotho, and Swaziland.

  3. Q2.What do we call people from South Africa? • A2. We call then South African’s and their official languages are Zulu, Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa. Their money is called South African Rand. 10 rand Nelson Mandela Rhinoceros, 20 rand Nelson Mandela Elephants, 50 rand Nelson Mandela Lions, 100 rand Nelson Mandela Cape Buffaloes, 200 rand Nelson Mandela Lepoards.

  4. Q3. What is South Africa’s population? A3. 50,586,757. Q4. What is the capital city A4. Pretoria, Cape town Q5. Who is the leader of this country? A5. Jacob Zuma

  5. Q6. What foods do South Africa eat? • A6.Tortoise, Crayfish, Coconuts, Squash, Salted and Spiced and Dried meat, Beskuit which is a dried sweetened Biscuit, Corn, sweet Potatoes

  6. Q7. Describe the National Flag of this country. • A7. The South African flag has Green in the middle yellow on one outline, black in the shallow part, red at the top, white on the outline of the middle and dark Blue at the bottom. Here is a picture of the Springboks.

  7. Q8. What are the famous natural and man made structures in South Africa? • A8. Natural Structures • A8. Cape point, the Drakensburg mountains, the big hole of Kimberly, the Karoo desert, the Sterkfontein caves • Man-made Structures • The Nelson Mandela statue, The Mandela Bridge, The city centers of Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. I have chosen these ones because they are cool they sound attractive and some of them are adventurous.

  8. Plants and Animals • Q9. Flora Find out about any native plants that are native to South Africa • Nama Karoo, Succulent Karoo, and FynbosFauna Find out about any animals that are native to South Africa • Cheetah, Spotted Hyena, and Lion.

  9. Q10. Find out about 3 famous people of South Africa. • A10. 1. Nelson Mandela is famous because he is a world leader and South African President. • 2. AlbertinaSisuluis famous because she was a political activist and nurse and one of the most important leaders of anti-Apartheid resistance in South Africa. • 3. François Pienaar is famous because he was the South African rugby captain in 1995 world cup.

  10. Traveling • Q11. If you travel to this country what are the 10 things you would do? • I would go to beaches, see their money, check my house, play around, see the leader, president, see their sporting leaders, explore, watch tv, and read!!!.

  11. Celebrations • Q12. What are their celebrations and important festivals? • GrahamstownFestival, Cape town Jazz festival and Aardklop Arts Festival.

  12. Thank you for watching this power point • By Austin

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