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Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics. Welcome to Part 2 of Residential Health Training
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics Welcome to Part 2 of Residential Health Training This section of the course is designed to assist Direct Support Professionals in learning basic concepts to support the health and safety of individuals with developmental disabilities. Be aware that information and concepts presented in one lesson may extend and be used in subsequent lessons. It is therefore important to complete the lessons in the order in which they are listed. You are required to read all information contained in this course, including linked information. The following lessons are included in this module: • A Few Points on Health Training Basics • Advocacy and Sources of Health Information • What is “Typical” for the Individual? • Documentation www.systemsbiology.org/images/HumanBody.jpg Page 1 of 7
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics Lesson 5 of Residential Health Training • This lesson will cover: • A Few Points on Health Training Basics Page 2 of 7
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics Health Training Individuals with developmental disabilities should receive the same health-related services that are available to all Oklahomans. However, there are many challenges that these individuals face in living safe and healthy lives, and they often require assistance in making their voices heard. As a Direct Support Professional, you are often the first to recognize that an individual with developmental disabilities is experiencing a health problem. Quick recognition that a problem exists and diligence in assuring that the individual receives needed health care is critical to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual you support. Page 3 of 7
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics LEARNING EXERCISE – Why do we humans make such good caregivers? It is because the human brain is such an amazing thing! We are so good at recognizing patterns that we can often make sense out of the most complex and confusing information. Look at the following paragraph for a few moments. Can you read it? Olny srmat pleope can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, sohws it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Pretty neat, huh? This ability to take confusing information and make it understandable is one of our greatest gifts. Page 4 of 7
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics LEARNING EXERCISE – While we really excel at recognizing patterns, we have to be careful. Recognizing health problems in other people can be complicated. We are sometimes too quick in our assessment of a problem. Pay attention to the details. If you know the person well, and are truly engaged in providing care, you can pick up on subtle signs that something is wrong. Learn to trust your intuition. If something doesn’t seem quite right to you, there probably is reason for concern. Count every “F” in the following text: FINISHING FIRST IS THE RESULT OF YEARS OF STUDY AND OF THE ABILITES, DETERMINATION AND EXPERIENCE OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY TO FINISH AND FURNISH THE FILES THEY HAVE ON THIS INFORMATION Click to reveal answer: How MANY did you count??? We often don’t count the “F” in the word OF. Our brains are very good at quickly building a picture, but be careful not to miss important details. As Direct Support Staff, we may need to really LOOK at the details of an individual’s health issues. You will also be responsible for accurately documenting on required forms and following protocols that tell us what to do and when to do it. You must be precise in what you do. It is a LEGAL responsibility! Page 5 of 7
Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics A Word About Policy Throughout these lessons specific examples of relevant policies will be provided to familiarize you with how they are used and monitored. For example: The Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) is responsible for the enforcement of rules and policies pertaining to the care of individuals with developmental disabilities living in Oklahoma. DDSD policies are available to you and your agency online at: http://www.okdhs.org/divisionsoffices/visd/ddsd/ OAC 340:100-5-26 HEALTH AND WELLNESS (b)(2) DDSD staff and contract providers implement procedures to promote the health and wellness of each service recipient, including procedures related to: (A) accessing emergency medical intervention; (B) initiating first aid and cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR); (C) promoting disease prevention; (D) addressing issues associated with aging; (E) medication administration per OAC 340:100-5-32; (F) health related services per OAC 340.100-5-26.3; (G) assisting the service recipient to access medical and dental services when needed; and (H) identifying and addressing service recipient needs per OAC 340:100-5-50 through 340:100-5-58. DID YOU KNOW: Policies are reviewed by the Oklahoma State Legislature and signed by the Governor. Staff who know policy related to ensuring the health and wellness of the individuals they support are less likely to experience problems. Page 6 of 7
Congratulations! Course: DDSD Residential Health Training – Part 2 Lesson 5: A Few Points on Health Training Basics You have completed Lesson 5 in the Residential Health Training course. You may now take the test. Good Luck! Page 7 of 7