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The Leading EDGE ™ / The Teaching EDGE ™. Harry Potter aka Deb Couls Jenn Wayne aka Jennifer Mallory. The Leading EDGE ™. Effective leaders usually have more than one leadership style
The Leading EDGE™/The Teaching EDGE™ Harry Potter aka Deb Couls Jenn Wayne aka Jennifer Mallory
The Leading EDGE™ • Effective leaders usually have more than one leadership style • A key to good leadership is to match the style of leadership to the people and the stage of the team’s development Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable
The Teaching EDGE™ A team’s success depends on learning new skills The leader is responsible for providing skill instruction Match instruction to learner’s enthusiasm and skill Use Teaching EDGE™ Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable
Stage of Team DevelopmentForming The Leading EDGE™ • High enthusiasm and motivation/low skills • Forming requires Explaining
The Teaching EDGE™ Explain / Forming • Enthused and motivated to learn • Skill level low Explain exactly what to do and how to do it
Stage of Team DevelopmentStorming The Leading EDGE™ • Low enthusiasm/low skills • Storming requires Demonstrating
The Teaching EDGE™ Demonstrate / Storming • Realizes the skill may not be easy to master • Enthusiasm and motivation are low • Skills level still low Demonstrate by clearly showing what to do and how to do it
Stage of Team DevelopmentNorming The Leading EDGE™ • Rising enthusiasm/growing skills • Norming requires Guiding or Coaching
The Teaching EDGE™ Guide / Norming • Skill level increases • Motivation and enthusiasm increases Guide by giving freedom to figure out things, supporting with encouragement, and helping to move closer to the goal
The Leading EDGE™ Stage of Team DevelopmentPerforming • High enthusiasm/high skills • Performing usually requires Enabling
The Teaching EDGE™ Enable / Performing • Skills and enthusiasm are high • Learner can act independently and be very productive Enable the person by giving them the freedom to make decisions
Summary A team responds best to leadership tailored to the stage the team is experiencing at the moment A learner responds best to skill instruction tailored to the stage of skill development the individual is experiencing at the moment
Summary The Leading EDGE™ acronym describes the behavior of a leader as the team moves through the stages of development The Teaching EDGE™ acronym describes the behavior of a skills instructor as the learner moves through the stages of development