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Welcome to Back to School Night!

Welcome to Back to School Night!. Mrs. Jill Raaf Room 31. Mrs. Jill Raaf English/Social Studies Email: jraaf@conejousd.org ( b est way to contact me) Website: mrsraaf.com. English.

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Welcome to Back to School Night!

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  1. Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Jill Raaf Room 31

  2. Mrs. Jill Raaf English/Social StudiesEmail: jraaf@conejousd.org(best way to contact me)Website: mrsraaf.com

  3. English * Spelling/Root Words Alternate Weeks* Reading – Non-Fiction & Fiction* Writing – Constantly * Core Literature Not SSR BooksNeed Books – neighbors, older sibs, friends* Grammar and Parts of Speech Integrated* Projects – Book Reports, S. Studies, Units

  4. Essays * One main type of writing (essay) per trimester* Always work on essays in class * teacher assistance and guidance* Peer reviews and editing checklist* Students start work on their writing assignments in class.* Homework assignments given at that time will allow them to concentrate on their writing. * Therefore, there should be no excuses

  5. Reading Levels and Book Reports * Reading comprehension test via computer last week to determine student’s reading levels* Students read books within their designated reading levels* 6th graders expected to read 20 minutes per school day* Once a trimester, students will complete a creative book report to show comprehension

  6. Social Studies * Thinking Like…* Early Humans* Ancient Civilizations – Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China* Fiction and Non-Fiction * Integrated Units* Projects – Reading, Writing, Cross Curricular Units

  7. Group Projects and Research Report * Students will periodically be given the opportunity to work in groups to complete projects and assignments. * Encourages teamwork & peer collaboration * Careful with Plagiarism * The students will conduct research and creating a unique project based on a Greek God or Goddess of their choice.

  8. Tests and Quizzes * For all large tests, study guides are provided.* Spelling Tests *Students who receive a 100% on the pre-test will automatically receive a 100% on the test and will have alternative words for all homework assignments that week.* All grades are recorded on Q

  9. Homework * No Late Homework Accepted! *Will complete at lunch *Same day = full credit assignment/not homework credit* Late Big Projects= dramatic point reduction * 1 letter grade deduction for every school day assignment is late.* Classwork & homework can be found on Mrs. Raaf’swebsite at: mrsraaf.com* If your student is absent, please encourage him/her to visit the website to find what class work and homework they missed prior to coming back to class.

  10. What You Can Do * Provide an effective learning environment * Encourage use of technology and/or resources * i.e. dictionary, thesaurus, computer, internet when appropriate* Provide required supplies both in and out of schoolOn website 

  11. What You Can Do *Check Agenda Book and/or Website Daily * www.mrsraaf.com**Check Binder Daily as part of HW * Insist on Organization** Both Students (and) parents can use!Website

  12. Mrs. Raaf’s Website mrsraaf.com * Information about Mrs. Raaf& English/S.S. Classes* Daily Classwork & Homework* Supply ListsIn Process…* Links to L.C. Website, Zangle/Q for Parents, L.C. School Calendar * Extra Handouts & Power Point Presentations* Useful Study Tools & Websites * Please encourage students to visit the website when they are absent so they can keep up with their work! *

  13. What You Can Do * Notify me via email Bad dayConcern Need* Allow/Encourage your student to email meHW QuestionsConfusionClarification NeededProblem or Need* jraaf@conejousd.org

  14. What You Can Do * Check Q to ensure your student is staying up to date with their assignments* Keep assignments until verified in Q…file for the trimester* This can give you up to date info on missing work or test/quiz grades

  15. Q Parent Connect *Student Has Log In Information * Parent Info from office!

  16. Mrs. Raaf’s Classroom Wish List * pencils, Sharpies, highlighters, file folders, paper (colored and white and notebook), tissues, sanitizing wipes, tape, blue or black pens, colored pencils, rulers, erasers *

  17. THANK YOU!!! Thank you for attending Back to School Night. It was a pleasure meeting all of you! I look forward to working with you and your child to make the transition to middle school a complete success.

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