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First Aid

This video provides an introduction to CPR and First Aid for Grade 10 P.E. students. Learn the objectives of First Aid, safety measures, CPR steps, and the importance of personal protective equipment.

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First Aid

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  1. First Aid CPR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhy54miOmlM Grade 10 P.E

  2. Introduction to First Aid • Objectives of First Aid: • Preserve Life • Prevent the illness or Injury from becoming worse • Promote Recovery

  3. Safety and Personal Protection • 3 types of Risk: • Energy source that causes the original Injury • Hazards from secondary or external factors • Hazard of the rescue or first aid procedures • Personal Protective Equipment • -Gloves • -Hand Washing • -Disposable Mask (for CPR)

  4. CPR Introduction • Cardiac Arrest: When the heart stops pumping. • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) • Two Basic life support skills: • Artificial Respiration and Artificial Circulation

  5. CPR Video • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaSovqEimyA

  6. CPR Steps • Step 1:Survey the Scene • -Take charge of the situation • -Call out for Help to attract bystanders • -Assess hazards and make the area safe • -Find out the history of the emergency, how many casualties there are and the mechanism(s)s of injury • -Identify yourself as a first aider and offer to help • -Assess responsiveness

  7. CPR Steps • Step 2: Primary Survey • -ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) • -Check the Airway • -Check for Breathing • -Check for Circulation

  8. CPR Steps • Step 3:Position the Casualty • -Place them face up (protecting the head and neck during movement) • -Make sure they are on a firm, flat surface • -Kneel so your hands can be placed mid-chest. Place hands in the center of the upper chest and your shoulders directly over your hands. Keep elbows locked.

  9. CPR steps • Step 4: Compressions • -Give 30 compressions (Push Hard! Push Fast!) • -Press the heels of your hands straight down on the breastbone • -Depth of each compression should be at least 2 inches • -Release pressure at the top of each compression to allow the chest to return to resting position • -Compressions 100 per minute- Count them out loud to help give yourself a rhythm

  10. CPR Steps • Step 5: Ventilations • -Open Airway (tilt the head and lift the chin) • -Breathe into the casualty twice- each breath should take about 1 second (enough air to make the chest rise) • One cycle is 30:2 (compressions to ventilations)

  11. CPR Steps • Step 6: Continue CPR • -until the casualty begins to respond, a medical personal arrives and takes over CPR, or another first aider takes over CPR or you are too exhausted to continue

  12. Review • Step 1: Survey the Scene • Step 2: Primary Survey • Step 3: Position the Casualty • Step 4: Compressions • Step 5: Ventilations • Step 6: Continue CPR

  13. Stayin’ Alive • In groups find a space to practice CPR • If you need help to find a rhythm, think of the song “Stayin’ Alive” while giving compressions

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