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New Ofsted framework 2009. Family and Children’s Scrutiny 18 February 2010. Rationale for change.
New Ofsted framework 2009 Family and Children’s Scrutiny 18 February 2010 Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Rationale for change • ‘The key challenges for Ofsted are to help improve the weakest, to prevent those that are improving from slipping back…….and to recognise and disseminate the features of good practice.’ (HMCI’s Annual Report 2007/08) • Ensure that inspection has an even greater impact on school improvement • Use Ofsted’s resources even more efficiently and effectively by focusing them where there is the greatest need – proportionate inspection • Involve and inform parents and pupils to an even greater degree Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Principles of inspection and regulation • Support and promote improvement • Be proportionate • Focus on needs of users • Focus on needs of the providers • Be transparent and consistent • Be accountable • Demonstrate value for money Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Introduction The new framework • What happens? Before the inspection • Almost all schools will have two working days notice • Lead inspector prepares offsite and has an extended telephone conversation with the head • Lead inspector sends pre inspection briefing before inspection starts • Questionnaires to parents or carers by school Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Main changes What happens? During the inspection • Additional ½ a day inspector time for safeguarding • Similar to current section 5: e.g. discussions with pupils, scrutiny of work, scrutiny of pupils’ records, review of school’s documents • Discussions with senior staff about the impact of their role • Discussions with pupils • Analysis of parents’ questionnaires • Inspectors and senior staff discuss recommendations • Feedback at the end of the inspection Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Main changes New structure with the following judgements feeding into the final summative judgements… • Outcomes – how well are pupils doing taking account of any variation? (contains 7 prime judgements) • How effective is the provision? (contains 3 judgements) • How effective are leadership and management? (contains 8 judgements) • How effective is the Early Years Foundation Stage? (contains 4 judgements) • How effective is the sixth form? (contains 4 judgements) • - flow chart Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Main changes Summative judgements – drawn from previous areas: • Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils • The school’s capacity for sustained improvement The above two judgements together with each aspect of quality of provision informs the final judgement: • Overall effectiveness – how good is the school? • - flow chart Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Outcomes - how well are pupils doing taking account of any variation? Contains 7 prime judgements (Including outcomes for the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision) Attainment Quality of pupils’ learning and progress Quality of learning and progress for pupils with SEND Achieve and enjoy Feel safe Behaviour Healthy lifestyles Contribution to the community Economic well being, including attendance SMSC Learning and development 0 -19 Service
How effective is the provision? Contains 3 judgements (Including provision for the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision) Quality of teaching including the use of assessment to support learning Curriculum Care, guidance and support Learning and development 0 -19 Service
How effective are leadership and management?Contains 8 judgements) (Including L & M for the sixth form, EYFS and boarding provision) Embedding ambition & driving improvement, including the leadership and management of teaching and learning Governance Parents Partnerships Equality of opportunity Safeguarding Community Cohesion Value for money Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Evaluation Schedule: Flowchart Capacity for sustained improvement Leadership & Management Provision Outcomes Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils Overall effective-ness: How good is the school? Overall effective-ness and capacity to improve of 6th, EYFS & boarding L & M of .. 6th, EYFS & boarding Provision of 6th, EYFS & boarding Outcomes of 6th, EYFS & boarding Reported separately Learning and development 0 -19 Service
How judgements are built up Pupils’ attainment • Made in relation to National standards • Pattern over last three years • Take account of the evidence of pupils’ current performance • Raise online is used to form a preliminary view of attainment and to look at the performance of groups • Where the final year in a school is not at the end of a key stage, the evidence base will come from the school’s own evaluation of pupils’ attainment, supported by records and examples of pupil work. Judgement form Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Special schools and attainment • “There are some special schools, however, where the cognitive abilities of the pupils are so severely restricted that it would be unreasonable to limit the judgement about achievement because of low attainment. Where an inspector judges that attainment is unlikely ever to rise above low, it is legitimate to allow the learning and progress judgement alone to determine the judgement for achievement. In these circumstances, inspectors will not make a judgement about attainment and will place an asterisk in the grade box for attainment.” Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Do all judgements have the same weighting? Limiting judgements • Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils • Capacity for sustained improvement • Equalities and discrimination • Safeguarding If the school is judged to be inadequate in any of these strands, its overall effectiveness is also likely to be inadequate. Learning and development 0 -19 Service
Main changes Reports • The intention is to provide a greater focus in reports on: - improvement since the last inspection - achievement and well-being of different pupil groups and equalities issues - teaching and learning - safeguarding issues - leadership/management & capacity for sustained improvement Learning and development 0 -19 Service
The new framework • What happens? After the inspection • A greater percentage of satisfactory schools will be monitored from September 2009 • The categories for special measures and notice to improve remain the same; monitoring arrangements unchanged • What will determine whether or not a school is inspected more frequently than every five years? • Overall grade for the school is satisfactory • Drop in data Learning and development 0 -19 Service