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European Revolutions

European Revolutions. Clash of Philosophies. Conservatives - Wealthy property owners. Protect monarchies Liberals - Middle-Class. Power to parliaments, but only educated landowners vote Radicals - democracy to all. Ideals of Fr. Rev. Nationalism Develops.

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European Revolutions

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  1. European Revolutions

  2. Clash of Philosophies • Conservatives - Wealthy property owners. Protect monarchies • Liberals - Middle-Class. Power to parliaments, but only educated landowners vote • Radicals - democracy to all. Ideals of Fr. Rev.

  3. Nationalism Develops • Def - Belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be with the king or empire, but to a nation of people who share common identity and culture • Nation-State - Nation has own independent gov’t. Defend nation and way of life • Most who believed were liberals and radicals

  4. Nationalists Challenge Conservatives (Greeks) • Ruled by Ottomans • Russians felt close - Orthodox • Euro’s and Americans liked Greek culture • 1827 - British, French, Russians defeat Ottomans • 1830 - Independent kingdom of Greece

  5. 1830s Uprisings Crushed • Congress of Vienna breaking down • Many revolt • 1830 - Belgium declared independence from Dutch • Italy - trying to unite - Metternich sends in troops • Poles revolt in Warsaw - Russians crush

  6. 1848 Revolutions Fail to Unite • Many throughout Europe • Liberals made gains, but didn’t last

  7. Radicals Change France • King Charles X tries to return to absolute monarchy • Riots --> Charles flees to GB --> Louis Philippe replaced

  8. Third Republic • After 18 yrs, Louis-Philippe falls from power • Paris Mob --> overturned --> Republic --> Falls apart immediately --> Radicals Split --> political reform vs. political, social, and economic --> 1848 Moderate Constitution Drawn up --> Parliament and Strong President

  9. France Accepts a Strong Ruler • Louis-Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon - won presidential election • Built Railroads, encouraged industrialization, public works --> Prosperity

  10. Reform in Russia • Nobles had power over serfs • 1820s - Many believed serfdom must end • Czars reluctant

  11. Defeat Brings Change • 1853 - Industries and transportation failed in Crimean War • Alexander II decided to move toward modernization

  12. Russia - Reform and Reaction • Freed serfs in 1861 • Political and social reforms • Alexander II killed in 1881 • A III pushed industrialization and nationalism • Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Jews, Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks • Russification - Force Russian culture on all ethnic groups…Bad idea

  13. Ottoman Empire • Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, Armenians • Pressure from British and French to grant equal citizenship • Armenian massacres

  14. Italy • Camillo di Cavour - Victor Emmanuel II • Expanded Piedmont-Sardinia --> took most of Northern Italy • Cavour helps nationalist rebels in S. Italy • Giueseppe Garibaldi - Captured Sicily • Eventually Venetia and the Papal States

  15. Germany • 1815 - German Confederation - 39 states • Prussia --> mainly German population • Nat’lism unified Prussia • Wilhelm I chose Otto von Bismarck as Prime Minister • Many border wars

  16. Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires • Austrian Empire Breaks up • Russian Empire Crumbles • Ottomans Weaken • Italy United • Germany United

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