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Kingdom Animalia

Explore the characteristics and classification of animals in the Kingdom Animalia, including their movement, reproduction, size, habitats, body structures, symmetry, and major phyla. Learn about invertebrates such as sponges, cnidarians, mollusks, flatworms, annelids, and arthropods, as well as vertebrates including fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals.

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Kingdom Animalia

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  1. Kingdom Animalia

  2. ~ Characteristics ~ Multi-cellular Eukaryotic with no cell walls Heterotrophs (consumers) motile

  3. Characteristics Cont.Animal Movement • Motile, mobile • Most animals are capable of complex and relatively rapid movement compared to plants and other organisms.

  4. Animal Reproduction • Most animals reproduce sexually, by differentiated haploid cells (eggs & sperm). • Most animals are diploid, meaning that the cells of adults contain two copies of the genetic material.

  5. Characteristics of Life 1. Living things are organized. 2. Living things are made up of cells. 3. Living things metabolize. 4. Living things maintain an internal environment. 5. Living things grow. 6. Living things respond. 7. Living things reproduce. 8. Living things evolve.

  6. a mesozoan bluewhale Animal Sizes • Animals range in size from no more than a few cells to organisms weighing many tons

  7. Animal Habitats • Most animals inhabit the seas, with fewer in fresh water and even fewer on land.

  8. Animal Cell Diagram

  9. Animal Bodies • The bodies of most animals are made up of cells organized into tissues. • Each tissue is specialized to perform specific functions. Cells->tissues->organs->organ sys >organism

  10. Animal Symmetry • Describes how animal body structures are arranged • Allows animals to move in different ways • Cnidarians and echinoderms are radially symmetrical. • Most animals are bilaterally symmetrical.

  11. Symmetry: • The most primitive animals are asymmetrical: No symmetry

  12. Radial Symmetry • forms that can be divided into similar halves by more than two planes passing through it. • Animals with radial symmetry are usually sessile, free-floating, or weakly swimming.

  13. Radial Symmetry

  14. Bilateral Symmetry • Animals with bilateral symmetry are most well-suited for directional movement.

  15. Bilateral Symmetry

  16. ~Invertebrates~ • No backbones • 95% of all animals are in this group

  17. ~ Protection and Support ~ • exoskeleton – a hard, waxy coating on the outside of the body • endoskeleton – support framework within the body

  18. ~Invertebrate Phylum Porifera~ • Sponges • simplest form of animal life • live in water • Do not move around • no symmetry • 5000 species

  19. ~Invertebrate Phylum Porifera~ • Examples: Tube Sponge, Glass Sponge, Sea Sponge

  20. ~Invertebrate Phylum Cnidaria~ • Live in water • Most have tentacles • catch food with stinging cells • gut for digesting

  21. ~Invertebrate Phylum Cnidaria~ • 2 different shapes • Medusa - like a jellyfish • Polyp - like a hydra

  22. ~Invertebrate Phylum Cnidaria~ • Examples - Jellyfish, Hydra, sea anemones, and corals

  23. ~Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca ~ • Soft bodies • Hard Shells • Live on land or in water • have a circulatory system and a complex nervous system. • Important food source for humans

  24. ~Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca ~ Class Gastropoda • snails and slugs • may have 1 shell • stomach-footed - move on stomach

  25. ~Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca ~ Class Bivalves • 2 shells hinged together • clams, oysters, scallops and mussels

  26. ~Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca ~ Class Cephalopods • squids and octopuses • internal mantel

  27. ~Invertebrate Phylum Platyhelminthes: worms ~ • FlatwormsExample: Planaria, tape worms • Flat, ribbon-like body • Live in water or are parasites • lives in intestines of host absorbing food • bilateral symmetry • Regeneration- regrow body parts

  28. ~Invertebrate : Flat WORMS Cont.~ • eyespots detect light • scavengers & predators • lives in intestines of host absorbing food • food and waste go in and out the same opening

  29. Examples of flat worms

  30. ~InvertebratePhylum Annelida ~ Are Segmented worms Have Body divided into segments (sections) • Live in water or underground • have a nervous and circulatory system

  31. ~InvertebrateAnnelida Cont~ • Earthworms • eat soil and breakdown organic matter, wastes provide nutrients to soil

  32. More annelids: segmented worms • leeches • parasites that feed on blood of other animals

  33. ~Invertebrate Phylum Arthropod ~ • Body divided into sections/segments • Exoskeleton – outer • Molt – shed exoskeletons as they grow • Jointed appendages (legs) • well developed nervous system • largest group of organisms on earth

  34. ~Invertebrate Phylum Arthropod ~ • Include the classes: • Crustaceans, arachnids, centipedes, millipedes, and ***Class insecta • Classified into classes according to the number of legs, eyes and antennae they have.

  35. ~Invertebrate Phylum Arthropods~ • Insects- 3 body sections • Head – antenna • Thorax – midsection (wings and legs) • Abdomen – (internal organs/structures) • grasshoppers, ants, butterflies, bees

  36. ~ Phylum Chordata: Vertebrata~ 5 classes • Fish • Mammals • Reptiles • Amphibians • Birds

  37. Fish • Are cold-blooded • Have gills and scales • Live in water • Have a Backbone

  38. These are Fish:

  39. Fish have Backbones

  40. Reptiles: • Have scales • Live on land • Are cold-blooded • Usually lay eggs • Have a Backbone

  41. These are Reptiles Crush!!!

  42. Reptiles have Backbones

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