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SIXTH MONTHLY REPORT 2013/14. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police 15 th October 2013. Civilian Secretariat for Police. 1 st Quarter Expenditure. 2 nd Quarter Expenditure (Cumulative). 2 nd Quarter Expenditure Summary (Cumulative). Proposed 2013/14 Budget Adjustments.
SIXTH MONTHLY REPORT 2013/14 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Police 15th October 2013 Civilian Secretariat for Police
ADMINISTRATION • Office of the Secretary • Greater coordination of MINMEC meetings through better use of reporting • Alignment of Provinces progressing with all provinces now establishing Secretariat structures • Process to becoming a designated department being finalised 2. Human Resource Management • Approved disciplinary policy being implemented • Approved Human Resource plan being implemented • Skills audit finalised • Improved monitoring of compliance issues related to sick leave, recruitment, selection, and attendance 3. Supply Chain Management • Procurement planning introduced for all units and monitoring of performance against plan. • Supply Chain Management policy finalised and being workshopped with Units • Finalised physical asset verification 4. Financial Management • Shared services with IPID as opposed to SAPS being developed • Better budget monitoring implemented • Treasury engaged regarding final requirements for designated department
PARTNERSHIPS 1. Civil Society Partnerships • Western Cape faith based engagements were initiated as part of implementing crime prevention and safety programmes (focus is on youth and the elderly) • Agreement reached between Civics and Unions on implementation of crime prevention initiatives. Working groups established with FAWU and police unions • Established a working group with Traditional leaders in Limpopo • Buy in from stakeholders to launch the campaign. Awaiting launch date 2. Intergovernmental Relations • The target was to establish 8 by the end of second quarter, but 16 were established • All provinces now have CSF facilitation forums which are being monitored on a quarterly basis • Extended working relations with Cogta,/Salga. GIZ is assisting with facilitation. • Developed a programme with Department of Social Development on the participation of Provincial Departments of Safety on the social sector EPWP 3. Community Outreach • Target of five Izimbizo/Public Participation outreach meetings were held in (Mannenburg, Gugulethu, Mitchel’s Plain, Phillipi and Jabulani) • The CPF training committee was established and a manual is being drafted • Participation in the Eldorado Park area. Focus on Drug abuse
PARTNERSHIPS 4. Public Private Partnerships • Engagements held with the University of Johannesburg to focus specifically on student safety • Second phase of visit hosted jointly by CSP/Agri SA and FAWU now being rolled out • Small Business Anti-Robbery Strategy finalised and approved FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY
POLICY & RESEARCH 1. Policy • The Green Paper on Policing was approved for public comment by Cabinet & provincial consultations were held between June & August • All submissions were considered & the drafting of the White Paper on Policing commenced • Consultation and research completed for Use of Force Policy. Currently at drafting phase • Finalised responses for the detective dialogue & presented to the Portfolio Committee on Police Commenced with drafting a Detection Policy 2. Research • An assessment of crimes in rural areas (3 provinces) was conducted and a report was developed (Special project) • Finalized together with Provincial Secretariats, Rural Safety project proposal and questionnaires • International conference being finalized for early 2014 and study tour at end 2013 3. Resource Information Centre • Installation of the Library cataloguing system • Police legislation database developed • All reports relating to policing dealt with in Parliament were collated
LEGISLATION • Finalisation of the Dangerous Weapons Bill • Introduced Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Bill 2012 • Finalised and presented to Parliament the policy on Selection of Offences for DPCI • Tabled National Instructions on Fingerprint Legislation • Finalised with Provinces Regulations for the Secretariats • Tabled the Protection from Harassment National Instructions • Conducted a diagnostic assessment of Review of South African Police Service Act
MONITORING & EVALUATION 1. Police Performance • 117 oversight visits based on the National Monitoring Tool (NMT) were conducted instead of the 110 planned (the figure excludes Q2 visits). A trends analysis report based on the visits was produced. • An analysis of the SAPS 2014/15 APP was produced. • Phase I of the Frontline Service Delivery project was undertaken. 94 of the 100 sampled police stations were visited. Phase II (follow-up visits) will be conducted during this quarter and the final report is due by the end of the 2013/14 fy. 2. Police Conduct • 254 service delivery complaints were handled and an analysis thereof compiled. • Established a working group to develop a complaints management system for the organization • Facilitated the implementation of IPID recommendations through a joint forum comprising of SAPS, IPID and CSP • Analysis of the quality of IPID recommendations conducted 3. Compliance • 61 DVA Audits were conducted for Q1. Reports for Q2 are due by 18 October 2013. • The DVA report to Parliament was compiled and presented to the Portfolio Committee on Police and the National Council of Provinces. • A dialogue on Improved police response towards safe, violent free communities for women and girls washeld with civil society and government departments.
MONITORING & EVALUATION 4. Evaluations • Finalisation of the evaluation of the Resolving of Crime (ROC) report • Developed TORs and tools for the following evaluations: • Quasi-experimental evaluation of ROC • Implementation evaluation of SAPS Garages – Outsourcing FACTORS IMPACTING ON SERVICE DELIVERY