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Education Subcommittee

Education Subcommittee. Mark W. Hilburger AIAA Structures Technical Committee Denver, CO 5 April, 2011. EdSC Mission. To provide students and educators access to activities and information that highlight aerospace structures and engineering. EdSC members.

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Education Subcommittee

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  1. Education Subcommittee Mark W. Hilburger AIAA Structures Technical Committee Denver, CO 5 April, 2011

  2. EdSCMission • To provide students and educators access to activities and informationthat highlight aerospace structures and engineering

  3. EdSCmembers • Mark Hilburger – NASA/LaRC, Chair • Lisa Hardaway - Ball Aerospace • Michael Wollf - Gulfstream Aerospace • John Zipay – NASA/JSC • Need a few additional members from academia to round out the team.

  4. Proposed EdSCOutput • Provide web-based information/curricula/podcasts to enhance existing materials • AIAA • K12 organizations • Collaborate with existing organizations to • Review existing on-line information • Inform of upcoming events/opportunities for students and teachers

  5. AIAA Website • K-12 Programs • University Educators • Design Competitions • Scholarships • Career Center

  6. Some K12 websites • teachengineering.org • egfi-k12.org • engineeringyourlife.org

  7. TEACH Engineering

  8. eGFI Podcast

  9. Action #1 • Gather information on existing education and outreach programs • YOU (TC members) • Lisa Bacon & Stephen Brock @ AIAA • Find effective ways to make existing information useful/accessible to more people • AIAA website/ AIAA Educator Associate • Coordination with other organizations ASEE/ASME/NAE

  10. Action #2 • Create a list of topic areas for new web-based information (short articles or podcasts). • Research, testing, manufacturing, operations, etc. • Content should include some basic engineering/science principles (math) and then relate to a bigger picture problem/activity

  11. Backup Charts

  12. First EdSCplanning meeting • Brain-storming session • What do we want to do? • How? • What • Provide students with opportunities to see/engage in hands-on educational/research activities • Provide educators with tools, information to help enrich their lesson plans • Address any specific AIAA needs (AIAA POC Lisa Bacon?)

  13. First EdSCplanning meeting • How • CD/DVD on Aerospace Structures Careers • Student competitions • Facility tours • Summer internship (undergrad, grad) • Career Workshops • Web-based activities and educational information • Focused information packets/lesson plans for educators • Leverage existing/mature forums/organizations

  14. First EdSCplanning meeting • Determine target age group: College Soph.-Jrs. • Felt they get left out of many opportunities • Critical time (help connect the dots between education and career path)

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